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Nasty Allina

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Lady by day, philosopher by night, pervert by choice, rebel by fate
25 of 30

True slut

Jul 28th @ 1:29am EDT

"I'm not angry. I'm not offended you. I'm just a very strict and fair .... because you like it? ... Are you afraid of? .... That's right, be afraid! ..."This week seemed vechnostyu.On busy all the time. A lot of raboty.Ya already begun to think that He was not more uvizhu.Mne nothing like toloko would rather meet Nim.Kazhdy day I was living in a fog, hypnotizing the phone, waiting for the call. She began quietly hate myself for being so strongly attached to him.I have long since no one wanted to see for a long time or who do not miss. Probably because he has not had time to hurt me.I hid a warm blanket and curled up under him. Phone as always lying around. I slowly began to fall asleep with the thought that today, probably will not see him, when suddenly, the phone rang. it was he.-Hello, Princess! Are you home? I have a little time, I can drop in on you, sit in a cafe somewhere?-Hey, of course! I'm going!Again there was a desire to live.Wore lace panties, short summer dress, which is well-emphasized the waist and slender tanned legs, and sandals with thin heels. Let down her hair, lightly tint eyelashes mascara and a little gloss on the lips. I looked estesstvenno, gentle and very sexy. I really wanted to like him ...Flew a happy home. That's a familiar machine. Finally I see him!In the car he was not alone. You had to have somewhere to ride his friend. I had to sit still in the back seat. These minutes were painfully long for me. I was excited to soon be with him alone ...And now, the same long-awaited moment ... I look into his big dark eyes and feel like the skin has a pleasant shiver ran, he drew me to her and gently kisses ...He asks:-How are you?-Now all perkrasno!You are well-behaved all the time?-Of course, how can I upset the Boss!He smiles. I love his smile. But now I'm still afraid ... I remember what he is angry ...We arrived at the cafe. In fact, I no longer wanted anywhere, I was so good with him here alone ... I mean, it's awfully bored. He looks at me tenderly, kissing long and passionately. I am wildly turned on ...-Well, I thought I would see you, and not as much going to miss ... And now I understand that go crazy in anticipation of our next meeting!-What do you mean, not so much you miss? Will not you miss me? I decided I was angry - and again this ominous light in his eyes, from which the breath ... I look at him, frightened, unable to say anything .He smiles again:-I like to punish you!-And I like it when you punish me! ...-Well, let's go to the cafe?-Let's go!I'm going to go out of the car, as he abruptly pulls me back.-You do not go anywhere! What other cafes? Do not deserve! will now sit back and masturbate! Understand?-How? Not in the same car?-Fright I ask-Yes, even on the street if I want! Are you going to do everything I say. and do not you dare argue with me, okay?Yes, Master! - Understand that deserved a slap, but he just pats me on the cheek.-That's fine! - Again, a smile, - Well, let's go ...I enjoyed every minute, held close to him. His eyes, enjoy, smile, touch ... I tried to remember and appreciate each moment, because do not know when we meet next time ...After the coffee he dropped me to the house. He took me by the chin and pulled her to him. How do I love him so imperious gaze, stern, deep, and at the same time, this affectionate.-Well, you'll miss the Boss?-How! How am I going to live up to the next meeting? ...-I want to punish you! ...-And I want you!Again he kissed me so passionately and tenderly ... I gave him to meet them, the tone in his arms ... Lord, how I missed! How I wish once again to kneel at his feet, as I would like once again to feel his slave, his thing ...I love his hands, such a neat, gentle and infinitely silnye.Ya ready to kiss them for the pleasure they give me. I love all these hands are doing with me, beat, hurt, or pat ... He feels, how strong I am excited ... Stroking my legs, thighs, lower a little panties, caressing my pussy, teasing the clitoris ...My head is spinning, heart beating wildly, every touch on the body as if electrical discharges take place. Movement of His hands are becoming more rhythmic and more ... I have not see anything, do not quite understand what is happening in the tone of his feelings ... He seemed to see right through me, feels, knows what I need .... Stop it! - I hear, and then I was covering the long-awaited wave of orgasm ... He bites into a passionate kiss my lips ... "Bitch! ..." - This little voice hoarse with excitement pierced the consciousness ... I dissolve in it ...I am so grateful to him!After all, only he knows how to make me happy!

25 secrets of successful flirting #3

Jul 27th @ 1:09am EDT

15. If you're used to sit "foot to foot," slow change leg positions. According to statistics, 92% of men, this gesture is mesmerizing.16. Look into the eyes of his interlocutor and mentally pronounce: "I am adorable, you're delicious, delicious sex." Above all, do not accidentally say these words out loud.17. The naive view of a bottom-up, wide-open eyelids, slightly upturned head ... The men claim that when a woman looks at them, so it looks defenseless, and so near to it all feels great and strong, which, of course, very flattering.18. Do not say out loud - quiet voice will make a man bend over to you, and thereby shorten the distance between you.19. Try more likely to call a man by the name. Personal appeal make your conversation more intimate.20. Make it a rule to construct his sentences so that the man responsible for them "yes." The agreement brings people together, and soon the man simply can not refuse you.21. Men like it when they say compliments. So notice what you like. In this note, as you formulate a compliment. It is necessary to praise the man, not his thing. For example:* "You have a nice tie" / "You have a great machine" - it is bad;* "You have chosen a great tie" / "You are beautiful drive" - ​​is good.22. Jewelry - the best assistants in the flirting. Flirtatiously iterate over beads or play with the earring. This will attract more attention to you, your neck and dcollet.23. Perfume can be a maddening and adjust to flirt. We prove that the aromas of vanilla and cinnamon - strong aphrodisiacs.24. Flirt improves health. This is the conclusion the doctors of the University of Colorado. They conducted research that showed that those who regularly and actively flirts with high levels of red blood cells. It shows good immunity and good health. Flirt more, improve immune system!25. And finally, the main secret - have fun flirting! Do not make plans for the future with the man with whom you are flirting. Flirt - this is the here and now. Enjoy!

25 secrets of successful flirting #2

Jul 26th @ 4:24am EDT

7. Australian psychologists have found that the best distance for flirting - 30 cm Thus, you are in the so-called zone of intimate partner, but did not break his personal boundaries.8. A look into the eyes of more than five seconds speaks volumes about your interest in the man. So if you\\\'re a flirt, hold your gaze a little longer.9. Flirting, a little mouth slightly open. According to statistics, it raises 87% of men.10. A very important role played by the position of the head. Slight tilt of the head to the side - a classic of the genre. A glance over the shoulder can be a maddening most of the men.11. People can sense when a person is closed, and lose interest in him. Therefore, flirting, take an open and relaxed posture. Do not cross your arms, do not squeeze your fingers into, your palms should be facing the man. This is a signal: \\\"I trust you and I\\\'m interested in our fellowship.\\\"12. One of the sexiest sign in the opinion of men is when a woman runs her hand in her hair or playing one of the curls. This movement is natural and at the same time very erotic.13. Flirting with the pleasant man, try to keep the distance between the feet of your feet was about 15 cm Sexologists say that this position of the feet \\\"gets\\\" men.14. One of the most successful flirting techniques - the \\\"mirror\\\". When you sit in front of men, which you are interested in, copy his gestures. But do it with ease. Otherwise a man may seem that you are mimicking him.

25 secrets of successful flirting #1

Jul 25th @ 4:10am EDT

1. Research by British scientists have shown that 93% of men prefer a fun, natural and confident women. 76% like it when a girl makes the first move. Therefore, the main secret of flirting: be yourself and do not be afraid to take matters into their own hands, eyes, lips and more ...2. Language Flirting unique in the world. But each country has its own peculiarities. For example, in Germany, flirting is a delicate art of temptation and seduction, both from men and from women. In America, flirting is more candid and devoid of prejudice. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the mentality of men, before you start flirting with him. What's good for Americans, it is not good for the Germans, much as Russian men react to it, and did not understand.3. Flirting is possible not only in the real world, but also in the virtual. According to the Research Center Pew Research Center, 40% of respondents flirt regularly via e-mail or live chat.4. The car - one of the best places to successful flirting. Sociological studies have shown that 62% of respondents at least once flirted with the drivers of other vehicles. For 31% of a flirt ended a romantic rendezvous.5. Femininity provokes men to flirt. High pin thin fine shoes, a skirt or dress. Speaking of makeup, most often men pay attention to the sensual lips and long, feathery lashes. And of course, well-groomed hands and beautiful nails.6. British scientists have conducted studies in which found that men with first impressions are crucial: 55% of plastic women, 38% - in the manner of speech, and 7% - the content of speech. Sexologists say that at the stage of a woman flirting is best to use plastic panther. Proud posture, relaxed hands, confident gait. So you give the signal to a man: I walk alone, but not against dating.

Wishes Women.Part 2

Jul 24th @ 1:27am EDT

Women love to kissFor many, this lesson is so significant, that easily replaces sexual intercourse. Many women find kissing more intimate than oral sex. Prostitutes are not shunning any form of "earnings", in nine cases out of ten refuse to kiss the client, even for money. First, because a kiss for them no longer work, and pleasure, but pleasure is somehow not accepted to take money. And secondly, on presentation of "prostitutes," kissing is only possible with friends and loved one. So the men to conquer women's hearts, do not neglect this part of the foreplay.Women do not like to be the preparatory process is neglectedTo intimate encounters ladies are usually prepared very carefully. Bought a new (and dizzying price, and appearance), underwear and applied the appropriate make-up, choose a dress, in some cases, preparing dinner. So what?! Cavalier, a wild bison, doryvaetsya to the female body, sweeping (literally) all over the table fills up a lady on this very desk, tore off her clothes and smearing lipstick on the face, carries out his intentions. For the first time such a zeal, perhaps, come to him with arms and even somewhere flatter women's self-esteem. But if through the N-th number of meetings he had not bothered to see her gorgeous clothes, most likely it will show it to someone else.For women, sex - throughout the dayIf during the day a man constantly finds fault with his lady, cursing her, in her presence has signs of attention to other women, it would seem, he had nothing to rely on a stunning night. It's hard to believe, but for some reason they expect. And not from stupidity (although very much like it). The fact that male sexual desire abstracted from external influences to a much greater extent than women. Therefore, they do not understand, and sometimes women's demarche "face to the wall." For women the same potency daily "stress" can be fatal, upholstery for a long time desire for carnal pleasures.Here are a few factors, which would be worth to know the strong half of mankind. If your man himself does not know about the above list, but you hesitate to say this, let him read this article. Perhaps, then understand, but if you do not understand, you explain it in detail, will still be a reason to start a conversation.

Wishes Women.Part 1

Jul 23rd @ 2:26am EDT

For women, additional stimulation is very important that, in view of the male, has no relation to sex. But it is in their opinion. We women know exactly how good a gift, a romantic journey, a bold move, dinner at a fancy restaurant might inflame our desire. Still, a man with a magnificent bouquet and French perfumes in their hands once more has to reciprocity, rather than subject's three-wilted tulips last year, and box of chocolates.Every woman wants to lose her head for her, made reckless actions and generally doing stupid thingsTo the gentleman in this case important to comply with "safety" to a recklessness and not lose this very head. But the heroism of the measure is necessary, it is very susceptible to these ladies special effects. "He spent half the night at my door, well I had not let him" "He ordered for me the fireworks were all in shock," "He coped with them with one hand, I'm shocked," etc.Women love men sustainedUnfortunately, few of them. The fact that a woman's 'no' often hidden 'yes' natures, burdened with an inferiority complex, is unclear. You could hardly wait for his invitation to tea, and for the sake expressed some hesitation, and he calmly smacked you in the cheek and saying, "Well, then next time" left. Well, not a sadist? Should you have break, pokanyuchit, to give him the opportunity to pougovarivat, persevere, and even some rigidity to make it sweeter to surrender into the hands of the "winner." And this idiot immediately blew the lights out!Women also enjoy a varied sex, just shy to admit itThis fact could not be better said anonymous surveys. Of the thousands of respondents 46% were just love anal and oral sex, 20% are not averse to experience the charm of same-sex love, and almost all (90%), nurtured a dream of lust to surrender in an unexpected place (particularly appealing to women's fantasies of the forest). The main thing - to find the right approach is to encourage the lady to all of these "exploits" that she can and thinks in the silence of the night, but to realize the fears. Persuade her to do - business men.

Find the lost desire. Part 2

Jul 22nd @ 2:00am EDT

Fighting the temptation to cling to the body and cause pain, he put his fingers \"comb\" in her head, and second hand grabbed her foot raised and pressed it to his torso. Her nimble tongue by examining the ear, he began to learn the neck, sometimes touching Adam\'s apple. Hot accelerating breathing barely controlling a girl burned delicate neck, his hand impatiently down the alleged \"hole.\" Seeds of high-pitched squeal twitched, and he angrily drove nails into her side, trying to get lost bliss and tranquility. Her lips clung to the stems, like a \"revenge\" for any feeling, wandering hands rhythmically on her stomach, tickling the bottom of the case. To his own surprise, he grabbed her legs bent in half and carried her to the bed by the window whitening. And flopped down on her chest, her head turned away. She cried triumphantly, hands on his back and pulled his legs.- Will you ... - he said gently - do not jump, spring. My back ...She lifted his shirt and buried her head in a hot body. Her hand on his buttocks zazvezdilsya. The man tried to lift his head, but met with only a mysterious dark eyes look frozen. The girl instantly grabbed his hands and put them in handcuffs. Sighing resignedly, he put his head and moved his hips a few times. He was not very convenient because its swollen body demanded affection, or at least the \"exit\". She seemed to have enjoyed sitting on him, helpless and resigned. He lost track of time.- How deep in the eyes ... - she laughed, bowed his head to one side in front of his face. When he tore his gaze from the darkened windows, and views it does, the smile of the girl slipped from his face. Upivshis eyes, he focused on his lips. Suddenly she released him without explanation hands, climbed down and sat on the edge of the bed, propping her head with his hand.- What are you? - Did not realize he was afraid to touch her.- I\'m sorry .... too good to be true. My nature can not survive ...- Stop, eh? - He snapped irritably, his hand on her shoulder. She crushed her chin brush. When the girl noticed that he looked into her eyes, he immediately jumped up and rushed to the wings.- Glasha ... - velvet voice dissolves emptiness. The girl pressed her back against the door, holding the wings in his hands. He continued to lie with his elbows. Finally, striking his hand on the bed, the man asked for insistently:- Come here - the man knew that this method works better than using force. His smile charmingly acted by a woman. It is a long time to decide. But the victory was not on the side of the wings, which were thrown in a frenzy. He was surprised to see that she rushed into his arms and hugged her waist.- To stifle the same tree-sticks ... - the guy laughed in surprise. And groaned when her cold nose ran into a burning chest. She tried to pressed down into it, to catch the rhythm of his breathing, feeling a wave of his body, to feel the taste of life.- Calm down, - panting, he spoke - OMG, where\'s your hand? ... Just not him.Woman freed of his body, and gently stroked the barrel, not paying attention to the languishing sighs and rare inarticulate phrases. Her lips touched the surface of the elastic chest and began to kiss, sometimes down to the navel. Finally, he could not stand, grabbed the arm, and with a furious pace began to gratify his essence. She threw her arms around his neck, and he felt the invasion of his mouth. Her tongue playfully spinning, razdraznivaya man even more. He looked up from his lips, gasped, and her feet felt hot sticky liquid. Peacefully embracing the body a rest from nonsolid proximity.- It\'s hard to believe that we are ... - a long, she said.- We do not doubt it .... Do not think - he smiled and hugged her. Disarmed his sincere smile, she relaxed and fell asleep. He disarmed her confidence, too, gave way to dreams ...

Find the lost desire. Part 1

Jul 21st @ 2:35am EDT

And so on ... the defendant is found guilty. Penalty - imprisonment for an indefinite period until the complete exhaustion of mutual interests, and spiritual forces. Due to the fact that ...Then the young man did not listen, got up and walked out of the audience.- Well, Sen? - Quietly called him a tall guy in the hallway.- Guilty, as it turned out ... - absently replied, - now the soul is not free for a long time ...- If your soul is in her heart, Win it - smile buddy.- I'll try .... But now I'm addicted. I am drawn to it .... And now I can hardly relax - too deep feelings. Everything happened as something ridiculous, without my intentionality ...Both have not noticed, as it approached a girl in a shimmering dress and man-made wings on their backs.- Seppala, leave us - she said to the guy.- No, Glafira F., - he muttered - will not let you.- Then you find yourself in his place! - Suddenly angry woman.- Sepp, go, I'll have to ... Thank you, - said excitedly, "convicted."When a third person has disappeared out of sight, nodded Glafira Semyon took his hand - and a couple of shadows glided by dilapidated walls. Dull tapping of heels and boots seemed to him like an eternity, until suddenly it stopped abruptly back - and his chance to touch the wings and bare shoulders. The door opened into a dark room, from which struck the smell of fresh flowers. He looked at her puzzled, but she pushed him and locked the door behind him. Wings fell to the floor. A couple of minutes, Simon reveled in the course of time, when everything stopped and stood still. He felt the hot breath on his back, someone else's hands gently wound his neck and belly and crawled under a sweaty shirt.Rising on tiptoes, she put her lips to his ear lobe. He could hardly keep from surging emotions, when the elastic chest suffused shrank in the shoulder and her leg gracefully bent at the knee, threw her arms around him, prompting a man to be the slave of his illusions.


Jul 20th @ 1:47am EDT

I looked and looked.You are baby , very cute!Do you think the whole fear of languishingMy eyes burned into lasciviousness!You walked away, I'm getting closer and soon curled up at all.Your helplessness is beautifulMy desire awful!You turned away, boil, but to me this is not the case.By linking the little hands behind his backYour face before meI kiss her lips, I see the look!Which is a lot of guys want to see in his dream, but he went only to me.Your tear rolled down to the bottom, what a horrible my whim.I want you now, above all else, and nothing will change my desires.Whole, again and again delightAnd my heart beats as if in ecstasy.I want, I want toWhat kind of notice is not, as between the legs of your dive.I see you want, and it excitesMy patience is exhausted again.Your moans of pain interrupted my movementsYou turned away weeping, without a doubtIn an instant soon realized that first I have you!My baby you're a kid, I loved you I think back to the cradleBut you did not know until now and that's peredomnoy lie in the focus!My desire, soon filled with fingers and moved deeperMaybe they give delight, but the face I see an expression similar to the long suffering.In the ecstasy fell exhausted you are, I again looked at the beautiful features.You're naked on the floor and lay it over the lust aroused.Looking into the eyes, filled with prayers, tears are made of and even emptiness.To you I'm down on my knees and back into your lips snapped!Lasted a short break, I'm down below, "you're my baby!"Your body is concerned the flavor of language, its for you, I drove without difficulty.I did not want to do what you'd suffered, but still, I quench your hunger!We have enjoyment, you and me!But as for me, I was pleasedAt the age of, I remember those moments when forgetting his painDo you enjoy these moments with me!I carefully untied your hands in impotence you just said nothing.The last kiss as a goodbye.But I say, "only au revoir, not long be our parting.And all thoughts were just that, so again, were two of us ......

