Hello studs and muffin pies. The great New Years is approaching soon and Ive decided to Party with my audience and friends. When the clock strikes 12am eastern we will start partying and will celebrate the New Year. Were gonna get wasted and shit faced. Its gonna be funny. Now....at 12am eastern when New Year starts a HUGE contest begins. So im asking all my fans, if ya can,,to save all ur tips for this festive night so it really counts. I will also be only 50cpm for the entire day and night. Im gonna do the 24 hour thing again. Work all day and night,,no sleep to win this. I hope I dont sound like a credit hore. I dont want my friends pressured by this. I only want u to help me if U want to help me. If u can.Great.If u cant, hey thats cool too. I just have to get the word out thats all. For the whole month just chill in my room. You dont have to tip. Id rather u save for this big night. The reason im working so hard is because im getting close to buying a car. Ive been carless for 6 months now and im sick of it. I want to get my car back. So this BIG night will probably put the iceing on the cake. Ive been saving up for a long time. I dont party, and I dont spend my money. I just work and work. So hopefully this night will work for me. Thank you to all my fans for all the support. You guys make me smile. So for this night fill your glasses. Pack some bowls. Lets celebrate the New Year together and get fucked up. Everyones invited. See ya guys at the Party. Cheeers!!PS- All loans from the Bank of Izzi Shall be paid back with interest when this night starts. You guys know who you are. You came through last time. And I know you will this time as well. I love you guys.
As all of you know Black Friday is coming. On this day everyone goes crazy. So for Friday the 25th get ready for a full day of Party Chats and Group Chats. I will also be only 70cpm for private shows. On this night im gonna do something really hilarious near the end of the night. So I hope most of you are around to see it. My mission in life is to make people laugh,,and this night I will do so. Were gonna do some crazy group chats for sure. For example....the Cum Drop Race LOL. It will be a funny and sexualy charged night. I hope all of you are there to support me. Now for the following Tuesday 29th after the weekend Im doing something insane. On Tuesday 29th I will be working a full 24 Hours on the sight....no sleep. I will be at a amazing discount price of only 50cpm. This day is very important for me. I have a chance of winning 1000 Dollers. So to all my fans,,plz help me the most on this day. I need it. A full day of 50cpm. This discount is very rare indeed. Take advantage of it while its there. After you read this message,,let me know what ya think. All Loans from the Bank of Izzi will also be paid on this Tuesday 29th. Its a special day. Help me do this guys. Ive never won 1000 bucks before. Help me make my day and fill me with joy.
I am now introdusing the new Bank Of Izzi. Heres how it works. If you have been a fan of mine for a long time and have spent over 10 000 Credits on me in the last 6 months then you qualify for a PVT loan. If you want a show we will first discuss how long it is and how much credits it will be. I will then perform a free show for you in Party Chat. The credits that you owe me will be paid in TIPS on a day in the month when I need them. Usually for contests days. I am offering this only to my loved friends on here. And you all know who you are. Caution- This new feature is all about trust. If I do the free party chat show and im NOT paid on the date that me and cleint discussed I will loose ALL respect for that person. And things wont be the same anymore in friendship or anything. I dont take being fucked over very lightley,so plz be careful and think before you use this option. Its all about trust and faith here. I will always have a date planned when credits are to be owed. Everything will be written down and discused and planned. I hope to see alot of you using this option. As it will help me on my crusade on this web sight.
To all my loving fans. This Friday coming up is a very special night for me. I have the chance of winning 500 bucks. In order to get this I need everyones help. Several of my best fans are going to have very LARG tipping waves in my room this night. 1000 credit tips and pledges to help me do this. Anyone else can tag along with what ever u can pitch in. There will also be alot of FREE party chat shows in which no one has to tip if they dont want to. More tips would help but i will be trying to make everyone happy as long as everyone helps. So this week..if u can help it...plz wait to take me pvt or spend on Friday cause this is the magical day. One thing though....before ANYONE tips anything big,,plz notify me so i can start a short 5 minute group chat with a big goal. There is a reason for this..ask me for details. That message is for the BIG time tippers. Ask me for details. I never beg,, or hurass people for credits,,but on this night,,I need everything ok,,,will u guys help me to the max,,and put a smile on my face for this night??