To desire fulfilled

Jul 19th @ 1:16am EDT

You've probably heard that thoughts materialize. And indeed it is. But this is not happening due to magic, and the laws of psychology. To desire fulfilled, it is necessary to formulate them correctly.Formulation.The more clearly you define what exactly you want, the better. Do not use negation, not to think about what you want, but only about what you want. For example, not "I do not want to hurt" and "I want to be healthy", not "I do not want to be fat" and "I want to be slim."Detailing.For example, you want to lose weight. Now you have all the details to see how this would happen. On a sheet of paper write something like an essay on this topic that you will become slim, without hesitation walk on the beach in a bathing suit, began to feel better, and in the stores always have your new small size.Present.The views on this subject from the experts were divided, but many of them articulate a desire not to recommend in the future tense, as in the present - as if you already have it. For example, not "I want to get the job done," and "I'm on the path to employment", ie your wish is already beginning to be implemented.Expanding the boundaries.It is not necessary to formulate desire as "I'm on the road to buying a car." But what if you win a car in a lottery, or someone close to you decides to give him? Therefore, it is better not to impose restrictions in the form of "I want to buy, find, and return", etc. Who knows which way you will get to the desired item.Visualization.After the past stages, imagine yourself already in the future, in which your desire fulfilled. For example, you want a new apartment, imagine how you live it, wake up in the morning, going to work, meet guests, etc. Imagine all the details of this apartment interior that surrounds you who is beside you. Think of it every day.Waiting.Remember that desire is not fulfilled by magic, so it takes time for its execution. Do not wait for tomorrow or a week you for no apparent reason go on tour in Europe. Just continue to bring to your desire for perfection: articulate, refine and visualize.Execution.The most important thing not to miss your chance. After all, it is likely that you will be offered the job of your dreams, or the nice man will come to meet you, and you are scared for some reason, and refuse. Do not be afraid and always use your chance.

Me and my ex � boy. Fantasies

Jul 18th @ 2:32am EDT

I broke up with my boyfriend, a year ago. We have not seen, did not call, do not write to each other. But one day, I went with friends to a club and saw that he was there. He kept his head came up to us, drank and then drank more. Alcohol hit our heads and we realized that we want each other. They take a taxi and went to him when we were traveling in a taxi, he put his hand between my legs. And I felt my pussy swollen and that my lace panties were wet. We paid, got out, I went first into the entrance, he was behind me as soon as the door closed, he was strongly pressed against the back and I felt his standing member.I am even more excited and there and cant up to the apartment. He sit me on the window sill, spread my legs and ran his tongue over my wet panties. We ran a changing cramps, then he pushed his finger funk, and clung to my smoothly shaven pussy, I felt a wave on the whole is free of excitation. From what we could have caught the neighbors in the blood even more adrenaline playing. He strained his tongue and began to cram into my crack, I spread her legs even more. I began to move forward, leaning forward motion.My ex-boy licked, like the last time, sucking, the tongue biting and playing with my clitoris, I felt that I finish it now, but I did not want to stop it. I'm tired of masturbating, I dreamed that it would be me again, licking his sharp tongue. He reached into his pocket pulling out the keys to the apartment and not looking up from my pizdyulki when he still got them. N jerked his head up and I knew immediately that he wanted to climb into the apartment when we went in front of me was being repaired apartment.But I did not care for it, because I ran all the hard and wanted sex. Then he climbed on a table covered with foil, and he continued to lick me, I was moaning and squirming all asked again. He got up from my pussy is not never did, and then inserted a finger and started from side to side to talk to them, I moaned, and then two more, and began to masturbate me, I struggled with pleasure and began to feel that my spray droplets, and I have the person is not speaking about it. He asked that I got cancer and he laid his head on the table between my legs, in front of my pussy and began to masturbate me to continue on. while opening the mouth and is substituted as the closer their muzzles.Then he put on dick in my ass and began to quietly, and then fuck me faster and deeper in the ass. He quickly finished with me and we both fell asleep on the floor. And here we are together again and realized that these lovers as we do not find myself.

Sweet Boy

Jul 17th @ 1:59am EDT

Why would I want you now, I do not know. We met with you for a long time, but talked all this time is quite rare. And our meeting with you, like rays of sun filled thee and me. If these rays, I can not hide yourself in, because quite experienced in the transfusion of light, you are innocent. You have a hard life, you're very smart, but people do not always see your prince. My dear, and even today you are sitting with me. It took your childhood.If you had been more outspoken, has now become wary, secretive. Truly, my smile even to this day I opened the door to the dungeon of human pleasures. And imagine. We find ourselves with you together. You spend your child and a little bit sweaty hand on the smooth curve of my belly, cling to his lips slightly tanned skin. Ask to forgive you and say that you can not already halt. I could not feel better, because my happiness sealed parts of your guilt for your magical action. Do you think they are wicked, from that, I give myself more into the power of your lips. I feel only the breath is hot and humid. Here you start kissing lower and lower. I know that you are in order, so I was pleasantly ready for anything, but I have only enough knowledge.I enjoy the fact that I get from you, my faithful, all. One I have for you, for me, are you the next pleasure, which at least a little to amuse my tortured soul temptations. And when you come home, lie down in the bathroom, think of it, what are you doing with me, then stir in your soul, in the first place the blame for your actions, calculate a low, and probably will blame themselves. My main task to make sure that you will not suffer, and that when you remember me you became a little brighter. And I kiss you in the eye, the whole in your hands, you carry the light and warmth to the touch of your skin, stroking her back and our ground no vulgar elements. But I know that I can not give the little man, who is now next to my beautiful hands, first in his life from a woman an orgasm. My hands involuntarily go down lower and lower, that he himself is not a driving pull my hand, he wants no matter what I touched, just an incredible fountain of emotion out of me. I have a mind blur, but I know I need to wait and I'm gradually moving away his hand, but then he remembered himself and his reckless act. His fear, he thinks his banal desire to hurt, he insulted me. A sense of guilt is good, it's very good, and when an orgasm is a feeling of guilt, it is sharper, it will hurt, but at the same time pleasant. I will tell him tales during our plexus.I kiss him constantly stronger and hotter, harder climb into the soul of his own stupid lustful thoughts. After all, as I now do not be systematically strip him and take by mouth. But what a pleasure he gets from it. Do not get a tenth of what I give to him now. Preach the spirit of an orgasm is my destiny. I was able to teach many to get first orgasm of the soul and it comes at the same time does not necessarily always physical, sometimes sooner sometimes later. He breathes heavily, it's time to show what a world of sensations to open again. I go down below his beautiful plump lips and kiss his nipples.Well I know that he's going on in the shower. It is within must understand that if they sleep with me, then you need to love me before all my heart, then remember your first experience of the best. My love, beauty, lie quietly, do you want me to do something nice, you want to fondle my breasts, you do had never done before, but you really want to not because it attracts the female breast, but because he loved a woman needs to give their hands, singing to her serenade in the language of his fingers, he discovers new feelings. What a smooth chest and his hands, short fingers wander over her, according to pointed nipples. Tell me what is more pleasant when you feel uncertain movement 13 year old boy. Then he grabbed her and squeezed so hard if he wanted to invest in this movement all his insecurities love, acceptance of my being. As I am pleased. What in me is stronger than the attraction and intuition, is grateful for the excellent understanding of my body my desires.And I kiss him even more and without a moment's hesitation on that I do not like it at all, that she decided to live only for their loved ones. And in that moment for anything I would not trade it even for Arseny, who will be quite a different story. My boy a gentle kiss an old aunt, who wants to get on you not knowing that, but try. All I can no longer tolerate, I just want to suck him, but you can not - this is the first stage of spiritual orgasm. I want to be a while so it will want even more. I kiss him back, descend lower and lower. I usually strip the skin before an entire pants to tease their choices, but here I kiss this sunny strip to tease myself, my body. Suddenly he cries out and says that he does not need this, that there I should not do such things. Lord, what sweet words, he thinks I make a very difficult thing for him to bypass his own desires. My dear, I'm starting to love it even stronger, more faith in its purity.I want him to masturbate in front of me. Well, that woke an old disease. But I understand the intelligence that he was little, that he is hurt, but that you want even more. The next stage of spiritual orgasm - the desire to pass through the desire for psychological pain. But I do not dare to offer it to him, but I came to my most favorite part of lovemaking. He himself wants to have a pet, just do not know how to begin, so as not to hurt me with that. I put my leg between his legs and slightly jam. I see his wishes and soul through and through. The sweetest thing to know - how much do you give a man pleasure. The third stage of spiritual orgasm - not live and feel your body, your mind is not a mind of your loved one. You give him a touch - miss them by themselves. Imagine what it feels like to return it to you ten times more. Here he begins to caress herself on my leg, my God, with what force. How do I know this movement, my God, how many people have passed between my lustful thighs. Tens. Everyone is special, everyone is doing something differently. Expression of love, an expression of desire for me to merge at this point. I made perfect, he forgets who he is and what it does. Instinct takes over the mind, and when this happens, the person does not have anything to teach. He begins to do everything himself, and, as good as if only those in life and doing.He begins to caress me like a professional. But I know that this is only because of the spiritual orgasms, who gave him a genius. Lord of his hand, who is better done this I do not remember, probably nobody.That's right, gently, he merged with me one wish - to make sure that we began to fully feel each other. He breathes heavily, it is also my merit, and then crimson country, then darkness, then the star. Then the memory of a lifetime for his country and the most beautiful eyes, who taught him the right to see the pleasure of sex.

What should a woman? What men like women?

Jul 16th @ 1:31am EDT

Today we continue talking about what women want, what men like women and that women need to really. In the first part we have considered a number of characteristics of male and female perceptions. We talked about what is actually a woman wants from you, when the hint, "Oh, what beautiful flowers are sold out that the seller at the kiosk on the right", and how not to spoil relations with a girl. If you still have and can not understand why your girl (woman), and occasionally crying at the same time, in your male gaze, quite unnecessarily, read the article, "What a woman wants. Do not be an ass "What's really needed a woman? What is important for a woman? What she appreciates and respects to the man? In short, what men like women?So the first thing you need to understand that like the men who know how to solve problems. It's that simple. If you do not know how to deal and cope with the set life goals and challenges, you'll be satisfied with eternal nagging, frustration, tears, complaints, and then completely can be alone. Or, at least not with such a woman, of which every man dreams of. Well, a normal woman with normal self-esteem, a woman who can make you happy, never for a long time will not tolerate your whining, unfulfilled promises and complaints about life, the chief, parents, friends and her as well. A normal woman needs a normal guy.Well, you start to realize that a woman needs from a man? In the words of my favorite and the only man to man to learn any new information that you need to hear it again because at least 500-700. Therefore, I repeat once more. Woman to be happy with a man to man to know how to solve and cope with the life, or the woman, the tasks and challenges. Women can not stand whiners and sissy. But they are respected, appreciated and admired the strong, confident and able to cope with life's difficulties in men. And do not think that a woman needs only to the contents of your wallet.Yes, money is important, especially in family life. But if you have money, but you can not solve the problem, then you will not see normal women, as their ears. If you are lost, and be silent, when the girl you liked was broken heel on her new shoe, rather than to take her in his arms, while moving all the passers-by to find out where is the shoe shop and safely deliver your favorite with her right shoe precious there, so, if, instead of all this, you keep silent pace, or stand with a worried look, without offering any solutions, you can be almost 100 percent sure that tomorrow you're the favorite or not see at all, in the best case hear a lot about yourself and not always pleasant.Or, if your girl there have been some trouble, and she ran up to you to tell you about problems, to cuddle up to you, I hope, a strong shoulder and hear and then see how you are helping her to solve these problems, Prices you will not be in the eyes of your beloved. If, instead, to help her cope with the situation, you're listening to her and giving her a dozen boards, while themselves did nothing, it will be a huge disadvantage for you and your fiancee will think about whether she needed a a man who also boards, and even critics are not ready to provide any real help.

What is stronger than death

Jul 15th @ 1:46am EDT

Black angel of death went up to the shining angel of life, and said:- You are sitting on a heavenly throne, and I was under the ground. But the fear of death, stronger than life, and you must give me his throne.- No, the joy of life is stronger than death! - Exclaimed the angel of life.- People enjoy life in childhood, but what they are older, more often think about the fear of death - did not agree to the angel of death.- People have the creativity, and creativity - is immortal! - Said the angel of life.- Talent is used to create a unit - smiled the angel of death.- Faith in God gives a person faith in immortality, - proudly answered the angel of life.- Vera enhances fear. People are afraid of retribution for their sins, - smiled the angel of death.- Love is stronger than death! - Exclaimed the angel of life. - I\'ll prove it.Angels descended to Earth and saw his mother, I embrace a terminally ill child.- Your child will be cured, if you give him life, - said the angel of life.- I am happy to die for my son - with a smile, her mother replied.Then the angels flew to the inconsolable lover. His favorite was imprisoned in the tower because she loved the poor.- I bear you in the tower to your girlfriend - offered an angel of life - but in the morning the guards will destroy you.- Mig next to his beloved is more expensive whole life without her! - Exclaimed the boy.Angels fly farther and saw a badly wounded soldier.- I will heal your wounds, but you have to fight again, - said the angel of life.- If you give me a hundred lifetimes, I\'ll give them all for their country! - Said the wounded soldiers.- Love is stronger than fear of death - black angel whispered, and disappeared.

Most Beautiful Heart

Jul 14th @ 1:39am EDT

In a beautiful sunny day, a guy standing in the square in the middle of the city and are proud to boast the most beautiful heart in the district. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who genuinely admired the perfection of his heart. It was really perfect - not a dent or scratch. And everyone in the crowd agreed that this is the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of it and just beaming with happiness.Suddenly, the crowd came forward and told the old man, turning to the guy:- Your heart is beautiful and comes close to mine.Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was dented, all scarred in some places pieces of the heart were removed and their places were inserted others that do not fit, some hearts were torn edges. Moreover, in some places in the heart of the old man clearly did not have enough pieces. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?The guy looked at the heart of the old man and laughed:- You might be joking, man! Compare your heart with mine! My perfect! And yours! Yours - patchwork of scars and tears!- Yes, - said the old man, - your heart is perfect, but I would never have agreed to share our hearts. Look! Every scar on my heart - a man whom I have given my love - I pulled a piece of my heart and gave it to man. And he would often return gave me your love - a piece of the heart, which fills the empty space in my. However, because different pieces of hearts just do not fit together, so my heart is torn edges, which I keep because they remind me of the love that we shared.Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart, but other people do not return me to my - so you can see the empty hole in the heart - when you give your love is not always a guarantee of reciprocity. And though the holes bring the pain, they remind me of love, which I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of heart to me back.Now you see what true beauty means?The crowd stood. The young man stood silently stunned. From his eyes flowed with tears.He went to the old man took my heart and tore off a piece of him. With trembling hands he held a part of his heart the old man. The old man took his gift and put in his heart. Then he pulled back a piece of his battered heart and put it into the hole formed in the heart of a young man. The piece went up, but not perfect, and some edges were and some were broken.The young man looked at his heart, not perfect, but it is more beautiful than it was before, still love the old man did not touch it.And they went arm in arm along the road.


Jul 13th @ 12:48am EDT

The wind ceased, and the sails drooped lifelessly aloft the mast. All was still. Even the silvery moonlit path will not flinch at the water surface. But suddenly broke the silence of the night mysterious sounds. It seemed like a whispering waves, sharing his impressions about the day. Soon, from the depths of the sea became more and more clearly be heard somebody singing sweet. The voice was so gentle, and the melody is so beautiful that it was hard not to succumb to the charm. Lulled by the magic sounds of sailors forgotten sound sleep. And then there was a slight splash of water, and it seemed a strange creature with the face and the body of a virgin, but with a scaly tail of a fish. It was a siren. It is feared more than the most terrible storm at sea. Swam to the rocks on the waves the vessel, maritime beauty silently climbed on board. Flashing eyes, she touched the hand of each of the sailors, and those that did not wake up, lost their lives. Having lost control of the ship plied the seas aimlessly, until broken, walking the coastal reefs, and took to the bottom of the mystery of what he had done a siren.

Fantasia. Safari

Jul 12th @ 5:09am EDT

The party gained momentum, and a mansion in the Gothic style shone bright lights. Newbie here at the light casual visitor would be struck by, being in the midst of the holiday, which hit incompatible, it would seem, things - the lack of unbridled euphoria and tremendous atmosphere at the same time. Sexy beautiful girls on the dance floor moving, bright, like a bird in the overtly sexual outfits. The male part of a whole as a selection - muscular tanned beauties. However, men are predominant.When she came into the room, never mind, it would seem, has not changed - still rattling music, martinis flowed freely, and only the staff stood at attention at attention, like a herd of antelope when a well-fed, but the wily tigress. She took her seat at the bar and stared at the young bartender. Sticky smile flew from his lips, he started and dropped his eyes.- \"Burning Bitch\" - quietly said the visitor, and her beautiful green eyes flashed with fire devil. The guy barely resist the temptation to plop down and rushed to prepare the cocktail. The girl took out a cigarette from the pack, at the same time the bartender brought a lighter, not having received in this case, even \"thank you\". She looked around the room. As expected, young males in full undressed her with his eyes, and on their faces is pretty bore the stamp of anticipation. Even in the views of the girls could read admiration, as if it embodied the secret of their desire to get rid of the shackles of convention and become a liberated, independent and ruthless. But the guys did not want to notice the danger, the evil face of a stranger, beckoning them to moths like a flame.\"Well, where are you? Where? How many of you prime for tonight? Who will answer me this audacity and dare to tame a wild temper? Who will wear the mask of indifference to the skilful and bold demon will fire upon you? Whoever thinks a life without risk? \"As expected, it is not. Well, we simplify the requirements .. Who dares to approach her just now? Those who have the courage?The bartender handed her a drink, absinthe flashed a bluish flame, and she graciously covered the glass by hand. The flame was extinguished quickly, leaving no trace on the delicate skin of the palm.Handsome guy with dark hair and sparkling gray eyes firmly drew a high bar stool very close to it. His defiant gaze slid over her breasts, covered with a thin skin black dress, slipped below assessed long legs, and went on the offensive.- A rest, darling?Yeah, originality is beyond applause. The girl caught his eye. That\'s it. Audacity. Ridicule. Egocentrism. That\'s it- Like you, handsome. Do not even get tired of boredom?- Now I do not exactly face - the guy played biceps, apparently waiting for the subsequent faint counterparts, and when it did not happen, brazenly stared into her green eyes of prey. It is in vain did he do it! The next moment, he jerked, intending to get away from someone else\'s eyes, but it was impossible - an all-consuming fire, wild, primitive power if nailed to a chair. Ready.- It is noisy, go here. - She took his hand, and the guy obediently followed her into the cool velvet night. On the porch she nodded to two security staff, the sign was understood - no one will be on the street and not be a witness to her sparkling entertainment.The bright red solara like a lit up the night. Stopping at the car hood, the beauty imperious, subordinates movement grabbed his head and pressed her new friend to his lips demanding, ruthless kiss. He furiously replied, obeying the primitive instinct, because it was no longer able to think. Grabbed by the hair on his head, she pushed his head, and the next moment her sharp nails splash a line stripes on his cheek. Her eyes flashed, she moaned with pleasure, licking drops of blood from superficial abrasions. Another moment - and the victim was on the hood of a bright red \"Toyota\". At the moment, his eyes flashed a meaningful expression.- Are you ... - croaked a guy, but a quick glance at the pair of slaps in the face immediately reassured him. Pulled off with a waist belt, which immediately broke in her hands for a few long pieces of lacquer, it quickly spread wide his hands tied to the review mirror - no wonder they were cast by special order of durable titanium alloy. Two more such projections were on both sides of the grille. When she pulled him to his ankles, the victim escaped from the glamor of her eyes.- Do you really done for? You lose the fear? Yes, I will now in all holes without removing otymeyu, fucking bitch!The girl approached, with a smile looking at the expression of horror on his face. Moment, she enjoyed singing \'utter helplessness of the victim, and when it gave way to threats of cries for help, condescendingly patted his hair.- Close. Roth. Otherwise, I plug it with something else. - Turned around, she sat down on a bright red leather seat of the car and turned the ignition key. Roller gates slowly rose up, and she sank to lock the clutch pedal. The car pulled away from the enclosed space of night villa community, and the cries of the prisoner drowned in squealing tires on smooth pavement. When he came to, the victim cried out loud in terror, the air at breakneck speed froze his eyes, and cries were far behind.His strong athletic body tossing on the car bonnet, strong wind hitting the eyes, causing tears, but he could not help it. When the car drove away at a fairly large distance, it braked sharply, throwing him to the hood again. Not having to navigate, he bit his lip for blood. The cruel beauty leisurely went out and came and gently stroked his cheek wet with tears. Man shut his eyes to avoid seeing the demonic power of her gaze, but she only laughed softly.- Enough? Or even skate?- H.hvatit ... - muffled he whispered. - I will not stand ...- Walk you went to the benefit. You gave up the sauce. - Stay in the middle of his legs wide apart, she undid the decisive movement belt buckle, pulling out of the jeans, and suddenly bent down, pressed her lips to the button. Still not realizing what was happening, was abducted twitched, but the next moment felt as she unzipped his pants, holding it with his teeth. As if spellbound, he watched her, and even meekly caved in at the waist as she pulled her jeans along with the fuse to the extent permitted belts.- Oh, you\'re ready! Do you love the thrill? - Cooed softly beautiful, and the next moment her plump lips closed on the tip of the head. She walked leisurely to the pressure of her soft tongue as if tasting, and at the same moment her hot tongue zaporhal like a hummingbird wings. He shouted from the acute pleasure, cramps swept over the body ruthless straps digging into your skin.It did not stop, her lips pressed together closely, caressed a powerful member of the entire length to its foundation. Overflowed from the choking emotions and feeling the soft warmth of her throat, he jerked his hips against the will meet in an effort to penetrate as deeply as possible. When the depth of her mouth began to move the tongue, continuing affection, the guy could not restrain himself and began to violently fuck her throat, not paying attention to rent to the blood of the skin belts.- Yes you nagleesh, boy! You\'ll be punished! - Licking his lips, she waved, and the victim moaned in pain, caused by his own belt. Woman struck him five hard blows, and tears streamed from his eyes, but grew stronger erections in spite of everything. Putting aside the strap, beautiful graceful movement of a cat perched on the hood, long legs, clenching his hips, and the guy realized that in addition to thin stockings under a dress on it nothing else. She did not hurry, only slightly rubbed pussy on his rampant cock, and again, in spite of pain, his hips began to move forward, trying to get into the sweet depths.A pair of powerful slaps a while calmed him. After playing a few minutes, she abruptly sat down on the trunk, allowing you to enter fully, and then suddenly began to move. Her passionate moans, regardless of circumstances, sounded in the ears of the victim enchanting music. Movement bold Amazons it was difficult to call the tender, her long nails unconsciously scratched his chest, and rolled up to the neck shirt made it difficult to breath.But he seemed to hover above the ground on the previously unseen pleasure, it seemed, the world is shattered into fragments, and besides them there were nothing else around. Sensing the approach of her orgasm, he caved in even more active shuddering inside, and they both took off on a wave of pleasure, pierced the night silence defiant shouts.And then, abruptly ended. Lightly slapping him on the lips bitten, she jumped to her feet, smoothed her dress back in the car and immediately went out, holding a cigarette in his lips. Lots of questions revolved in my head guy, but a sixth sense, he realized that it is better not to ask them. Demonic Beauty smoked with relish, and both at the same time from different angles contemplated velvet starry skies. Going up to him, the girl flick of his fingers untied the complex of thin nodes on the wrists and ankles and easily pushed the hood on the asphalt.He fell to his knees, arms and legs would not obey, not even the forces to turn around. A lover of thrills again sat in the car, the headlights cut the darkness and heard the sound of the engine. Man shut his eyes and slightly naughty hand turn. The last thing he had noticed before solara, squeal tires, sped into the darkness - the large letters \"Safari\" on the spot the license plate ...Happy, satisfied and relaxed, she went home. On her recent toy will soon take care. No crime, just hold a conversation with a major educational promotion money, and he forgets all about that night ...She worked for a big man in the government. Her position is not set in staffing, it is not occupied a separate room, and the size of her salary does not appear in the statements of wages. She was the liquidator. She coped brilliantly with the last assignment, playing on the weakness of the condemned, and in tribute to his hobby has crossed his throat rolled rarity, as always, leaving no trace. Today\'s \"hunt\" was a gift for the boss - he was accustomed to the exotic fun of reckless beauty, and at a party she had a right to play with anyone and anything you like. In the calculation were taken as indicators of the health of victims, psycho, and the adequacy of the characters.Few people know that in ordinary life, she bore the name of Amin and the most loved rock, stuffed tiger, a sunset over the sea, and strawberries and cream ...

15 reasons

Jul 11th @ 7:25am EDT

1) In this world there is at least 5 people who love you so much that they can die for you. 2) At least 15 people in a more or less like you. 3) The only reason that someone does not love you, [- is] that he wants to be the same as you. 4) One your smile will please anyone, even if he does not love you. 5) Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to bed. 6) For some, you're the whole world. 7) Some people could not live without you. 8) You are special and unique person. 9) Someone for whom you do not even know he loves you. 10) Even when you make the biggest folly of this, we get something good. 11) When you think that the world has turned away from you, take a look: you most likely are turned away from him. 12) When you want something, but think you can not do it, you probably will not achieve this. But if you believe in yourself, sooner or later you get what you want. 13) Think often about the compliments that I tell you. Forget spiteful remarks and sneers. 14) Always be honest to people that you think about them: you will be easier if they know it. 15) If you have a best friend, do not forget to tell him how much he means to you.

Our Ocean

Jul 10th @ 1:51am EDT

You just imagine: the night, ocean, moon, we are standing waist-deep in water, which here and there, small jellyfish shine. The waves that rolled on us so gently, as if they want to kiss our bodies, and my lips at this time looking for yours.You otkidavaya with hair that salty ocean water, hug me, curled up to you all the body, so hot and excited, I find your lips that meet me so passionately that I was literally choking on your kiss and your hand like a drunken wander in my obnazhnnomu body, kissing him all stopping here and there ....In the moonlight shine your shoulders ... a drop of water spread out over the skin in each reflected light shines ... you and I kiss you .... lyubus with pleasure your shoulder gently touching his lips .... I'm drowning in your arms .. I feel like .. you breathe ... like knocking your troubled heart ....You too can hear my heart, and try to beat him in one clock cycle, but can not resist, I kiss my neck, climb to the earlobe, she's so tiny and sweet, you're taking it freezes in your mouth and literally dissolve taesh and from my hands that pat you on the back of my legs that wrap around you. keep me in the water, which is as though she keeps you and me, I bowed a little and find the very womb that persistently rubs against my legs ...I have legs entwine your thighs, arms hug her back, I look into your eyes with love and drowning in them, all around us at odds barashikami white wave olizyvaya us again and again, I'm curled up even tighter to you, wanting your body ... wanting your flesh ........ We can not break away from each other, stronger and fiercer merging into one. My feet hurt you squeeze with all my might, your hands caress my buttocks fiercely, and there we have together in one whole - a fire that even the ocean boils beneath our movements ...I'm moving to the beat of your movements ... I'm hotter breathe, sigh, wiggling her hips .... remind you and the nymph blestyaschuyuyuyu goryachuyuyu ... all tightly clenched legs you ...... We can not stop, and even lifted up the waves cover us with his head, but we do not notice it. In our bodies, says now only a passion, desire and genuine love. I suddenly reducing their internal muscles and you can not resist literally screaming at the same time with me ....We freeze together ..... stopped suddenly, and suddenly feeling the best feeling there is on this planet, I frantically postonyvayu, my legs relax and fall with you, your knees are suddenly podgibayutsya and we are both happy as the gods fall into this ocean, merging with it into one ...We go to the beach, soaking wet, but so happy! And on the shore of a beach with belosnezhdnym sand, and sand it so soft and gentle, you're down near my feet and gently breathe on me ...I seem to inadvertently seemed involuntarily parted to the side legs, and you can not even smoret to my girl, without giving an account of his deysvtyaih just intuitively down between my legs and your tongue, so naughty, suddenly cautious nachiaet flit through my thighs longer and longer studying them, coming closer and closer, and here it Caution, as if by chance a gentle touch to my lips and carefully looks inside and suddenly it is there so little hillock on which your heart starts beating a furious and all attempts to vyprugnut to find yourself there, between my legsMy hands are stroking your hair causing the desired roll, I get up at you I go down on your stomach pressed against you and your view of this picture is opened in the dim moonlight, what are you not able to tolerate my girl bites into a long kiss, trying to take care of all that there is a shudder, and at the same time and sweat, feeling like my lips touch you there, gently and affectionatelyKindly .... I lick your golovochku slightly obnozhiv her hand, pulling her to the very roots and lyubus your gorgeous, covering kissing, caressing, licking and sucking in, I have steeper tongue around ... I like to play with your magic and delicious, tongue down below the line leading down to your scented bags with tongue licking, playing and fermenting ... shaking and vibrating ..Nice find ... testicles obvozhu of Ocher on them oblaskivaya, licking and sucking alternately one then the other lips, and I understand that nothing is sweeter than I've ever tried, I enjoyed obvozhu reeds again and again and spent an amazing line between yaichkmi climb up to your golovochke ..Absorbing and embracing ... golovchku lips slowly taking your extraordinary in his mouth and his lips tightly clutching me with rapture of his swallow ... so deep that you tremble ..... shiver and feel like golovochkoy buried in my neck .... .and tightly hugging her lips tightly clench maksimlno .... I feel like your golovochka increased ... grab a pen ... and stir up trouble in moving the whole head .... ... I feel inside me .... and your compressed golovochka gave up and makes a straight shot ......I feel as hot liquid coats the tongue, pouring into my throat ... swallowing a few SIP .... and .... licking and smiling you whisper to you - nichigo tastier in my life .... I did not try and dig into the past golovochku sucking droplets .... eagerly clutching her mouth and tongue lick every crease .... oh how I love you!You lie down next to me put his arm around me, kiss me in the head, stroking my thighs ... and clinging to you, we look at the night sky, the stars padayushie down .... zagadyvaya only one desire - to always be together!

Today I want to keep you crazy!

Jul 9th @ 2:17am EDT

Are you ready?Then I start ...I would like to hug you, cuddle up to your body, covering him with kisses! First I would like to kiss your lips long and passionately, your tongue would have penetrated into my mouth and I eagerly catching moments of ecstasy, as you - I have no one had ever kissed in my life! I've always said that a kiss can make some time - what to expect from a man in sex, what he said.You surpassed all my expectations and thoughts!Then I would put him on your back on the bed, and your wrists tied to the headboard, so you will not run away from me. I want to kiss every cell of your body, a native and a favorite!Coming down from the neck to the chest, then to the stomach around the navel, sinking lower and lower ... I want you to look at me, watching me kiss and caress you! On tummy, I omit a little lower than you thought, I want to push your legs and kiss you in, I want to lug along a path from the scrotum to the anus, and then pat the circular muscle of anus, tongue, pressing harder, penetrating deeper and deeper, then I'll get to your testicles, I'm circling around each of the tongue, I'll lick between them and kiss them endlessly!Then I gently, gently take each of them in his mouth at a time, and play with their tongue - tongue podkidyvaya them to heaven and back catching tongue. Then I'll get your boy to such a large and beautiful, the best that I've seen in my life! I want each cell to cover the tender kiss, caress the tongue up and down, then coming down to the root before rising to the head, then I gently take his hand, and the other I caress the testicles, and my sweet sweet lips girth of his head, I will gently, so gently suck on it, and the hand will rotate his trunk, a little from side to side. Then again, I'll start kissing the head, around, under the folds of flesh penetrating tip of the tongue, and again kissing the bridle and around as you like! Then I'll take it in her mouth, pressing the tongue, I'll suck it with all the love for what I can and as soon as I can! I want you to have been very good to me! That you felt heavenly bliss! I want you to come in my mouth, I swallow your sweet white seed, not having lost not a bit, and then want you to kiss me on the lips before losing momentum! I want to melt into you, you become a part, to give you all the stars from the sky!But we will continue. Do not you forget that you're still tied? And I did it not in vain, because now I want to take for yourself! I begin to fondle yourself in your eyes! I'll be stroking your body, chest, hugging and squeezing them, picking up the tips of the nipples, they will hang around with excitement, and then my hand will penetrate a little white lace panties, and I begin to fondle yourself out there, my girl for a long time wet and hot, and I I caress his hand sponge, the clitoris. You ask me to bring him closer with his teeth and tear off my pants, and I continue, I lean back in his bed, right in front of you and start to fondle himself shamelessly, teasing the clitoris with a finger up and down, it comes out of his little house, and wants to I continued so on!In the other hand, I get a vibrator, and it is in my hot glowing girl, I begin to moan with pleasure. Do you like to watch me masturbate, and your little boy a rest, already stands upright again, such a large and handsome, he wants to help me and my little girl was crying, bleeding juices as she wants it!You're tearing the scarf that I tied you and pounces on me, flaming with passion, the girl with her mouth, greedily licking my juices, caressing my lips, the clitoris, I can not hold back any longer and with a force attracting you to him! I want you to be entered into me! That we become one! With you! I want to finish with you, I want to go crazy, because I know that this will be the best sex of my life! Your boy is in me so strongly, and strong! What a wonderful feeling to feel it there, all the cells of the body, to feel his thrusts, and then pulse when your hot cum all inside burns! My head, brain, whole body explodes a huge fireworks display of happiness! And I can not help it - ORUUUUU!!This will be the best I've experienced in my life! I think you do too?P.S. It is a pity that you did not want to ...

In the first time...

Jul 8th @ 1:26am EDT

We met on the phone. Dekaborskim One night the phone rang, some guy got the wrong number, but that did not lose the case and decided to meet. After several phone conversations he had offered to meet and we agreed to meet.I'm with my girlfriend, he and a friend ... first date was corny, but on the next date we were on one and ... where it all happened ... We sat in the car on the street around -23 and the stove was no longer to warm ... and I began to feel the hot pristolny his opinion as much murazhki the body, and then felt not only look ... his hands began to wander over my body in search of something hidden from his eyes, he fumbled through the clothes of my swollen nipples began to pinch them between your fingers and gently twirled, I was very excited ... and then I felt the breath of his ucheschennoe on your eye of lightly misted on the breath, he began to gently push the legs and begged him to caress her ... promising at the same time do not allow yourself too much because I knew that I was innocent ...In my head spun a bunch of ideas, but they were nothing compared to the feelings ... I spread her legs and he got under my skirt shelavlivoy his pen, his fingers worked wonders and I could not hold back moans ... I felt very hot and my hand landed in the search button to turn off the stove, but stumbled on quite different ... "He" was a huge ...! And then he whispered in your ear - Come ...!?At first I was waving his head no no, but he got to say ... Yeah Ltd. and then it all happened ... "HE" was just a huge, eventually udavolstviya no pain and only a sea of ​​blood ... But even without physically udavolstviya I sat down at it as learning how to get drugs from this maralnoe udavolstvie bringing men to have sex ... its crazy!

How much do we stand?

Jul 7th @ 12:52am EDT

One day, two seamen went to a journey through the world to find his destiny. They sailed to the island where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. Elder - Beauty and the youngest - not very.One of the sailors said to a friend:- Everything I've found my happiness, I remain here and married the daughter of the leader.- Yes, you're right, the eldest daughter of the leader of beautiful, clever. You made the right choice - marry.- You do not understand, my friend! I'm going to marry the younger daughter of the leader.- Are you crazy? She's so ... not really.- It's my decision and I will do it.A friend sailed on in search of happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that the tribe had taken a ransom for the bride to give the cows. Nice bride was worth ten cows. He drove ten cows and went to the leader.- Chief, I want to take your daughter to marry and give ten cows for her!- This is a good choice. My eldest daughter, beautiful, clever, and it is worth ten cows. I agree.- No, the leader, you do not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.- Are you kidding me? Do not see it as such ... not really.- I want to marry it to her.- Okay, but as an honest man, I can not take ten cows, it's not worth it. I'll take it for three cows, no more.- No, I want to pay it ten cows.They were married.It took several years and traveling to one already in his ship, he decided to visit the remaining friend and see how he lives. Sailed, going to the beach, and met a woman of unearthly beauty.He asked her how to find his friend. It showed. Comes in and sees that his friend is sitting around the kids running around.- How are you?- I am happy.Here is the very beautiful woman.- Here, meet. This is my wife.- How? Are you married again?- No, it's still the same woman.- But as it happened, that she has changed?- Did you ask her yourself.He came up to each woman and asks:- Sorry for the lack of tact, but I remember what you were ... not very. What happened that you had become so beautiful?- Just once, I realized that I was standing ten cows

Let It Be

Jul 6th @ 1:41am EDT

we lay in bed, I curled up to you all telom.ty caress me with his strong hands, they wander in my tender body ... shoulders, chest, hips ... it flinches from your touch every ... I gave your affection .. . my hand slips under the covers and bumps on your excited member ... umm ... what he is strong and hot, I want it .... I rub his back side lodoshki then released from his pants closely there ... in the meantime you pulls off my panties ... it's the only thing that was wearing on me and now I obsalyutno obnozhena and defenseless in front of you ... I clench your swollen cock in his hand and begin to slowly drive it into the top, the bottom ... again to the top ... I feel it throbbing and I was terribly exciting ...your lips caress my breasts biting tihonichko vzbuhshie torchashie and excitement chocolate nipples ... mmm ... that's how I love these little touches and caresses your shameless ... hand down to the bottom to the coveted tender bud with your fingers you disclose it and touch small pea ... from my lips a groan breaks ... umm ... how do you want ....this is how we lay side by side, caress each other our lips in a kiss and merge languages ​​bessovesno wander and weave Worth each other ... you're a little removed slyly look at me I know what you want ... I lifted my turn .... Pussy and ass is on your face .... and your excited member in front of my ... "Hi baby, I miss you", I say, and start kissing him hungrily licking tongue, I spend my head round it I hear your shortness of breath. ...go over your fingers, gently dip it into the eggs hot mouth and gently suck ... mmm ... I like to caress him he's so strong and hot ... I really distract your affection ... mmmm ... I feel like you gently reveal to My bud, my girl has mokrenkaya excitement you spend your tongue gently on her clit ... mmmm ... it's insanely nice you kiss his lips tonezhno biting, sucking on it, just your finger .... lizhish part of my little girl ... umm ... you enter it into the hot humidity thus bringing me to madness ... my hips involuntarily begin to move in rhythm with your movements feel my excitement is not stopping you start petting gently massage my second hole at first she is tense and shortened every touch ... but later I let your fingers get there .... Mmmm .... you're very slow and begin to move okkuratno them ... mmmm ... I continue to caress your cock mouth breathing quickened and moaning ... you do not stand up and be released from under me and you're back pristraevaeshsya okkuratno put into my little hole in the head first ... mmmmm hurts me I enertsii push his ass, but do not you let me do it fast hold me for my round hips you to enter it more deeply, and my moaning pererostaet a cry ... a little more and it is completely voshol in me ... MMMMM. slowly start to move her hips, I respond to these movements and respond with the same solution to the feelings and forgetting obovsem in the world ... we're with you a whole ... our movements become faster and smoother turns into bumps ... my body is no longer it belongs to me I'm completely yours belong to you ...more ... more ... more ... now you are no circumstances, and even rudely walk into me, you have me, and I like it .... a few more moves and I have all the twisting and shouting is not ashamed of my hole begins to explode sakroschatsya ... Mmmm ... still I feel a pulsation of your overexcited member you fills me with hot moisture ....We fall down exhausted on the bed you're attracted me to him, I tremble all you hug me, my eyes closed I smile and you're whispering to me how much you love me and I know it's true ... I love you too ... crazy .. . I am so happy!