Helllo to all my fans. This wedenesday im taking a night off to enjoy myself and possibly get laid. I will be back on Thursday and be around for the whole weekend. I do have to say though,,that on Sunday I need everyones help with pvts and tips if u can do it. Sunday is very important so plz support me as much as u can for that day. Ive been having a blast with all of u lately. Be sure to catch my plyometric training excersises twice a day. Its free to watch and I get really sweaty. The times I do it is in the after noon like around 2pm eastern, and around 8pm eastern. So come check it out anytime and enjoy urselfs. I am glad to see so many folks dropping in lately. Im loving the new faces and new types of pvts. It loooks like everyones gettin a kick out of me. I guess its my attitude. Couple of months ago things went down for me on the web sight. And i thought I was finished. I got really scared and thought the world was over. That my goals were destroyed. But alot of fans kept telling me....Izzi its just slow,,its not you. So I kept up with it and im glad im back. Slow season is done and over with. Winters coming and im sure we ll have alot more horny toads in here. LOL. So anyways guys,,lets have a fantastic week and get really busy. Cheera for now.
Hello everyone,,help me out as much as you can on Tuesday this week. Lets have some fun and get down and dirty.
Hey guys,,I wont be around for this saturday cause im goin to a crazy stag. Lots of drinks and a lotta green stuff. LOL. So ill see ya guys on Sunday k. And ill be online for the rest of the week. Check my schedule for exact work times and dates. Thanks guys
I want to say thank you to all my fans for supporting me last night in the contest. I feel like im blessed to have the greatest friends on here. Thank you for all the tips and pvt shows. I got my reward, and im very happy. Many more good times to come.
ill be back online soon guys,,probly 11pm eastern or so k,,see ya guys there,,oxoxo
hey guys,just gettin a byte to eat,,ill be online at 8pm eastern or something,,chers until then,,xoxoxo
ok guys,,stud muffins,,ill be online at possibly 8 to 830ishpm eastern,,see ya guys there.
hey guys,,il be online at 9pmeastern or so,, see ya there,,oxoxox
hey guys,,resting my cock and body after a wonderful weekend with all of yas,,make sure u guys check my schedule located on my bio,cheers for now studs,,oxoxox
ill be online tonight at 8 30pm eastern tonight,see ya there
hey guys,,ill be back at 12 midnight eastern, see ya there
hey guys,,comin online at 8pm eastern,,see yas soon
hey guys,,im gonna go for another weekend binge with flirtforfree,,,starting tonight at 12 midnight, eastern. Ill be online every night and some afternoons,,my cocks in for a work out,,come play,hahahaha
hey studs,,gonna be online tonight at 9 or 10pm eastern k,,see yas there,cheers
hey guys,,ill be comin online at 10pm eastern tonight,,hope to see yas there,cheers for now...oxoxoxox
k guys,, gonna go do some errands,,ill be back online and ready to play at 7pm eastern, bring ur hard ons boys,,lol
alright guys,,gonna take some time off and enjoy myself,,see ya guys wednesday night,, check my schedule,,cheers
off to a b day party,,woohoo,, see ya guys thursday or friday night,,,,cheers
Guys, takin some time off, see yas tuesday night at midnight, eastern time,, take care,, cheers until then
Hey guys,,get ready for some freaky sessions,, im comin online at 7pm eastern,,see ya guys there...cheers
Had a long work out today so got home late,,need to rest and eat,so ill be online at 8pm eastern tonight k,,cheer until then guys
Im havin some friends over tonight for a giant feast,,sea food salad and 2 giant platters of nachos and marble cheese with tomatos and green pepper , and grilled chicken, ill be online at 11pm eastern,
Im comin back online tonight boys,,its been a great weekend off, lookin forward to see yas,,7pm eastern,,ill see ya there.
Hey guys,,bad news,,I dont know what the Fuk was in that fish but im sick to my stomack and I think I need to see a docter tommorow,,Im not comin online,,this fukin sucks,,see ya guys tommorow at 7pm eastern.
Hey guys,,im goin to Red Lobster with family and friends,,so ill be back online at like 8 or 9pm eastern k,, cheers until then studs,,oxoxox
Stay thirsty my friends..LOL
Family is still here, comin online at 8pm eastern instead,,almost done with the family x mas stuff,,ill see ya guys soon
merry x mas all u horn dogs,,im comin online tonight at 7pm eastern to celebrate,,come hang if u want
Takin a nap boys,, see ya at 8pm eastern or something around there,,,hope i wake up,,long day...