One of my fantasies

Jul 5th @ 1:06pm EDT

I want it and go up to him. The state of freedom and impunity is intoxicating and exciting. Feel great strength and power in it, but it is tamed and curbed. Gleams of light are overflowing, according to his skin, emphasizing the mounds of muscle.Involuntarily, my hand is in the groin and gentle movements began to fondle him. I lifted up her dress and run a pen in her panties. Tight pants dig into my pussy, thus whetted my .. Hand, I feel a slight tingling sensation in the pubic area. Hedgehog hair obedient-but walks to the beat of my hand movements - up, down, up, down. Middle finger for my pearls, goes down below and into the pussy, labia arousing. My nipples hardened and stuck out from under her dress. Put his fingers between the top two buttons, I will touch-las one of them. The body responded shiver.Hand in panties wet and covered with secretions secretions of my vagina. Unbuttoning the top buttons of his dress, I disengaged the chest. Wet fingers soaked nipples-We now are pleased for them to slip by them. Pants were soaked to the end and began to disturb me. Dangling from the cross-os, I threw them going up and felt the ultimate freedom.My hands stroked his large, nipples relate fuzzy skin. His skin is fine trembling under my hands. I run a hand under his belly, it's hot. My hand went down lower and lower until it reached its leather pouch, where it hides the object of my desire. I caress themselves and their eggs, they are great.I felt movement in my hand, he is excited! I sat on his haunches and watched as inch by inch head appeared first, then a member of the barrel itself. The sight fascinated ...Finally he stopped nominated and hung between his legs .. I decided to help him. I obhva-tila his head with his hand and held it to his face. He was so pleasant to the touch, and with nothing comparable to the smell at first repelled, but then he introduces me to a state of high excitement .. I touch his tongue to taste and try. Quite a sharp taste, but I like it. I give him a kiss and a long term sense, it begins to swell in size.Yeah, my hands caress his entire trunk, including the testicles. I have plenty of saliva moistened palms so they glide better. I feel like running the blood through the veins in his penis. I want it ..I got to his feet and began to drive a member of my pussy and pubes. He was an ardent and well-moisturized my saliva and my pussy. Clutching his penis between your legs I began to slide on its trunk back and forth. My pussy lips widely parted and I felt every bugo rock on his body. I helped myself with my hands and stroked his cock at the same time. It's like getting up, should be monitored as a large phallus, but even better. I once sat on his haunches and began to lick and suck his dick. As far as possible, I stuffed it into his mouth. He filled all available space, and more! I sat down under it so that his testicles were over my head, and a member of my chest. I sat up in his arms has ensured that its members lay on my belly through the chest at the .. God, what he was hot! Swinging back and forth sliding his cock on my nipples, and the head of the penis, reaching an extreme point, bristling with in my pussy. I want to finish with him! I grabbed hold of the very base of the penis and began to lower his hands along his cock, milked as a co-rovu. Some time later, I launched my hand in the pussy and began to masturbate.My movements became more frequent all in anticipation of an orgasm. I began stroking his cock on his chest. I want my sperm flooded all! The stallion was to step from foot to foot, and the hearth-vatsya body forward. It was close, as close as I am. Mouth wide open, I waited for ejaculation.I felt it's hands. I felt like a finger picks up speed wave seed, ready to erupt at me. And as in the "matrix", time slowed down. My hands are still the movement is continuing along its member, as most of the head there be a white drop of sperm. It grew in size until it took the form of a jet, flying at me. The jet, or if the name is correct, the flow of semen began to cover my chest, face, hair. Draining the sperm reached the bottom of the stomach and began to run down my pussy on the floor. It is still erupting penis I'm closer to her face and received a hearty serving of semen in her mouth. Taking the crown in my mouth, I felt like he still shoots into my throat and I swallowed it with avidity, that he gave me. I was struck by the exigencies of the senses I have received. His cock slowly fall. From its head has dragged viscous thread of semen. The semen was hot and I smeared it all. I lay on the floor and could not help feeling I was covering. I was happy .....

The Legend of true friendship

Jul 4th @ 3:19am EDT

There was no time in Syracuse formidable ruler Dionysius. His cruelty and injustice he had set up all the people against themselves, that all began to suspect a conspiracy and a desire to crush him. One day he ordered to seize a Greek Mirosa whom suspected of evil intent. Dionysius ordered Mirosa lead to him and said to him angrily:- I was told that you have slandered me, and thought evil against me.- No, - said the Miros - I have not slandered, I only called you hardness of heart, what you are. I\'m not plotting evil against you, I just exposed the evil that you did.- Wretch! - In a rage exclaimed the governor, - still you will die for it on the cross.At the time penalty on the cross was the most shameful.- I am ready to die - said the Miros - I will not beg you for mercy. But give me three days of freedom, so that I could say goodbye to my family. I will leave the pledge of his friend that I\'ll be back on the death agony.The governor thought and said with a sly grin:- I will fulfill your desire. Go on, I give you three days to, but if after three days you do not come to Syracuse, I will give thy friend to be afflicted. If we have to execute your hostage since his execution, perhaps atone for your guilt.And Dionysius thought to myself:- Do not return more Miros. Let people know what he is a liar and a traitor.Miros has come to his friend and said:- Dionysius condemned me to death, but it gives me three days of freedom, so that I could say goodbye to my family. Therefore, I pray thee, stay for me for three days in custody sure guarantee that I\'ll be back.A faithful friend happily agreed to fulfill the request Mirosa, hugged him goodbye, and the guards led him into prison and put in irons.Miros retired from Syracuse and arrived in the village, where lived his mother and sister. Bitterly weeping, they learned of the fate that awaits their beloved son and brother. All the forces they were trying to keep it a little longer with him, but finally, Miros escaped from them and went way back to his execution, fearing delay.He is terrible hurry. All of a sudden storm came up, the wind howled, the lightning flashed, rain rustled, the mountains into the valley rushed streams, creeks overflowed.On the way to the river seemed Mirosom. He was already approach the bridge over it ... But a gust of wind broke the bridge into the river. In vain Miros tossed to and fro along the shore and gazed into the distance, vainly calling for help. Nowhere to be seen was not a shuttle, not a single sail. He stopped Miros, overwhelmed with grief.The river overflowed more and raging like the sea. The wave is incident on the wave and the minutes flew, one after another.Finally, desperate Miros rushed into the foaming stream, and began his hands to break the waves. And then he reached the shore.But no sooner had he made a few steps from the forest seemed like a gang of robbers. Villains Mirosu blocked the way and raised his cudgel at him.- What do you need? I have nothing! - Cried Miros. - I have only life, but I need it to save my friend.Hot tears fell upon the face of Mirosa, and he looked at the robber\'s eye, full of spiritual torment, because they were troubled, and parted before him.And then he hastened.The sun was beating down his terrible heat. No wind, no freshness, and the traveler has lost power. He fell to his knees and prayed:- God! Did you not brought me out of the water depths, are not you saved from the hands of robbers? Come help me so that I could save my friend!Leaning to the ground with a groan, he suddenly heard a murmur far from it. Miros crawled to a neighboring hill, and saw at the foot of Silver Spring. Quench their thirst, he went on. Already the long shadows of the trees lay on the meadows.Some two travelers walked along the road. Miros has overtaken them, and suddenly he heard of the terrible words:- Now it really probably was crucified.Longing Heart Mirosa squeezed, and he just inspired terrible fear, rushed to rescue his friend.And Syracuse. The vertices of the city of towers already gilds the sunset.Toward Mirosu out his old servant.- Back! - He cried Mirosu - you\'re already late. Run away! Think of your salvation! A friend of yours has already committed to the torment. He hoped, waited and believed that you will not be late. He was told that you are a liar and a traitor, but he believed in you until the end.- Oh, if it is too late, - said the Miros - if so my return will not save him, so I will share with him the same fate, that the governor did not dare to say that I did not keep his promise and gave each other. Let him destroy two people, but he finds that such devotion.The sun had set when Miros approached the city gates. From a distance he saw a cross in the middle of the square. He could hear the roar of the crowd gathered in the square to see the penalty.And now he sees his friend\'s lead and raise it to a cross.Used this moment the crowd parted Miros and shouted:- The Executioner! Stop the executions! I am the one for whom he covering up! People shuddered and fell silent. Friends rushed to each other\'s arms, and the people wept with joy and delight.The news of this flashed through the city, and immediately flew to the formidable ruler Dionysius. And suddenly his heart trembled, and he commanded to bring him convicted.When the lead and Miros and his friend Dionysius looked at them with tenderness and said:- You have won my heart. I see that there is a friendship that is not a fairy tale it is, and I would like to be your friend. Do not refuse to accept me as a holy union!

Fire heart

Jul 4th @ 3:14am EDT

A modern parableOne star dreamed of to visit on the Earth and help people.- Star can not approach the Earth. Your fire will burn it - my mother said sprocket-star. - You can give people only a tiny spark of fire. Suppose that this spark will ignite the fire in the hearts of men.An asterisk did just that. Starry spark flew to Earth and the star lit fire thousands of hearts. Raised people's heads, their eyes light up and they said:- I will write a poem, which fill the world with love and beauty!- I will build a magnificent temple!- I'll put a beautiful garden in the barren desert!Time passed, and saw a spark that few become true creators, and others forgot about their dreams. Mired in the everyday problems and everyday bustle.She returned to the spark of the stellar family and cried:- My fire was too weak. He lit a thousand hearts, but then many of them went out.- Do not Cry, a spark! - Said the star. - One spark can ignite one thousand lamps, but it is necessary that each lamp has supported the fire to their own fuel.

Dream. Male view

Jul 3rd @ 1:03am EDT

He entered the room and saw her ... she lay on the bed legs spread wide ... on it was just a short shirt, which got off at the waist, no panties and one hand was muzhdu feet ... She masturbated before going to bed, he thought ... came closer he realized that he was not mistaken, her lips still glistening moisture ...He felt something that his penis was hard as a rock, he freed rastegnuv Pants member. How could he just wanted to come in and fuck her ...But he decided that excite and fuck her in half-sleep ..Approaching her, he took her nipple in his mouth and began to caress the other hand ... he poglazhyval her clitoris, which immediately began to swell under his fingers, she moaned and spread her legs even wider ... He left her breast and settled in front of her pussy already very wet ... So wanted to enter into the wet slit and fuck her ... He began licking and biting lips, caressing slit and clit, he introduced his finger and began to fuck her first one, then two, her moans became louder she moaned and writhed not passed away ...No more holding back, he quickly placed a pillow and turned her over on her stomach so that the ass is much higher than his head, spread her legs wide and sharply went into it ... And A And what is hot and wet and tight pussy was this girl .. . She moaned and began to move in rhythm with his movements ... He fucked her slow, then increasing the tempo, then slowing down again, so as not to end too soon ... Then she shuddered and began to scream loudly in orgasm, it was shaking for a few seconds and then she calmed down from time to time, moaning softly ...After that, he allowed himself to relax and finished himself ... It was the sweetest orgasm, which he remembered ...

Love and Jealousy

Jul 2nd @ 12:52am EDT

In one small and very distant country, where ordinary people do not live, do not run the earth and the animals do not have human joys and tears, there were two strange creatures - Love and Jealousy. They were so much alike that they can hardly be distinguished. Quickly making friends, they were "inseparable" and once settled in a house that became known as the "soul."And nothing, true friends lived happily and cheerfully, while in their cozy home is not knocked Man. On this day, a terrible rain poured down on the street was unbearably cold, and wind their powerful gusts did not give the traveler the ability to move forward. Love and Jealousy happy to let him into your home, warmed up the fireplace, delicious meal and spread it on the night of a soft bed. During the dinner, two of the inhabitants of the "soul" and a guest had a long conversation about what is happening in their strange new world, talked about the eternal and the earthly, the beautiful and remote. Talk turned so interesting and exciting, and the time flew by so fast that the sides do not even notice that the windows of their small abode has become a grow light. The young man had already begun to assemble in a way, but after much persuasion, Love decided to stay another night.But as the day passed, then another ... Man is also not go away, but Love is never tired of thanking the Lord for the fact that he stayed.No tea in it the soul, she forgot jealousy, and they do not communicate as much as before. They do not tell each other stories of interest, not sat all night by the fireplace. They have changed ...Meanwhile, Love was happy, and zeal every day became gloomier.One day, early in the morning sun, knocked on the door of happiness. No one is opened, inside was quiet. Happiness has come to the window and looked inside, recoiled in horror before. It is understood that it is not managed.Three of the inhabitants of this once lovely and cozy "soul" was no longer alive. A day before they ever took the death. The first two tenants found poisoned in the bedroom, the third a few meters away from them found hanged.Not wanting to believe what was happening, tried frantically to save the happiness of them all. But it was too late.Only later, when the windows of a bloody sunset, the sun took it on the table noticed the note: "I always wanted her well and loved her more than life. I could not stand the horror of it feels like love for this man. Thinking about it not with me, my heart is poisoned. Now that we're in heaven, you should know that I will always love you. Stronger than all. And wherever you may be, wherever they set foot, I'll always be near. Your Jealousy . "

My fast dream

Jul 1st @ 1:20am EDT

- Come on, do not stop there.I went into the audience.- Sit down. I need you and I pogovrit.I sat down on a soft office chair.- What shall we do? - He looked at me with a barely perceptible smile.- I do not know ...- Okay, I will speak frankly - I'll fire you, unless ...- What?He approached me and pointed his finger at his pants. Inside, everything turned upside down. I, of course, in my dreams imagined it to sex, but ... I was scared.- What are you waiting for? Well ...With trembling hands I touched his pants and slowly unzipped his pants.- That's it ... - He whispered, and stroked my hard head.I unzipped it and started lose buttons a little bit down my pants. Pants have exploded on a busy term.- Well, shoot ...I began to take off his pants, centimeter by centimeter from appearing Member - maroon head, so dark that I could not help surprised.- Here's what you see ... Now take it into his mouth - he looked at me without looking.I took his base - he seemed so hot. Of the holes oozing grease. I gently ran her tongue to bridle.- Give more active!I was oblizavat head, sucking it, then gently drawing the tongue of lightning across its surface.- Here, fellow ...Oral I always excited and I felt that I was starting to flow. From severe outbreaks of excitement I did a little moaning. This is clearly the boss liked:- That's good ... Let's take longer.I started to suck more and more. Member, he had no small difficulty, and was placed in my mouth. A few quick movements, and I again began to play with the language of the head.- I decided to tease me. But, come on ...He lifted me up, turned her back and I oblakotilas elbows on the table. A brief movement picked up a white skirt and pulled her panties to her knees.- Yes you are flowing ... He held his finger to his lips and a little sexual plunged into:- Hot ...Picked up his penis and began to drive them on the ass and wet pussy, plunging into a little bit one way and then go there.- M-m-m ... Girl ...He slapped me on the ass and became a member to enter into my pussy. Gradually the walls parted, taking a large-sized member of it even a little shudder. I was a little moan ...- That's ... Clever.He was hurrying to enter it inside. That head has got to end and buried in the wall. "Oh, fuck me, boss!" - Zipped into my head. Like listen my mind he was greatly moved me ... Another second and I thought I was going to explode. I have no idea what I'm doing much move ass and moaning without any hesitation ...- Oh ...He abruptly pulled out of my dick. The head rested on masturbation ass.- Oh ... - He abruptly put me on full-length and quickly moved his hips.It was bolnovato, but just ten seconds and the head, rolling his eyes and began to cum.- Here, baby, what a close ... That's what I like ... - He said, taking out my cock. Hot fluid ran down my legs.I lay prone on the table and breathed heavily.- I liked it, baby. I'll fire you. Go to the bathroom, have a shower a bit.I went to the bathroom at the office. Flushing down the sperm, I looked in the mirror.- I hate you, bitch! - Said to repel and turned away. Back in the room.- Well, what? Are you okay? - Asked my boss, with his feet on the desk and lit a cigar.- Yes, - I said dryly.- Hey, softer. I did and I can change my mind. Now you tell me you will often need ... Of course, if you need this job- Yes, - I said calmly, because I need a job - can I go?- Go on. Until tomorrow!- Until tomorrow ... - I went to the door.- Come, Stay, and lift up her skirt - I want to look back ...I stupidly looked at the boss. I had to do. I timidly raised her skirt, turning her ass. I spent a little wag his hand over her, she smiled.- This is the polly ... I'll use it tomorrow. Go.

You are my toy

Jun 30th @ 12:49am EDT

Imagine a quiet evening .... we gentle in our country home ... you're lying on the skin of a polar bear on the floor near the fireplace where the crackling wood ... and sparks fly as the lights sparklers ....carefully to you creep .... you lie only in the light pants with a bare-chested on me .... a transparent negligee trimmed with light pink on the edge ... in a thin mesh shorts ... almost transparent ...... bra .. no .... just zavyazochki hide my breasts as a kitty ....... Murka crawl in your ear you sweet and open your palms stroked his chest .... murrrr ...I gently breathing on you lean towards your lips and kiss your lips a little bit hot ..... sweet by just drinking tea .... obvozhu tongue ... and fingers deftly slipped back to your pants and I drive it carefully handle, then pressed, stroking it ....kiss your ear gently biting ... I want you to relax and get maximum pleasure ... you whisper sweet nothings in your ear and kiss-kiss just rubbing your stomach handles drawing the fingers .... amazing rings, and large and small ... simply pressing the pads of fingers on his tummy ....want that to be my toy and I did everything I wanted ... just licking, kissing, caressing fingers playing all .... so you just lay there without touching me, even with a finger ....My hot kisses hot juicy spread over your body ... if you do not kiss every inch of it seems most of the surface of your skin .... the whole leaving a trail of warm lips wrapped around it .... the skin gently pulling on pieces of skin, where possible, simply moving your tongue caress them drawing licking .... pushing, the nipple, the belly button ... how do you smell nice ... I prisnimayu your pants ... please lift the ass, to withdraw completely from you .. murrr ... ...taking off pants with your fingers .... I go down and kiss kisses your chest ... stopping briefly on the nipple ... but just spend my tongue on them .... do not bite ... and a whole fall below your belly like a cat, and it mus nogotochkami, the glaring legonechko, the fingers, gently fingering the stomach .... thy descend lower and lower kissing your belly and tongue rings ... just printing some more delicate than the fingers ... licking going down to the navel to the striped your spine is erect penis ....trus ... pushing the tongue close with little effort, and gently touched her fingers to the testicles ... a little stroking and squeezing ... I'm not in a hurry .... I look at you .... licking my hair loose ... tickle your tummy .. yum-yum ... like ... I want to try you ....two fingers gently squeezing both the corolla of a flower golovochku and breathing gently kiss her, but kiss thy mouth tightened in the foreskin and sucking gently let go .... what a delicious ...... bares golovochku you - I admire her resilience and hide again moving her fingers the skin and so I repeat periodically ... playing hide and seek ... to lick more and more wanting to be kind to you all ... and it is easy to bend the tongue touching the golovochki ...........I find once the bridle only making a small circle around and having fun with his lips begin to draw a little wiggling tongue .... let go and lick the head as a generous ice cream ...I welcome you well? I continue to give you affection? (I ask you a smile and a wink) ...I covered his eyes from the upcoming pleasure and swallowing you happy being drawn into the mouth of your desired ..... urrrrr ... what a great and sweet .... closed his lips tightly and gently stroking, pressing and pressing and releasing ... relaxing hvatochku and then sucked so hard that you're not holding a brief moan .... faster move my head, absorbing you into a hot mouth ... there is close, it is free ... and naughty tongue is moving, the strokes, the Licking mnu handle .... your belly .... and I look into your eyes ... and I'm patting cilia comes up with an idea ... though I'm afraid as you are at it .... otreagiruesh but I would venture to ... .I'm licking your delicious term for a moment let go of you and lick your finger ..... salivating profusely wetting the finger ... and I shine you looking for some finger between your buttocks ... just gently stroking the anal ring ... so gently and carefully as this is possible ..... I feel that you are all tensed up ... and the tip of the finger to you enter the forbidden hole .... quite a bit ... you're shivering ... but we have a rule of "do not touch my toes")) I continue to aggressively caressing your hole ... then pushing around, it penetrates a little bit inside ... with lips like crazy caress your cock is so wet and hot ... a finger gently penetrate your ..... severe pain from unusual is happening that makes you move your buttocks trying to escape the insistence of my fingers ..... but I am so tightly clenched mouth your penis ... what move you almost can not capture ... so dangerous ... but you're intrigued ... I I feel that even the toes are shaking from the desire to taste the new ... and I'm a little bolder proneikayu on the floor to you finger in the hole ...... while continuing to caress you ..... a little more and he is completely in the ass .... I caress you there and click on the delicious gland - the prostate .... . you are already screaming from what was going to come ... but I digress and penetrating finger at you ... I feel that soon come to an end ...finger moves gently in your analchik and I caressed your lips ... delivering an indescribable pleasure of caressing .... ... progressively harder .... deeper .... I smile and just ask you as if you are ready for more than it is now ?? ....You nod .... I took out my bag of rustling two interesting subject ...... you've guessed what I mean? ....... two phallus .... a little more, but less than the other but not nearly worse .... I have a special gel lubricate both .... and one more on that in your eyes I enter into her wet wishing the girl ..... but the one that less .... I'm stroking your hole ... not caress stopping your lips ....tongue ... penetrating phallus in the ass ... oh this is not the finger ..... but not less nice ... but you shrink ... I feel that you're a little scared ... and I clean the toy ... I ... fingers caress your testicles and continue to love you and my mouth .... fingers are very pleased to close the hot cave with you ... I lick it and re-enter ..... surprisingly easy to penetrate into your anusik and movement became so easy and quick fingers glide .... so adorable ... I have a phallus in a girl .... I enjoy imagining that I now have two men .....relax .... good ... my finger click on the dots inside the ass and ..... feel like your penis shrink and swell vein ..... wait a second or two or three ...... and poured hot hot cum fountain in my mouth .... I'm coming at the same time ... a lover of artificial watering their liquid ..... mmmm ... like .... horoshoooooo golovochku absorbed in catching the last drop of delicious .... vitaminchikov much! ... . and all ...... lick me .... so sweet .... and I whisper to you - it was voskhitelno! crawl up to you and kiss your lips ... they taste of your semen and pressed hard for you to freeze in your shoulder by the recent hot breath ....


Jun 29th @ 1:27am EDT

Computer notified that the letter received, I boldly open it, because it is from Maxim. In which he asks for the meeting and indicates the coordinates of the meeting. I'm intrigued and decides to go. Upon arrival, I discovered that a small but nice hotel. Going inside, I noticed that she was cute, not only externally but also internally. She walked up to the administrator and handed him a letter printed in advance at the office. I gave the envelope after a short conversation. In the envelope address of the store near the hotel, I go there.This is lingerie shop, I go. Thoughts begin to Brownian motion, with it, and almost sexual excitement reached its climax, I was about to cum from it all. I'm beginning to think that he sees me and enjoy this game of cat and mouse. Seller has received in the store as you can see in advance the amount of purchase, giving it to me as soon as I submit it to the note. This is a pretty big box, and it included an envelope with a note reminiscent of a business card:"Disguise. Come out of the store waiting for you."The box was very candid underwear (which can hardly be called underwear), belt and stockings, coats, "pearl" (vaginal balls) in a small box, shoes, handbag, in which lay a vibrator (very pretty). When I changed clothes in the dressing room is felt between my legs began merely neagarsky waterfall, I so wanted, what would his penis went into me right in the dressing room. Linen was reminiscent of black smoke, the bust was transparent and slightly pripodnemal chest, so it seemed longer. Chest could easily get it, what would it be to play, not stripping me, panties were a little transparent and striped triangle behind, even more rope. Belt stockings and fishnet stockings, shoes with heels and a tiny handbag. Once dressed, I was required to wear a coat and shoes, take the bag and put in a vibrator and her pearls, I paused a little longer wanted to feel like underwear caressing the body. It is ideally suited to me, emphasized every curve of my body and nothing to hide, it was visible all the most interesting places. A thin strip of pubic hair and firm buttocks. Beautiful breasts like a big apple halves. Just a girl on the cover of a men's magazine. Black coat to hide it all away from prying eyes. Inside the box was a letter that I received from him was said:"Get in the car. In the back seat of her use the thing."I left the store, feeling both completely naked, and clothed. Next to the shop I saw the car in which sat a man and showed me on the back of the car. I went and sat on the rear seat, as he was told. I felt like a strange way as if I were a sheep, which led to the slaughter, and there was still obediently, without looking back and thinking about what will happen next. I was moved just sexual arousal, and I wanted it, what would possess me, what would his penis caressed me so hot and hard, that would be from his caresses wanted to die, experiencing an orgasm from each thrust. Under its pressure would again and again, and sweet moans would burst out of me. And I would cum from every sharp move in me.On the back seat, I found a blindfold, the driver told me that I should wear it because it was warned about this. And even before I was blindfolded, he gave me a note. It was said:"Put the pearl in the shell ::"Opening the bag I got two balls like black pearls. A little down from the seat and spread her legs, pushed her panties and slowly wheeled back pearls and strained muscles of the vagina. I knew exactly what the driver saw me and I was even more factories. I tied my eyes and felt the languor lurks in the lower abdomen. The one that would not let me rest for several days. Excitation just drove me crazy I quickly wanted to be there where I was driven. What would he able to quickly quench my thirst. Caress me, that would be his big strong member could enter into me and give me a moment of pleasure. As we drove I wanted, what would the driver looked like I was going to pat ourselves before we arrive. I sat down, so that he would see me, it was almost completely, and especially wet pink pussy, which had been pearls. I launched a pen in her panties and started to fondle himself the consciousness of the fact that they look at me even more excited. I came, then when we almost arrived. We went not too long, about 40-50 minutes, I thought. We stopped at a very presentable home with security and other things, the door opened, and the driver took my hand and held-to-door to the entrance. I walked into the entrance, the guard said that I was waiting and handed me an envelope, there was a card with the inscription:"Get up. Bedroom waiting for you and we, too,"After reading the note by heart beat three times stronger than when I sat in the car. I was tormented by one question who the second man who was waiting for me. After rising to the second floor and went into the hallway, I felt behind her for a motion. That's him. He met me in a simple shirt and slacks, which made it clear that he had no underwear at any time can take me or when he wants it. He took me into the parlor, where he proposed to drink a little wine or what I want. However, he suggested that I take off my coat, I wanted to give the beginning, but then remembered that this is the game that I must comply. He untied the belt and took off my coat and looked at me in his underwear, shoes and purse in hand, and knowing that at this point in me is the gem. Putting a coat on a chair, he sat down and patted the seat next to him offering me a seat. I took the glass of the village and began to drink wine. Then he asked who else would be.- Tell me who else will pass away, the note stated that we are waiting for you? - I asked.- And this is my friend he'll like it strong and supple ass big cock it to you on the right, too, will love.- I think we're going to one and all of these notes ...- Admit it as exciting, is not it - when it slipped his hand on my thigh and penetrated under the panties and clit tickled - you have always hinted that you wanted two men at once, is not it?- Yes it is, but I do not know your friend may be it is not as sweet as you.- Do not worry, he knows his business, but until he came to, I think you can warm up a bit you do not mind?- I thought that we wait? - By this I received no reply, but received a light slap on the ass, which made it clear that I had to get up and go after him because he was the owner and apartment and regulations, I could only obey.After seeing me in the bedroom, he took off his shirt and pants and was totally naked in a sort of Greek god, his dick this time seemed dangerously large. And then I realized that I was waiting for an unforgettable night of love and sex. Passion, which can only dream of. He pushed me to the bed, so I lost her balance and fell on his back. I lay quietly, he towered over me kissing on the mouth as soon as he can. He took off my panties and bra. And then on my wrists immediately shut down and handcuffed at the ankles, too.- What are you doing here what handcuffs? - I asked anxiously.- I'll be gentle with you and evil simultaneously.So I did not know him, he pulled the vibrator out of my bag and began to drive all over his body around her breasts, pussy and ass for. Teasing my clit and anus. I began to realize that he wants me, and front and rear. I knew only one thing that I want it, and that he was always very insistent, and if I resisted he took me by force. I stayed on the stockings and the rest was now in its full power. I could not soprativlyatsya him, he inspired me and excited himself. He then went into my vibrator and watched as I begin to move forward, backward, and then placed a pillow under my waist and gently tickling the anus. My juices are just a river lelis excitement. He smeared the anus and put them back vibrator and made a couple moves. Then he put the weapon of torture. And with the strength entered into me, and the excitement of what he was doing each time I finished, and then he took up my ass (he made one move that penetrate into me and I realized that nobody was there and decided to make a gift to a friend virgin ass), only saying:- Dear today you leshishsya virginity completely, he knows a lot about how to strip your ass innermost.He began to move more strongly in my pussy and finished a couple of minutes on my belly and chest, we were lying.- You look especially good, and the beads inside you, just aboldenny, the feeling that you're doing me a blowjob sweet spot. Be patient, I'll get them from there.He parted my legs stronger and got a kiss from the vagina balls.After a while, he undid the handcuffs and let me into the bath.- Get dressed in the clothes, my friend likes girls in underwear, he once again you will strip- Well - I nodded approvingly, and went into the bath.There I stood under a hot shower and began to enjoy the way the water caresses my body. His stream of hot burnt my shoulders, chest, ass, pussy, which has just undergone a slight attack.While I was in the shower, and enjoyed the hot water and a friend of his came. At that moment in my heart I knew that I was being watched. When I turned, that would wash away the foam corner of my eye, I noticed that the door slightly ajar in a bath for her and someone I was studying. I thought that was funny and I decided to fool around a bit. Stood so that I could be seen in all its glory and began to fondle himself, breast nipples, and of course my nice pussy. The next thing I knew he abruptly shut the door and I knew I should go.I wiped with a towel and put on underwear left. Walking down the hallway I heard them talking.- Max is the kind of beauty in your bathroom, it's about her, you told me, she is your partner for sex and perverse pleasures?- Yes, it is that like?- Still, it's great, by the way she knows that I will come and what the relationship between us?

What every man would like to say to a woman?

Jun 28th @ 12:28am EDT

We would like you very much, women know about it. Just not all of us dare to say this of his beloved. In some ways, this "guide to using the man" ...1. We will never move away from the women with whom we are well.And even those that once was good - not immediately.2. We understand in women less than half would have liked.But twice as much as you think.3. Most of us know how to wash.As well as ironing, dusting, and even cook yourself something acceptable. Therefore, women's help around the house so we do not need to suffer for the sake of selfish ambition and contempt.4. We also occasionally engaged in sex with you when you do not really want.Just so as not to offend. If you decide to go with us to bed only when you see fit, we can do the same. And sex will be very good, but everyone - your own.5. We are not afraid of strong women.They just do not like us, just as you do not like weak men. Both of these facial features - defective, so easy to come together: a pair of strong women and weak men - it is not uncommon, but rather a classic.6. Sometimes we really know what we are doing.Even when you really do not want to admit it.7. We can without complaining for a long time to fulfill all your whims.But sometimes it's just curiosity - how far you can go to his selfishness. According to the results tend to follow organizational conclusions.8. In the world of about three billion women.And the beautiful and sexy among them is much more than men - intelligent and successful. We are reminded of this when we are required too much and give too little.9. Not all of us feel the fullness of women's disadvantage.With age, this question takes us less and less.10. Each of us values ​​most in women availability.But only if it is available - one for him. Forgive us for this paradox.11. We believe you.In particular, when you do criticize myself too hard.

Interesting movie ...

Jun 27th @ 9:01am EDT

Once, in One winter evening I was sitting at home alone. There was nothing, and I decided to call her boyfriend. We went to the movies. The evening was late and the hall was almost empty. Few people go on a weekday on what is melodrama. The hall was at first only the two of us. Meet us for a long time to say a word, but the sex we do not yet exist. Every now and then break off everything, and I did not feel ready for it.Finally, the film began. But very soon we have had no time for him. Cool Hand Max crawled on my thigh, I quietly gasped and came close to his face. He stared me in the mouth with a kiss .. Meanwhile, his hand continued to stroke my thigh. I sat on his lap face to face. He growled softly with excitement. I could feel his penis literally petrified in my pants. I wanted to please him. I slipped on the floor and knelt before him and unzipped his pants to jeans. Stroking his boy through the thin fabric of panties, I'm excited because it seemed like my girl since expired, that the jeans were wet, too, I have let down his pants, took off her gray boxers, and began to lick. He quietly moaned with excitement and stroked my head, then stroked the crown, the hair, clutching in his hand. I like the hard power of men, I wanted him to fuck me in all holes.Very soon, he broke down and finished-I have a sharp tongue, he always said it ;)I sat on a chair, he fell in the face to me. My jeans were strewn on the floor for a long time. He kissed me passionately with the language, and finally drove me in a wet, hot pussy his huge hard cock! I moaned, I felt so good! I fought him back claws, he tore me so that the chair creaked, he growled, biting my neck, took me literally all ostatka.ya without screaming in pain and pleasure, is placed on the member itself is literally all the way!-You are my bitch! Come on, come on!He abruptly pulled out of my chair and put the cancer. Fingering my pussy, he tore up my ass. I was so hurt, but then I came to talk, and wanted him to fuck me as long as possible!Finally we finished. As long as we fucked, I did not notice that, in the doorway watching us usher Alexander, who is now with the lustful smile came to us.-We have, as it were forbidden.At the same time, I took his tie and pulled him to her. Little girl corrupted. I wanted to fuck as lustful creatures.-I know how we can resolve this misunderstanding ...And he climbed hand in his pants. Max has his eyes on his forehead came out. I beckoned him to his finger. Without waiting for clues, he picked me up from the chair and put the cancer, drove me dick on the eggs in my wet CIMS. At the time I sucked at Mike as head of the sperm did not seem white ... Then they launched me and now I'm sucked back a loved one.Now we go to the movies for free .. Well .. Almost for free ;-)

Working day

Jun 26th @ 1:09am EDT

Working day was in full swing: knock on the door: on the threshold appeared a young man:- What do you want? - I asked.- Buy Building Materials:After reviewing the price list, he found nothing. . then I laughed- Or do you like our products, and we love you!He did not put out:- So do not buy awake?- No!- Then you have to go with me!Taking a key from the table, I walked past the demonstrative and invited him to a nearby office.He went with me into the office and I closed the door ... then laughed and began to apologize, said it was a joke ... back to him would open the door:But he came back and hugged me so that my hands were in the grip of ...-My God, what have I done! - I thought:- Take your time honey! - Whispered, his lips a pleasant aroma emanating from it was to operate quietly at me, her lips tugged at his ear and his tongue like a little snake was pleasantly tickled my neck: he has weakened the fight and dropped his hands on her hips, they gently and tenderly touched the skin and only tights prevented completely feel the heat coming from him: the door! Open it, and I am again in the world of paper money, or stay here and to plunge into the world of pleasure ... door separated the two worlds ... ::::::::::: .The decision was made, I turned to face him, my hands are plunged into a sweater and began stroking with pleasure is a strong body: but I wanted so much to compress the resilient male buttocks: buckle and pants left his master's fingers, the curve of the body sank lower and lower .. . They found that searched for: my palms caressed and squeezed his buttocks :: but he did not want all the initiative to pass into my hands ... :::He sat me down on the table: a blouse flew to the side and behind it and other clothes: his desire is expressed not only sparkling eyes, quickened breathing: his dick like a ripe fruit so he asked frustrated: I wanted to partake of this miracle of nature, I grabbed his feet thus bringing her already quivering bosom to the source: the source of which is to quench my thirst ... He entered into me, and time stood still: and only the heart beat in rhythm with his movements. . my feet are firmly gripped him, as if I was afraid that he is staying ... whole body trembled and sang ... and here I ispila nectar of the fetus: the happiness lit up my face: his body relaxed, he kissed me on the lips ... it was over ... will soon open the door ... and life will flow as usual ...

About happiness

Jun 25th @ 1:02am EDT

Happiness - is when you live, not live.Happiness is when you love it when you get love and affection, is when you give love and affection.Happiness - is when you have not only you but others, it's when you can do good not only themselves but others, an awareness of their involvement in something greater than his own ego.Happiness - is when you know that you have only one life, and that it is possible to live only once, this is when you enjoy every moment because you know that it will never happen again.Happiness - is when you look back, you realize that you are not too many would like to change in your life.Happiness - it's everything and nothing, it is all around us and within us. Happiness is just a metaphor, which determines only that the person knows that he was waiting in front of countless discoveries, countless joys and disappointments. He understands that there is still so much unknown, as many did not and so do not feel, but life is so short - and a happy man, turning back and looking around, smile an enigmatic smile and go further - to the new challenges. Because there is no happiness, there is a great mystery of life that you want to try to uncover. And a truly happy person is the one who found the answer - happiness - this is a moment in which we live.