Hey guys,,comin back tonight at like 9pm eastern, had some rest,, be prepared for my special cumshot session as soon as i get on line,, save ur credits and tips boys,,izzis puttin money back in ur pockets,, see ya there
Hey guys, happy gobble gobble for the USA,,im comin online soon,,if u need help gettin ur turkey stuffed,, give me a shout,LOLOOL
Hey guys,,shits hit the fan in my life right now,,,nothins really goin good,,im searching for a new place to live tonight and tommorow,,,im in a bad mood,, and dont want to bring anyone down,,,no one likes a sad model,,,i will be back saturday night at 7pm eastern,,ill be in a better mood promise,, cheers guys,,,and sorry i havnt been on lately,,just a little down right now,, and dont want to see anyone,,,sorrry
Hey guys,, feelin a little sore tonight,, gonna take tonight and tommorow off,, ill see ya stud muffins on wednesday,, cheers
Ok guys,, come on down to my room for some free candy,, the more candy ya get from different models, the btter chance of winning,, im handing it all out,, stop on by,, cheers
Come on down to my room and get free candy,, im just givin it away to you guys,, say trick or treat and its ursmm good luck on the customer contest guys,, cheers
Hey boys,, not feelin it today,,no one likes a grouchy model,, so im gonna say fuck it once again,, so ya,, friday night and whole weekend im here,, cheers
Ok guys, it seems that im on the sight way to much, and the reason is because I always feel like im gonna miss something if I take a day off... I really want to enjoy my life but at the same time tend to my fans, so I have developed a schedule that can be found on my profile. The days that I have marked down in there will be the days I will be online for sure. I may show up online unexpectingly sometimes, but will follow my schedule religiously. Also, I always stay online longer then expected, just because my schedule says I end my shift every night at 1am, dosnt mean im gettin off excacly at that time.. I alwasy stay on an extra 3 hours,, depending how the nights goin. Im working out alot more now and jogging and I need more time with ME and not flirt4free. Also, if you ever want to make a date with me at a time of your choice, plz feel free to leave me an email, I will surly read it and get back to you. Hopefully this will end confusion when im on or not. I really need to have a life, bein online all the time is turning me into a zombie, and I dont like that so..plz read my schedule to see when im on, and I hope to have fun with all of you as much as I can. Cheers for now stud muffins... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
guys, this night was intense by all means, thanks for comin out and spending time with me, looking forward to some more hot sessions soon, stud muffins. Goin out to shovel the snow now, might be back for more.
Hey guys, Im comin on to night at 9pm eastern, hope to see you horndogs in my room, cheers
Sorry guys, I was schedualed to work to night, but i need some serious rest, instead of tonight, i will be on tommorow at 6 or 7 pm Eastern for the whole night, see ya guys there k, cheers
Unexpected family visit, I will be on tonight at 8pm Eastern instead of 7, see you then studs.
Hey everybody, make sure you come check out my feature show tonight from 6pm-7pm, eastern, hope to see you all there.
Hey guys, im gonna have a feature show on thursday at 6-7pm ET, hope to see you all there, cheers.
Hey guys, i follow my shift schedule very well, but just to let you all know, despite the schedule, I work other hours to, just randomly, you find me sometimes during the day too. Just to let you all know. Cheers.
This has been the best week of my life. I have had so much fun with all of you guys. The intense excitment never seems to end. Hope to see more of all my fans.
When you guys are done stuffin the turkey come on down and stuff me, lol, that was cheezy, but I had to say it, hope to see yas around.
Hey guys, hope everyones havin a good day, if your not eatin turkey and your bored, feel free to come see me and chat it up. Love to hear from yall
Since my life is so crazy, I cant really dedicate to a schedule but I can tell you all that im always on, and i mean always, thursday,friday, saturday, sunday and sometimes monday. You will find me a little in the afternoons and always at night on these days.
Listen guys, im sorry about my attitude the last week or so. Tragedy has struck my life and I have found it very difficult to be myself in open chat. Im sorry to all my close friends in here that I have ignored lately, please forgive me. My apolegies to all.
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