It\'s hot

Jun 24th @ 1:41am EDT

\".. Take or not take\" - I thought: do the job honestly!: Taking a shower in the morning, I wore only a bra, go without him funny: my big breasts and playfully dressed, looking forward: a green, long dress, sundress with large slits in the front and sides, walking almost denudative my feet: I thought I\'ll go and excited and I felt the familiar pulsing in the abdomen:Heat on the street. . the sun shines brightly. . and saves only the wind: this rascal was trying to crawl under the dress even more people to see my feet: a pubic curls, began to move as if alive, as if someone\'s hands tugged at them, it\'s all so wound up that I wanted to go to run their fingers, I felt that become wet with excitement. . more likely to get to work: in the bus I sit in the furthest corner and take my feet: your hands and \"itch\", sits in front of a boy, glance at his trousers in his fly: and dream - \"That would be cool now, my sweaty flesh, plunging his penis into it: no matter what it is - a little big .. \"...turn away. . \"I am calm .. I am at peace\": somehow held out, get out ...good work on the outskirts of the city: most of the workaholic has already passed. . leaning against a tree, I start to caress her clitoris: the whole body covered languor, I feel it pulsing and responds to my touch: and finally spreads throughout the body bliss. such a weakness! Well, the tree gave the prop ... looking around, I went on. . need to hurry up, time will soon begin: but after five minutes I realized that it\'s not all: I want to again. . once again excited. . Why not? Because I have no panties on? . . Nonsense! But it so works for me:. . in the office of the two of us: in front of me - my boss:- \"What\'s wrong with you? You have so shine your eyes and blush on the cheeks!\":- Just too hot-I replied.What\'s going on on my monitor it is not clear, I took a drive to \"Jpn. Annimatsiey\", turned off the sound and began to look at: this cartoon I did not see: I like to watch when... . and say, \"No .. No I do not want to\" :: every minute viewing, I felt a new burst of excitement: it seemed to me that my bosom torn to pieces. . head was \"a blur\". . incision in the front giving easy access to the flashy, crazy my flesh in the air, I felt the smell of an excited woman\'s hope it\'s just I feel ... fingers wet from my juices, sliding easily, bringing me with every move to the next orgasm: YES - it happened!! . . I closed her eyes:-What happened to you, Lena?-Just dizzy .... . again, it became easier: but everything is squished. . orgasm juices running down the inside of the thigh: a bit staggering, I left the office, went into a tea and drank a glass of water. . The horror! What\'s going on with me? !: But this is so cool! \"I want to again\" - this idea was drilling a new in my brain ... have aside, work .... . well today, few visitors: visitor-Men: Which would be the eyes, I looked at them!: everything is repeated again: sweat on his forehead and a burning desire to ... hand there again, I became faster and faster to reach orgasm: but what I am missing it ... Orgasm does not bring relief ... I need a man!

13 words about love and life

Jun 23rd @ 1:29am EDT

1. I love you not for who you are and for who I am when I'm with you.2.Ni one person does not deserve your tears, and those who deserve it, does not make you cry.3.Tolko because someone does not love you as much as you want, does not mean that he does not love you with all my heart.4.Nastoyaschy friend - is someone who will hold your hand and touches your heart.5.Hudshy way to miss someone - is to be with him and realize that it will never be yours.6.Nikogda not stop smiling, even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.7.Vozmozhno in this world you're only human, but to someone you are - the whole world.8.Ne spend time with someone who does not want to spend it with you.9.Vozmozhno, God wants us to meet many wrong people before you meet that certain someone. In order for this to happen, we were grateful.10.Ne cry because it ended. Smile because it happened.11.Vsegda there are people who hurt you. We must continue to trust people, just be a little careful.12.Stan better understand yourself, who you are before you meet a new man and will hope that he will understand you.13.Ne attach so much effort, the best happens suddenly

Once in the office

Jun 22nd @ 1:18am EDT

You go to his office and carefully cover the door behind him. White blouse, black tight skirt just above the knee, black fishnet stockings, stiletto sandals, hair neatly gathered in the capsule - all very seriously, and it is very sexy and seductive.You come to him, stroking his hand on the bump trousers, and kiss him on the lips, and a passionate wet kiss, and the bump starts to grow and harden. You have to kneel down, a little poddernuv skirt and unbuttons his fly safely. His tender to get a handle and clasp his cock, of medium length, rather thick, with a large crimson head, and slightly curved upwards. Considering the club, you smiled happily, and your eyes sparkle, you looked up, his eyes and began to caress his hands.Do you feel like it got warm at the bottom of your stomach and you want to run my hand. A member continues to harden, fill power, it is hot and elastic. You leaned towards him and grabbed the head of mouth, so much so that you both moaned with pleasure. The tongue, lips, bringing even more fun. After a minute petting, you sit down mouth has become even more deeply, and itching between the legs you have just become unbearable, one hand shoved up her skirt and started to fondle himself, stroking through her panties.He gently holds you in his head, moaning with pleasure, and then sharply raises your feet, lifts her skirt on you, picks up a priest, is to the nearest table and puts your ass on the polished surface.Respiration breaks of impatience, he pulls off your panties, already soaking wet, and spreads your slender, beautiful legs in stockings in hand. It is served to you, you do, take his penis fingers, and sent to the entrance of the vagina. He came at you a little bit, then put his arms around you tight, you, too, embraced him, clasped his feet, and even trembling with impatience, whispered to him "Yes, go well with me, do it". He shook his hips from side to side, in one smooth motion came in you to finish, you, the current hot and desperate, so much so entered, you could not resist, and a long, screamed with delight. He froze for a moment, and slowly began to go out and come smoothly, the entire length. You clung to him, your nipples are so excited that stick right through the thin lace bra and thin fabric of her blouse.With one hand he carries on his back, gently squeezes his waist with his hand, and then enough and compresses the chest, pinching his nipple right through the clothes, and then rises above, and, holding your hands behind your head, and deeply passionate kisses. Your eyes closed in pleasure, his heart pounding. He descends below the hand, puts it in gently shaved lobochek, with an arrow from the hairs pointing back, down, and the thumb, first begins gently and then more and more insistent caress the clitoris.At the same frictions rate increases, more and more enters you to a brilliant member of the grease, and just a couple of minutes you throw back your head and discharge orgasm, and followed it a long, roaring fires inside your thick, hot cum, and stops, breathing heavily.A few minutes you're just cuddling and petting each other, then bring herself up, and you jump out of the office, happy, happy, and flushed.

Elevator. Fantasies

Jun 21st @ 2:03am EDT

f you suffer from claustrophobia, this story is not for you. Well if not, welcome to the enclosed space bounded by four walls, ceiling and floor. To enhance the pleasurable sensations, three walls of this room mirror, and a sliding door. Guess? Of course, it will be about the elevator. So, you and your companion are in a mirrored booth, which rushes down. It seems that she made a trip to the center of the Earth, and you become a hostage to the whims of involuntary moving of this unique design. When you entered the elevator, your hand is resting on the waist of your companion. She it was warm and cozy, because curved "curvature" of her figure, as if intended for your palm. Now, in the phosphorescent light of the cabin with a rising sense of danger and suspense, you attract lithe body closer to him, obeying the subconscious desire to protect. But the woman who sees this move quite differently. And now - it wax in your hands. Nestling round ass in your crotch, she begins to shake her hips from side to side. At the same time her hand for a long time to free your body from growing rigid framework that dictates the style business suit. You close your eyes, but not only with pleasure, and even in order to remove from view "outraged" back of another passenger elevator hurtling into the unknown ... Cab starts, stops, "head" has disappeared. Instead, in an elevator appear artificial curls and smile curve molodyascheysya spinster. Your companion, with his free hand, as if nothing had happened, presses the top floor, nice smile of a new witness your sweet torment. A couple more minutes and you alone. The skirt flies up. Imitation silk underwear can not be an obstacle to sustained hand. In front of a mirror, you see a slightly flushed face, with slightly opened lips and alluring green eyes. Her legs apart, back arched and she has to bite his hand to muffle the groan torn out of my chest ... Well, you will find a building in which at least 30 floors to complement my new fancy juicy details?

Dominance Light

Jun 20th @ 1:40am EDT

Walking down the street, in a stream of moving faces and figures suddenly see his eyes. Why do these, why at this moment, why, among the thousands of curious and indifferent, bright and dull, busy and free. These, and it is impossible not to slow down a step, do not turn around. Why should I seek rather to break this invisible thread, inability to make myself a casual acquaintance, explaining something to his employment, decency, fear, bewilderment and anger of others. And then, again merging with the crowd, already in the distance, or even later, sitting at home alone in front of pointless television, remember and regret it a random, unknown, but this thy so plain, so coveted look. We just stopped in the middle-infested streets at rush hour. Gray continued to push the flow of grumbling and dissatisfied, some smiled, turning to the two motionless figures, but it was already not important, we both stood there and looked at each other. "Come to me, here beside" - I heard the sound of your voice. Have you looked into my eyes, I saw the desire and the order and just nodded his head. When the swarming crowd, I saw his eyes, I just became rooted to the spot. I think I'm somewhere in a hurry, perhaps I was waiting for something important ... Yes, I hurried away. Some shop, some kind of meeting with friends. But then, this is it. Alone at night I dreamed about this meeting. This is my fantasy Thirty night very responsible, very busy, successful, lonely. "Come to me, here beside" - I heard the sound of his voice, and nodded. As soon as we entered the room, I was suddenly embarrassed, began to fuss, and without saying anything, just sat on the sofa. And you, you smiled, climbed on my lap and kissed him once. Go gently, a little childish lips just a little bit, and then pressed all the mouth, more and more on the lips, long swaying. Then the wreath product of languages ​​and their mouths slightly open, and I catch your breath, and you are mine. And you have some little lips do you want something more, that would fill your mouth, and you catch my tongue and pulls it and squeezes his lips, and now it hovers in your mouth, suddenly hardens, and you, placing his head and back pressing it to my face in my head, sit down language from which he suddenly pulled hard and feeling your sky. And my hands on the waist, like a hoop, strong and gentle kiss on the chin and neck, and the language is soft again for your ear leaving it moist. But I have not breathed in thee, and again I need your lips, they were already mine, soft wet soft lips. I continue to kiss you, but my right hand was already reaching for your pussy. I know that I would find there the same lips even wetter, they also want my kisses. No, do not resist, but with some astonishment you feel the new growing between us hot pulsating body, that so monstrous bulging in my pants. And I understand how you are all tense. This reaction is familiar to me and when you balk me in the chest with his hands, to move away, I force you to turn the lift facing the wall and hug her. One hand holds you by the neck and presses against the wall, while the other quickly unzips his pants, pulled out from an excited member. Then this hand pulls you around the waist pulls down your pants and in this moment you know what I'm rude to you ... Do you want me, but you want my attention to my tenderness, and I understand that you're just naughty and resist. The resistance prevents me from his hand and I loudly, strongly and sharply beat you in the ass once, twice, three times. I'm rude! Today I am rude, I just want you brutally. You swam. I know that this weakness after such attacks. But I have just put a little into the bosom of his torch. Again and again! I see Is Red spot on the right half of blood flow. I unfold your face and throw on a soft cushion couch, now you look at my cock, and I'm looking at your face. "Oh, the horror! I wish I just took it in himself and did not resist. Does he want, what I took it into his mouth: He was too much. I can not, I can not open his mouth so wide, why he so persistently stared to my lips. No, I will not, I'll go away and everything, I can leave whenever I want, I myself can come and go when I will want ..... " Seeing the resistance, I swung and hit you in the face with his hand ... I saw blood in the corner of his mouth and, holding your head with your hands and sent a force of sticking up right in the swollen count this bloody mouth fell open. That's it! The lips that I kissed her so passionately, put on the penis. You gasped for a moment, the taste of blood, desire, arousal, and the inevitability of what is happening can not be swept consciousness. I realized that resistance was broken, let's head and rested his hands on the back of the sofa, and you own two hands grabbed my penis and scrotum itself with a dull groan, his head planted so deep as she could. Oh, what a blow it was. In escaping the reality merged and pity for you, and shame for himself, and severity of physical feeling was that convulsively tightened abdominal muscles pulling the eggs to the base of the penis. But I did not want to stop. I knew how to flow your lips there, behind the tightly closed legs. I still need the juice. I want to try it, I want to plunge into it. I want my tongue was out there on the surface, then inside, then again at the top. I want to catch your lips elusive clitoris. And then, when you tossing, losing control, flying off into unreality, clenching his hands, my head shout "Come to me, has at last, come to me all. ALL!" I will lift your feet high, slightly open and I see excited wet from the juice ring anus. I see a rose open and eager pussy, then I plunge into you overclock your dick right to the end, to the most eggs, long and hard to open a new uncharted depth you have, he will slide into you, until the first strike will not fear your whole body.


Jun 19th @ 1:27am EDT

Recently opened a shop where women can choose and buy a husband.Near the entrance hangs a set of rules of the shop to read.A. You can visit the store ONLY ONCE.Two. The store 6 floors, the quality of men increases with increasing atomic number of floors.Three. You can choose any man on any floor or climb to the top floor.4. Not allowed to return to the ground floor.One woman decided to visit this most \"shop men\" to find a companion. Reading at the entrance to the first floor the sign: \"Men with a job\" - it goes directly to the second floor.A sign on the second floor: \"Men who have jobs and love kids.\" A woman goes to third.A sign on the third floor: \"Men who have jobs, love kids, and very beautiful.\" \"Wow\" - I thought the woman, but still went to the fourth floor.A sign on the fourth floor: \"Men who have a job, a dazzling beauty, and help around the house.\"- Incredible! - Cried the woman. - It is very hard to resist! But by saying it is still up to the fifth floor.A sign on the fifth floor: \"Men who have a job, dazzling beauty, helping around the house and very romantic.\"The woman really wanted to stay on this floor and choose a mate, but she, breaking himself went to the top floor.And on the sixth floor sign reads, it\'s this effect: \"You are on this floor the visitor 31,456,012, there are no men, this floor there is only to once again prove that a woman can not be met. Thank you for visiting our store!\"And right in front of the store was opened \"Shop wives.\" On the first floor there are women who love sex. The second - the rich woman who love sex. And on floors three through six so no not once gone.


Jun 18th @ 1:13am EDT

She was sitting on a park bench. Nothing prevented sad. Let the kids running around, calling to let their mother, let the men arguing, playing chess. So be it! All the same, so well, that is sad. Closing her eyes, she was carried away to nowhere, where very different, and there is the sea. Soft, gentle sea. Oh, there! ..She did not notice that he was on the bench. Opening her eyes, she saw that he was just sitting on the bench. And yet, and yet he was so good, that is sad. And it seemed that he was the same place where she. Yes, she saw it. Saw the same spray from the waves fall on his face, and the same wind ruffled his hair.They did not say anything. Just go there. Just palm it was in his palm, and from that was very nice, cozy, and it would wrap, bundle up and put it in the shoulder tip.He carried her in his arms, he pressed her to his chest. He kept it! He was saving it! He inhaled it!They sat in the kitchen. Hissed the unit in the ceiling vapor. Delicious smell of cherries. He looked at her. She rarely raised her eyes at him from under long lashes.They drank a delicious tea-scented woods and berries. She did not speak to him about himself, but he said nothing to her about himself. Broke the silence of his eyes.- You are insanely beautiful! I've never seen that!- You, too! - Answered it.- I want to give you my love! - Whispered to his heart.- I want to drown in it! - Shouted it.- You are the most tender, - sang his hands down her cheek.- You are the strongest, - answered her, lying on his shoulders.- I finally found you! - Met her lips.

Bank life

Jun 17th @ 1:23am EDT

Students have already completed ... and the audience waited for the beginning of lecture. Here the teacher came and put on the table a large glass jar that surprised many:- Today I would like to talk to you about life, what can you say about this bank?- Well, it\'s empty - someone said.- Exactly - confirmed the teacher, then he took a bag from under the table with large stones, and began to lay them in a jar as long as they do not fill it to the top, - And now you can say about this bank?- Well, now the bank\'s gross! - Again, said one of the students.The teacher took one more bag of peas, and began to fill it to the bank. Peas began to fill the space between the stones:- And now?- Now, the bank\'s gross! - Started the second student. Then the teacher took a bag with sand, and began to fill it to the bank, after some time the bank has run out of space.- Well now, then just complete the bank - zagaldeli students. Then the teacher with a sly smile, pulled out two bottles of beer and poured them into the jar:- And now the bank is full! - He said. - And now I will explain to you what just happened. Bank - that is our life, stones - these are the most important things in our lives is our family, our loved ones, all that is huge for uspeas - these are the things that are not so important for us, it can be an expensive suit or a car, etc.and the sand - it\'s very small and not significant in our lives, all those little problems that accompany us throughout all our livesso, if I fell asleep in the first bank to sand, then it would have been impossible to put any peas or stones, so never let the various little things to fill your life, closing your eyes to more important things. I have all of the lecture is over.- Professor - asked one of the students - and that means a bottle of beer??!The professor smiled slyly again:- They mean that, despite all the problems, there is always time for something that would relax and have a few bottles of beer!

Realistic Dream

Jun 16th @ 1:03am EDT

I'm home alone. Lying on the sofa in a light robe of blue silk. I read the book. Quietly playing beautiful, sensuous music. Then suddenly the doorbell. Shudder of surprise, and I go to open it. On the threshold of a stranger with flowers. Why am I - that once I realized it was you. An unexpected meeting ... I'm not waiting, not even implied, that you can come. And you ... I invite you to come into the room. Silently we stand and look at each other. All words why - then fled. I'll never seen before and a little confused.And you slowly caress my eyes ... I can not stand and come to you with some doubt. I do not know, how are you povedesh. I perform a soft palm on your cheek and pressed for you. Breathing in your scent. You're such a strange and dear once. You hug me, too. Your hands stroked my back. And the words are no longer needed. We realized that no strangers to each other. With time and distance is not in vain lighted the very spark of - for which we are now together. I lift my eyes on you, and our eyes meet. My green and your blue.Rises on tiptoe and kiss you. Sample a kiss to know the taste of your lips and understand what I did will never forget. Sample kiss turns into a conscious desire. We kiss for a long time, slowly. Our tongues danced the dance of desire. And we both know that there will be no less sweet extension. Our bodies want to love each other. And why did not resist. With barely tear myself from you. Seated in a chair.Depart in several steps. I looked, his eyes. And the music sounds. It sounds fill the room with passion. And my body will slowly begin to move. A thin silk robe does not hide the shape of my body. I do not think I separate from you. You, too, look at me, his eyes. And I dance. Their movements, I want to show how much I wanted this meeting. I went over to you, dance without stopping. You pull me to him, sits down on his knees. Your warm hands are collected under the robe. You're stroking my thigh. We will merge into a kiss. We get up. You have to untie the belt of her dressing gown, and he falls to the floor. I stand before you completely naked.You eagerly kiss my lips, neck, and runs his hands over his stomach, waist and buttocks. Gently compress my chest. Lips follow the hands. Do you like my body to try a taste. I gently stops you. I do not like that you're still dressed. I'm pulling off your shirt, unbuttoning each pugovichku slowly - slowly. I conduct hands on your shoulders, strong arms. You're all mine now. I unbutton your pants. Despise them down with the shorts. They are to us now to anything. A little - a little, and you're standing in front of me naked. I can see how much you're excited. I feel a mad desire to join with you in one. I pull you into the twilight of my bedroom.We climb into bed. Your hands slide down my back, just scratching the tender skin. My lips slide down your throat. I am a little lift. Crawl down below. Pave a path of kisses across the chest to the belly, enjoying the way your muscles tense up, where I touch their lips and tongue. I get excited before you were a member. He very much wants to have me. As much as I want it. My lips are closed upon him. Do you like it, I know. I kiss him. Bite. Lick. You moan with pleasure. It excites me is your reaction to my actions. I tear myself from you, creating a feeling of emptiness. I look at you from the bottom up.You pull me to him, presses, passionately kiss and turns. Now I'm lying on my back, and you're nice to me, presses his body. Your lips kissing my breasts. Suck it. I'm choking on the flood of sweet sensations. You're driving me crazy with their hands, lips and tongue. Papillae are very hard and sensitive. I want more. But you do not hurry. You know firmly that this is our first time to be unforgettable. You bite nipple, his hands caressing my thighs. I breath. The back bends toward your kisses and caresses. And now, hot kisses runs down the track.My hips begin to move involuntarily. And nothing I can do about it. I want you! You look into my eyes clouded with passion, and your finger pushes the bottom of my puffy lips, my circle encircles a ruby ​​bud. Slips below is part of my hot pussy. I have passion bleed moisture. I tremble with anticipation. I'll take your hot trunk of a solid in the hand and squeezed. Gently attracting you to the entrance of the cave.Raise the hips and legs parted wider, so that you make it easier to enter. You like teasing me. Do not enter, but only lightly touches a member of the login. Stroking the head of my soft petals, presses a sensitive bud. I raise my hips to meet you. My desire to feel you inside rolls over. But you do not hurry.Flips on my stomach and my thigh lifts. Kiss back. Compress my breasts. Rubs his nipples. I arch, as the cat. Move your ass to meet a member. You puts his hot hard shaft to the entrance of my current moisture cave. And in one smooth slow motion walk into me at full length. I feel your ardor and strength within themselves and sobbed with pleasure. You begin to move slowly, then going for the whole length, leaving me completely. Your sweeping motion, strong.Are you over and over again as I walk into the deep. I moan with passion. My cave tightly embraces you. I'm inside the hot and crowded. You gradually speeding up. You walk into me harder and deeper. Hold me by the waist with his hands, setting the pace. I am close to madness by nevyplesnutogo desire. When I raised that - it is unreal, it goes from - that of the depth increases the hot wave. I know that you also feel that - something like that. Your dick is rhythmically into me at a furious pace. My cave begins to decline, more tightly clenching your trunk. I'm struggling in the throes of orgasm mad, like molten lava gushed from the volcano, inundating all my thoughts. And feel your red-hot eruption in me. Your hoarse cry.A freeze on the bottom cave. All was confusion. There are only a sense of mission and unity with you. Ripple. Slowing down the movement. And we both fall down exhausted on the bed. Hard to breathe. Happy smile. I like the sound of your heart mad, hot lips around my ear. And his breath a little, start kissing again. We can not seem to get enough of each other. We can not break away from each other. And we understand that one of the nights we are not enough to quench the thirst of passion. And that this meeting did not last. But it remains the most memorable, hot and sweet ... I close my eyes ...And then ... I wake up ... I do not know what happened ... I am looking for you ... And bitterly realize that it was just a dream ... a vivid realistic, but still a dream. And why I woke up so quickly?


Jun 15th @ 1:27am EDT

I slept in my bed and I had a strange dream, very similar to reality.I sit in the evening in a cafe on the corner of the house, drinking tea and eating biscuits. Comes up to me, cute waiter, and gives me a piece of paper .... I stared, first at the paper and then at him, he winked at me and went down the business. I was terribly interested in what has been written in this strange message. I opened the piece of paper and saw in it the following: \"At exactly 20:00 I\'ll wait for you near the cafe, come will not regret it!\".-Why get lost? - I thought. - The girls still walk, but I do not what the house. Little time is left.Quick off the account, I ran home to change clothes and to paint.He was standing under a street lamp.-Hi, - I said to him, smiling.-Hey, what shall we go?A what?-Now all you see.-Okay. - I agreed.We went from house to house and talked. We went to his house, and went into the entranceWell, that\'s coming. - He said.He went ahead and called the lift arm called me. I went with him. Elevator took us to the eighth floor, then opened the door, firing, our spacious stairwell. He opened the door and I saw his apartment. Apparently he was waiting for someone. In a large room lamp was burning red and the middle of the room stood a richly laid table.Who-is-waiting - I asked.-Only you, my dear.He poured me some wine in a beautifully decorated glass.Here, drink this, it will help you relax.-Will you be drinking?He shook his head yes and went to the recorder, pressed the Play, and out poured a beautiful music. We circled in the dance, he was pretty good and responsive partner. The wine was strong, and I have drunk two glasses.It seems to me you\'re tired ... he said he came to me.Gently taking me in his arms, he carried me to bed in another room. Putting me, he lay down beside him.-You know you\'re so beautiful, every day I watched you when you walked past a cafe.-So you\'re watching me - I jumped sharply.-Calm down, I\'m not a maniac, you just do me very much. - He assured me.Frankly, I do it for a long time, since the school put the eye. I could not believe his luck, finally, that fate brought us together. Moving closer to me, he kissed me on the lips, and I did not resist. By answering his kiss in return, I bit her lower lip. His hands gently stroked my body, slowly stirring my senses. Her lips kissed my neck and chest, down to the stomach. I could no longer restrain myself, my body is curved wave of passion. Oh, he looked like an angel, an angel in the dark, his long dark hair fell over his shoulders and shone a red light, I wanted him body and soul. He took off my silk blouse, forcing my chest covered with goosebumps at the touch of his hands. I was lying on his back, enjoying the warmth and tenderness of his hands as he took off his shirt, and the section I was completely, I did not notice, but heard his breathing, I realized he wanted me too.-Well, let them. - I thought to myself.I surrendered to his caresses, his hands and lips, because I no longer constrained by the meaning is not seen. He looked at me and I understood everything.-Take, if you want. - I whispered in his ear, and licked his earlobe.He passionately took me by the waist, spit in his hand, to moisten his dick wet finger held on the pussy, and slowly but firmly, gently and pleasantly, he began to introduce me, making sure I was ready, he came in and shouted I finished with pleasure. Waking up, I realized that it was not a dream but reality and it was actually with him, I have two and a half years.The miracle did happen.


Jun 14th @ 9:07am EDT

She waited for him. And her thoughts were directed to this side ... "You will hear a call, it will open the door. He will go down. He closes the door, and then kiss her. His hand stroked her breasts, and then crawl down, pat her buttocks .... Here is a hand crawling on his back, unbuttons his dress and removes it. Caresses , now naked, her breasts and then touched his lips again to her lips. She unzips his pants, freeing his penis (which it is hard!), stroking his hand.nHis hand crawl to her panties - she touched them ... They were wet from her "impatience" to meet him. - He will remove them, pat her crotch and then her fingers caress her cunt ... - She even moaned at the thought. - Then he will lift her leg and enters into it, plunging his cock into her crotch, and then come back and go down, come, come, come, come ... It will increase the pace, but it will have an orgasm for orgasm and moan with pleasure, more and more ... Then he said, before finish, quickly come out of it, roughly gall her head, insert his penis in her mouth and her mouth falls upon a jet of sperm ... "n"Clink-clank!" - The phone rang.

Fantasia. Master

Jun 13th @ 7:15am EDT

Shade around the candles, I stand before you naked, defenseless, in the eyes of the bandage. I am completely in your power. This is your rite of excellence, a symbol of your infinite power over me, a true reflection of the natural order. You look at my body, on a beautiful, correct, seductive lines and curves, I am absolutely open to you. You pass me from behind, leans over to me and inhale the smell of my hair - sweet, floral, it will captivate you, fascinates.You have to remove the hair from my shoulder and just touching his lips to her neck, shoulder. My heart was beating loudly, breathing becomes difficult, on the back and hands shiver runs through me ... You're the hand rests on my chest, stroking her, and suddenly, heavily compresses the nipple. I screamed in surprise and pain. Do you like it, you touch the second breast.I tense, waiting is a pain, but you smile and removed his hand. You begin to gently caress my body: abdomen, back, shoulders, hips ... Your hands mauled my buttocks, and suddenly you have to spank me hard, loudly. I shudder - I was not hurt, just a little bit scary. You take my hands and bind them behind their backs, tight, I could not move them. Kiss me on the lips, passionately, tough lick her nipples, swollen and wrinkled, suck, bite them.I moaned softly, and my pain, and pleasure. You tell me to place the legs wider, passed his hand between his legs - there is wet. Put your hand in my mouth, I lick your fingers. You spend them on my crotch, gently enter inside and begin to slowly move his hand. My moans become louder, I'm moving toward your hand, but you will not let me enjoy it, removed his hand and hear frustrated sigh. As if to punish spank me between the legs and in turn, compress the labia, the clitoris ... It hurts, but I dare not resist, you are my lord, and your will - the law. You decide to re-do me nice and massiruesh clitoris - you know what I like ...I dissolve in these sensations and for a moment forget about everything, but you have to remove his hand. You squash on my shoulders and makes kneel. Your dick for my lips and I begin to caress you gently, gently licking the head, testicles, fully taking dick in your mouth ... You fiksiruesh my head, winding the hair on your arm and you start to move back and forth, faster, sharper ... Sperm flowing in my throat, I swallow everything, lick the head.You raise me to untie his hands and lowered onto the bed face down. I lifted up booty and legs wide apart waiting for your actions. You get a belt, spend it on my back, sides, buttocks, inner thigh, wave and beat me. I cried out, here's the second attack, the third ... Spanking dealt measured and rhythmically, accompanied by my cries ... The skin on the buttocks, blush, and you stop.You pet me, caressing her hands from the outside, inside, teasing me, my fingers wet in my grease. I move toward you, moaning, sighs loudly for my anus ... and I'm frightened, froze and instinctively clench my sphincter - I have not had anal sex and I'm afraid. You gently massiruesh finger hole and gently apply pressure, slowly move in, introducing the entire finger. I did not hurt, but strange and awkward. And then you take out the finger-aa ... Ahh! .. So dramatically! You repeat it again, adding a second finger, but it hardly moves - my muscles are stretched, compressed and do not let you go. Do you spank me, make the sphincter relax and have already introduced two fingers.How long it lasts, I do not know, my ass is burning and my feelings are concentrated in this place. Suddenly everything stops, turns you on my back, leaning over me, covering my body with kisses ... I'm relaxed, bliss ... Aaaa-aa! .. Something dripped on the hot nipples! You lesh wax my chest, dripping it on the nipples, the spark of the abdomen, pubis, to plant my feet and thighs burn liquid wax ... I cry, it hurts me terribly! Please do not, please! ..The pain subsides, and you once again turns me face down. I feel your big cock for me, you spend it on the clitoris, labia, and walk into me. Aaagh! .. Yes! .. I enjoy these sensations as you dramatically stronger, faster, are moving inside me, filling me completely, to get to the uterus ... I feel our unity, the fusion of bodies ... You stop and you go out, I'm at a loss. Between the buttocks feel the liquid, but it is not semen, the fluid a bit, it pours down ... It's oil, grease.Are you a member of the balk in the ass, I'm scared, I want to break free, but you hold me tight and begin to stick to myself ... I understand that this is inevitable, and try to relax your muscles ... You're pushing the buttocks and presses his hands inside the head. You are very tight, as if I was torn, I bite my lips almost to the blood ... You go out and do it again and again until you do not become loose enough. Slowly move back and forth, my muscles are tightly wrapped around you, squeezing the penis. A little more, and you end by a groan ...Leans wearily on the bed and let me finish ...Do you ... gently stroking me, I lay your head on your shoulder and hug you. I am completely yours. You are my lord and master. You - my man. I - your woman. I love you ..

"The dream is sex"

Jun 12th @ 1:24am EDT

It all starts with the fact that I go to an unfamiliar city, and there get acquainted with a young man. I really like him and I, too, besides, I need someone who knows the city, and if he is a handsome, it is doubly cool. We get to know him in a disco, accidentally met on the dance floor. Natantsevavshis, he sits at my table, and ordered me to drink. We tied a conversation in which it appears that we live in one house. It amazes me pleasure, and I invite him for tea. I was very well marked his excitement, almost skinny jeans do not hide already beginning to strain the bayonet. Immediately it becomes clear that before the tea, it never comes, and we are anxious to go home.The closer to the destination, the more my and his excitement. I feel like between my legs getting hot and humid, I often look at the convex surface of his jeans .... Finally, I open the door, unable to hold back any longer, he pulls me to her, bites her lips and begins to caress his chest. I stroked his belly and dropping below unbutton his pants. He already took off my bra and picked up the buttocks, is on the bed. Together, we remove, to each other's jeans, they fly under the table. His white shirt is a fish in an aquarium. He pulls off my panties and kisses her clitoris. I draw him closer, asking him to continue. He even wider spreads my legs and licks the resulting lubricant leads tongue between large and small labia, now and then gently pulling and biting their lips. Teasing and kissing her clitoris, he said, his fingers massaging the vagina, almost brings me to orgasm. Wishing to extend and strengthen it, he gradually comes to me and gradually increase the pace. I'm starting to moan and rapid breathing - I was overwhelmed by a wave on the incommunicable orgasm .... At this time he also cums, managing to get out of me. His breath a little bit, we decide to take a shower. Basking under the cool streams of water, I begin to descend, sliding his hands and his tongue over his elastic and slender body, and finally spend the language of his penis, which in his eyes began to widen. Gently sucking on his head, I hand stroking the barrel, and another caress his testicles.Hugging the base by hand, I am deeply Swallow his penis, which gives him a long groan, but I do not give him finish ahead of time, and turned their attention to the base of the penis and testicles .... First I lick each separately, and then take in the mouth and roll it from side to side, while caressing tongue, then take just two, this time gently massaging and stroking the trunk space between the anus and the scrotum. Finally, I gently touch the tongue lick the head and speaking a drop, kiss and slowly take in the mouth of his bayonet deeper and deeper, suddenly his body stiffens and he ejaculates .... Tired but happy, we wipe each other with towels and go to tea.

What makes a person happy?

Jun 11th @ 1:35am EDT

What makes us happy is constantly changing.When we were two years old, we were happy, having received a gift doll, toy car, playing pool or exploring the insect. We were a little older, and our happiness is beginning to play football. Later, music was happy, then dancing, then the friendship with the opposite sex. Finally, the object of our happiness acquired the outlines of the car, then their own homes, work, husband or wife. Then we began to find happiness - in the accumulation of material resources to ensure their own well-being.For many, happiness is to be accepted by society and valued by others. Some people to achieve happiness may seek influence in society, others - various sensual pleasures. One thing is certain: nothing so far has not given us the permanent happiness.Life is changing. Thus, items that give a feeling of happiness and satisfaction, also undergo a change, if we let them. Our main problem is that we cling to things that bring us happiness before, and believe that they will bring us happiness in the future. We do not grow and remain in the stagnant waters of our former affections. As we have in the last part with our previous sources of happiness and move on to new, just as we must in future adhere to such tactics.If, when we were two years, or seven, or fifteen years old, someone told us that the things that bring happiness now, after some time for us to become meaningless and useless, we could not understand this and have decided to, that we are trying to cheat. Why should we believe that now things are different? We are still at the bottom of the ladder of spiritual development. We will have to undergo many changes before we get to the top step. Have you noticed in yourself, that are trying to save the old sources of happiness, which is actually now have no source of happiness and suffering?When the former source of happiness is beginning to bear pain, causes conflict with other people and our inner \"I\" may be a sign: it\'s time to reach new horizons of interests and occupations.What makes us happy is constantly changing.When we were two years old, we were happy, having received a gift doll, toy car, playing pool or exploring the insect. We were a little older, and our happiness is beginning to play football. Later, music was happy, then dancing, then the friendship with the opposite sex. Finally, the object of our happiness acquired the outlines of the car, then their own homes, work, husband or wife. Then we began to find happiness in childhood, and then - in the accumulation of material resources to ensure their own well-being.For many, happiness is to be accepted by society and valued by others. Some people to achieve happiness may seek influence in society, others - various sensual pleasures. One thing is certain: nothing so far has not given us the permanent happiness.Life is changing. Thus, items that give a feeling of happiness and satisfaction, also undergo a change, if we let them. Our main problem is that we cling to things that bring us happiness before, and believe that they will bring us happiness in the future. We do not grow and remain in the stagnant waters of our former affections. As we have in the last part with our previous sources of happiness and move on to new, just as we must in future adhere to such tactics.If, when we were two years, or seven, or fifteen years old, someone told us that the things that bring happiness now, after some time for us to become meaningless and useless, we could not understand this and have decided to, that we are trying to cheat. Why should we believe that now things are different? We are still at the bottom of the ladder of spiritual development. We will have to undergo many changes before we get to the top step. Have you noticed in yourself, that are trying to save the old sources of happiness, which is actually now have no source of happiness and suffering?When the former source of happiness is beginning to bear pain, causes conflict with other people and our inner \"I\" may be a sign: it\'s time to reach new horizons of interests and occupations.


Jun 10th @ 1:01am EDT

Merry Company - three boys and three girls - were going to the golden beaches of Florida. They are expected to tender sun, warm sand, blue water and the sea of ​​pleasure. They loved and were loved. Others they gave joyous smile. They wanted everything to be happy.Next to them sat a fairly young man. Each burst of joy, every pain, laughter spoke on his dark face. It's all compressed and more unsociable.One of the girls broke down and sat next to him. She learned that the dark man's name is Wing. It turned out that he spent four years in a New York jail and is now going home. This is even more surprised fellow traveler. Why is it so dull?- Are you married? - She asked.This simple question was followed by a strange response:- I do not know.Confused girl asked:- You do not know?Wing said:- When I went to prison, I wrote to my wife that I will be absent for a long time. If it becomes difficult to wait for me if the kids start asking about me and it hurt her ... In general, if it does not survive, albeit with a clear conscience will forget me. I can understand it, "Find yourself another man, - I wrote it. - Even I can not tell about it."- You eat home, not knowing what awaits you?- Yes - hard to hide the excitement, said Wing.Look girl was full of sympathy. Wing could not share the principal:- A week ago, when I was told that because of good behavior let me go ahead, I wrote her again. At the entrance to my home town you will notice a big oak tree near the road. I wrote that if I needed it, then let it hang on it a yellow handkerchief. Then I'll go with the bus and go home. But if she does not want to see me, let him do nothing. I'll pass by.Before the city was very close. Young people took the front seats and began to count miles. Tension grew in the bus. Wing, exhausted, closed his eyes. It remains to ten, then five miles ... And suddenly, the passengers jumped from their seats and began to shout and dance for joy.Looking out the window, Wing froze all branches of the oak were completely littered with yellow handkerchiefs. Fluttering in the wind, they welcomed the man returned to his home.


Jun 9th @ 1:15am EDT

I do not understand! What is happening to me? Like puberty is over, and I feel like a fifteen-year boy who is doing what he thinks about sex. But I\'m not a boy! I am - the girl in the prime. And I want everything that moves, winks and smiles ... I\'m ashamed to have to ride public transportation, walk to restaurants or to engage in training. Everywhere I throw a wild, passionate, undressing views of the surrounding men. But I have my own! And it does not limit me in sex.Quite the contrary! But sometimes we are interrupted by such things as work, shopping or playing sports ... So what? I always want to! Even when I swear with some zanudlivoy spiteful grandmother in the queue at the checkout. Maybe it\'s the disease? I\'m afraid if I will always meet the needs of its unhealthy, my body will wear out very quickly. And this in my life plan is not included.There! Now! I am flying on a plane to visit her mother. She lives in another city. And I now leave, the devil take it .. I\'m wearing a tight red short skirt and a white T-shirt with a deep cut through which one can see my black clothes. And did I not dressed to attract attention! .... Just hot. It is very hot. A broken air conditioning in the plane and soft drinks ran out. And ... we\'re in heaven ... Here the sun heats hotter ... And there is nothing to smirk!Beside me sat a young man. Perhaps even a year younger than me by 2. He has a very nice torso: pumped up, relief. A very dark, with green eyes, short-cropped, and he really smells good. And I love it when a man uses a perfume, just lose your head. This situation was not the exception. I already knew he was on me now is not going anywhere. A guy once sat restlessly, constantly throwing glances at me and obviously has gathered the courage to speak to me. I called the stewardess and ordered two glasses of whiskey on the rocks (well, okay, they have worked as a refrigerator!). 5 minutes later my wish fulfilled. So what? I mentally reviewed the situation. What do we have? 2 glasses of alcoholic beverage and the cute seductive young man beside him.- Help yourself - I said young man, handing him a glass.- What do you mean ... I do not even know ... Thank you, should not have to do ... - he was confused and embarrassed. I enjoyed it very much. Behaved so timidly.- My name is Ella, if you do want to know. And you?- Stepan. Very nice - with a smile said Stepan. What is the name of the village! It is not suitable because of its appearance.- In what place?- Excuse me?- Oh, nothing. Let\'s drink to a successful flight.After we drank, began to talk about the simple things about him, about me. It turns out that Stepan is a representative of a company and flies to another city for work. But, in general, not in conversation was the essence, and that he was accompanied by: the views, casual contact, smiles, gestures ...After some time, Stepan got up, notifying that he has to use the toilet. Well, while we were talking so cute! ... But ... It\'s great! What a great idea! Come, boy, go.Minutes after 1.5, I got up and went after him. Passing through the shop, I noticed that everything around some sleepy, looking out the window. Why I can not sleep peacefully? No, currently looking for adventure in one place.As soon as I went to the restroom door, she began to open, and I saw that someone had come for. Stepan had not yet done wondering eyes, as I have sharply pushed him back into the booth and closed the door on the latch. And there is nothing you can accommodate.- Ella, what\'s the matter? - Asked the frightened young man.- You want me, does not it? - I asked, taking off his T-shirt at the same time. - What are you afraid? Their desires?I have already removed at this time and proved to a skirt in front of almost a stranger to me a man in his underwear.- But ... it\'s wrong. We all took the toilet ... we just met ... - he croaked an agitated voice.Oh, my God! Well, for an innocent angel caught me? I hope he is not even a virgin .. Stepan wanted to say something else, but I put his finger to his lips, that he fell silent. Anyway, it has no one asks.I began to take off his shirt, unbuckling the belt ... He did not resist, just staring at my body in a semi-transparent black lingerie. And I, in turn, is considered his chest, abs, shoulders. It is delicious! As Apollo. At the same time, I unzipped his fly on his trousers and felt something hard and big. Naglyadelsya, so ... I like to produce the effect ..Then he acted himself. Pulled off his pants, along with shorts and was completely naked. A member was already hard. He was so nice and big, with a shiny head. My breathing became more frequent with excitement, and his heart pounding. Stepan\'s eyes looked at me with such desire that I thought: is one view of this, I finish. He undid my bra and pulled off my panties. Began stroking my breasts, my butt ... It turned out to be such gentle hands, that my body instantly ran shiver. He felt it and smiled. We closed the toilet lid (romantic atmosphere, is not it?), I landed on the Styopa sidushki, and she stood up to face him. He began to kiss my tummy, the area around the groin ... slowly and gently. I shook my knees. I was a little bent over his face and kissed her passionately on the lips. Our hot tongues touching everything with more passion, entwined in her mouth then one, then another. From his skin odor young, but a real man. I could not tighten more, and so will he. I sat down on his cock, which went deep into me. From I nearly burst a groan, but I resist - after all, is not alone in the plane! I grabbed his soft hair, and he clasped his hands my pelvis. I started to move up and down, getting great pleasure.Stepan helped me with his hands. With his strong hands. His cock is so resilient, I feel it all the internal cells of the vagina. I leaned a little closer, so that frictions with my clit in contact with the bottom of the abdomen partner. I began to turn her ass around, and then down - back - forward and upward. It appeared as if I had riding on a stallion .. My clit rubbing it all the time, strained, and with each new movement, I felt incredible excitement and pleasure. I accelerated with each second, faster, my fingers slipped on the broad back of Stepin ... The blood rushed to his temples, his eyes darkened a little bit .. I was jumping like mad and .... finished! This orgasm was so powerful that echoed throughout the body, from head to toe. It was magnificently!Stepan got up and put my knees on the toilet, that I was to him a \"cancer.\" Then he plunged into me his big phallus, a little bent forward and grabbed my breasts. He began to fuck me as if served on a zone let15. I thought that he was a member of the wipe in my dust. It was harsh, but it was unforgettable. Each of his entry made me bend up ...A few seconds later I heard him gasp and felt slow motion. Yes! He finished with me! I hope that my tablet does not let you down, and then my boyfriend will have to raise another .And it must be the same as the way, began to knock at the door, shouting: \"Well, as you can! No conscience. Who out there incontinence? \". We had to dress quickly, although it was difficult, and we are constantly bang their heads. Finally, we came out of the closet. Here is a picture: is all some sort of seven people all with strained faces. I almost laughed right on the spot. But the passengers looked at us with such indignation that we were fucking in front of everyone, forgetting to close the door.Before we get to the steppe of their seats, they heard from the receiver: \"Dear passengers! The plane makes a landing. We ask everyone to sit on their seats and fasten your seat belts. \"- I will not forget you. Especially your cock, - I said Stepan, with a wink.- Thanks for the great sex. By the way, you protect?- No, - I replied with a calm look. Now, you and he will not forget me, that\'s for sure.This young man looked at me with fear and silence.- But do not worry - I continued, laughing at him It can even walk! ............


Jun 8th @ 1:18am EDT

Happiness once went through the woods and suddenly fell into a pit, sitting in the pit Happiness and crying. He walked past the man, happiness, and heard people screaming from the pit:"Man! Good! Get me out of here.""What will you give me for it?" - Asks people"What do you want?" - Asked Happiness."I want a big and beautiful house overlooking the sea, the most expensive."Happiness gave the man a house, a man was overjoyed, ran to the house and forgot all about happiness.Happiness is sitting in the pit cried even louder.Past was the second person who heard the happiness of man and shouts at him:"Man! Good! Get me out of here.""What will you give me for it?" - Asks the man."What do you want?" - Asked Happiness."I want a lot of beautiful and expensive cars, a variety of brands."Happiness is the man gave what he asked, glad people forgot about the happiness and fled.Most have lost hope happiness.Suddenly he heard, there is a third person, he shouted Happiness:"Man! Good! Get me out of here, please."The man pulled out of the pit Happiness and went on rejoiced Happiness, ran after him and asks:"Man! What do you want for what helped me? ""There is nothing I need" - the man replied.Happiness and ran after the man, keeping up with him ever

A very sad story

Jun 7th @ 5:13am EDT

Do you love me?- I think we agreed not to ask such stupid questions ... Love does not happen.- Okay. Differently. I like me?- Like maybe a favorite shirt, and a new mobile ...- Do not like, do not like me ... then there is nothing to hold you near me ...- But I'm close ...So began each morning.She was lying near him, exasperated finger unthinkable patterns on his skin. She was nothing more is needed. Only he and all ... Without it, she did not imagine his life. Maybe it was silly, but that he was a sense of her life.And he stared at the ceiling, thinking about that today be another difficult day. It seemed that nothing worries him, even the girl lying next to, the one where he wakes up next to one hundredth or a thousandth already morning.They are nothing bound. Is that the bed ... But "Sex is not a reason for dating", is not it?They lived together in an apartment that belonged to him entirely.She came home every day in fear that he is gone forever. But every night he would return.He knew perfectly well that she loves him and waits and waits as long as necessary. And then, tired of the stupid doll company, beautiful girls, he returned to it, so familiar. He had long been accustomed to it - his property.After a few years he conquered it. She broke down, obeyed, did not argue and do not cursed, but rather patiently waited for him like a faithful dog waiting for his master ...But it was impossible to say that she was unhappy. She was even happy when I woke up in the morning and found the body of a favorite series.But he got used to it, as people get used to. At first, he wanted her, then she became interested in him as a heavy catch. And when he broke it, he felt sorry for their efforts. He left her there and thus secured a regular sex, maid, and a good listener in its guise. He liked even quarrels with her, because at home she asked for forgiveness. And there was a man of gentler and kinder. She forgave all, she was a guardian angel, she lived with him under one roof (although it was where to go), but even not listed in the official girls.Perhaps it was no longer himself, but was left with a loved one. Women's happiness would have been pretty close ...But one evening he came home. He was not an hour, two, three, four, and then the whole morning and all day ...She was going crazy, phoned all the hospitals and morgues, and all his relatives, friends and even ex-girlfriends. But it was not there. Toward morning, finally answered his mobile.- Yes, - was heard in the tube.- Where are you? - Cold serious and angry voice, she said.- None of your business. I am a free man. I can be, where and with whom I want.- Are you all right? - As she asked quietly.- Do you care? Waiting at home and wait!- I'm glad you're all okay. When you have overstepped home?- When I want to.Near the tube there was a female voice, "Darling, who is it?". "Sister" - followed by his response.- Do not forget, the food in the refrigerator, T-shirts in the closet, nightstand charging. Gold pendant that you gave me in a box in the table. Come back soon, love.The sound of long whistles.- Fool, - he said to himself, and drew their attention to the companion.When he finally opened the door of his apartment, he was surprised that it did not come forward.- I'm at home - he threw into the void.There was no answer.- Hey, where are you?Once again there was no answer.- Expensive, well, angry enough!But the answer he did not wait.- Okay ... - he said quietly, and went to undress. He threw a sweater in his chair and saw an envelope on the table."For You" was written in the corner.He opened it and began to read."... Forgive me, dear. I am no longer entitled to call you own. You were never mine, but I really wanted it. Time that I spent with you was the best time in my life, no matter what. What would You did not say love is. I loved you. No matter what you're unfaithful to me that you did not like me. I did not want anything in return. All I wish Well, probably, we have no luck to be on the together.Seychas hours that you gave me 01.00. In 02.00 I-ll leave your life. I wanted and I want to be with you, but it can no longer continue. I know that probably you do not have time. I can not wait for you. Just know that I have nothing zhaleyu.Have a good life!I love.Forever yours "The clock was 03.00.He found her in the bathroom. Her body had already turned blue, the pulse was not beating. In the mirror of her favorite lipstick was carefully withdrawn, "I can not wait. I'm sorry."He silently kissed her cold lips, pulled out of the bathroom, put on their bed and covered with a rug, as if to warm up.What a pity that people can not rise again ...- Because I wanted to give it to you ... - he put it on the cold finger of a bluish gold wedding ring. - And the girl ... I could not even kiss her ... You're always waiting for ... Why do not you could wait another hour?He was too quiet, even quieter than usual.- I do not believe in heaven, in life after death ... How will I see you again? .. Silly, you do need a way to me ... I'm sorry for everything ...A few days later. He was standing at her grave, silently placed two yellow tulips ....- You know, I could not find my charger for Nokia ... - he did not know what else to say.Goto home, he still waited for her to run out to meet them, kiss, as usual ... but it did not happen. She'll lay a cold in the ground ...The day was very warm and sunny, almost such as when they first met. He only now realized that only began to live.- Well, good day for a meeting with you, my love ... You're always waiting, wait until quite a bit ...The sun began to hide behind the horizon, finally sending-rays kissing everyone. Under his balcony was a lot of people suspicious. Perhaps because some brave soul, and part-time himself, jumped from his balcony in a way your girlfriend ...With the last rays of the sun the sky-blue eyes were closed forever.An elderly doctor just shook his head wearily. The best friend of the deceased, his head down, that would not give tears to their eyes (men do not cry), but said quietly:- Maybe someday she will forgive him ...Life went on. Sun, as before, rose, giving its heat to every living being, somewhere near the yellow tulips in bloom, millions of couples around the globe quarreled and were reconciled. There was only one of them ...From them, leaving only scraps of phrases.Do you love me ...? ...But ... I am beside ...


Jun 6th @ 4:55am EDT

My birthday is in summer. So, I think I was lucky. Usually on this day a beautiful, sunny and very warm. This year, June 3, I turned 23. Even in the morning I had a very special mood.The day passed as usual, but the feeling of a holiday I never left. Really like to see it today was something special. I think that this state does not depend on external factors, it is hidden deep inside.In the evening I was presented with a beautiful white roses, my favorite flowers. And we have a best friend went to a restaurant. Ate and talked. I got a whole bunch of congratulations. Especially like this: "Alina's Birthday you! Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! I wish you ... so. There are four stages of the formation of human personality: fear, clarity, strength, old age. Fear overcame you, clarity, too, so I wish you greater control over the force, the ability to direct it in the right direction, so that a single gram is not lost on the road, or when it is incorporated into the program, or simply helping you to implement your plans. What else to wish you did not know. You're just able to make herself. You go to your desired track. Sometimes adversity you slow down, but their absence can not I wish. They are needed both for the experience, and for the rest. Most probably the main thing - is to be yourself and be true to himself and his views on life. "Perhaps it was the best compliments in my entire short life.Then I got a nice white bag. Ever show. And we went to the movies.At the end of the day I was sad. That is what this day is over or whether I'm another year closer to death. LOL (its only joke)

Angel Wings

Jun 5th @ 1:07am EDT

Little angel sitting on a cloud, dangling legs. He watched the city, which seemed to him to an anthill. Suddenly, the window of a house he saw a familiar face. "It's because she" thought the angel, and gradually began to descend. Here are his little feet have touched the ground, he opened the front door and slipped into Malenko schel.Podnyalsya to the ninth floor and was close to the very door.Little hand, he touched the bell, and his shrill cry disturbed the silence. "Who's there?" Once asked a familiar voice.-It's me, Angel.-I do not know any angel. You're probably wrong apartment!-No, I'm not mistaken! It is I, I, Angel ... Please open the ...The door opened, and the angel saw her. It was not the same ... Exhausted, pale, in an old bathrobe ... "Nuzheli are you? What's the matter here?" - Exclaimed the angel.-We know each other?? I have never seen. What do you need? Why are you here?Dim eyes watched the girl and did not understand.-You do not remember?-No. I am very tired, and I suggest you get off of here. Especially since my husband is coming soon. I think he would not be very happy to see strangers in his house. She sat at the table and turned her back to Angel. The angel came closer to her and gently put his arm around her shoulders, her back pressed against his little body. "I'm going to show you something, promise that as soon as you go" ... She took off her gown, and her perfect body, her peach-back, near the shoulder blades, there were two horrible scar ... "Now go away" ....In the doorbell rang, and she shuddered. Rose up hastily from his chair and ran to open the door. It was her husband. "And who else??" - Dissatisfied muttered her husband. "He has already spent" - Angela looked sternly at the girl. "I'm hungry and within 5 minutes I will come there," - said the husband. The girl hurried to the kitchen. "The door is over there, 'pointed to the door man. - Get out!"In a large angel eyes seemed to tears.Where e-wings?? Where have you done with her wings? She had a huge white wings. Why did you cut them?? You killed her! - Angel choked with tears.-You know, we love each other ... And accordingly we sleep together! Do you know how it interfered with wings! It was uncomfortable to lie on his back, so I cut them! Now all we have right! We are happy!Angel is already out on the street, where there was wet snow ..."And yet you do not like each other! She will die with you ..." - cried the angel after ... The man ran into the street, but Angel was already high ..."Why?? Why do you say??" - Cried the man, looking to the heavens. "WINGS OF LOVE BECAUSE never prevented" - whispered to Angel ...

Taste of women. The opinion of the men

Jun 4th @ 2:18am EDT

The taste of a woman ... what is it? How to experience it? And what a woman at all?For those who decided on these issues, there is no need to read more. Others who are interested in my opinion to the question - are welcome!I've been thinking about this question. Seriously think about fundamentally. It turned out not so simple as it seems. Far from easy. But terribly interesting!Yes, you can go to a disco stupid, pick the most skater chick and pull it, say it at home or in the car. Why, then, in the near the entrance! Depends on the girl's head and gentlemen amount of alcohol consumed. However, even this is not necessary. If a woman knows what came to, she can fuck anyone there in the closet. Moreover, the appearance is not critical, as well as money. There are a necessary minimum, which should be sufficient. And there, from the fate depends.Yes, it's nice. Yes, another tick on the list. So what?Stuck, pulled out and went to?Now, not a secret that we are all in the dark and feel about the same. The boys look like boys, girls on girls. There are however controversial, and individuals ....I'm not talking about that woman in most cases is not something that is not finished, it aroused not really have time!So where is the heroism? Where is the joy of victory, and women's gratitude? It's not sex! It's like that in the teeth from scratch with it. The effect is the same. I think many women will agree with me. (Except for those ends crystals, has learned to stop when he wants, I know there are. Or, in cases where there are a thrill. Also it is cool.)Yes, when I say "women" - I do not mean a certain age. The woman - is the one who feels himself to be. Not a woman!Baba never be a woman. She does not understand what it is. Yes, and do not want to. Well it is not given. It is a pity, but what to do.But, unfortunately, she could easily become effeminate. And not the fact that it is reversible.But I'm not about that ....What is a woman's beauty?Long legs? Thick, round ass, just the look, which causes the riser? Maybe compression? Or upright? The eyes ... nose .... Lips .... Voice .... Even more romantic, but the fact! Perhaps human qualities? Soul? Character?Too close, but again, not that.It is believed that there are no ugly women. And I agree with that at 99%.Someone might object, but the key word here - "woman" and all that follows from this notion.Besides vodka, which can be small. This is for those who are on the women ....Not that that would be alcohol at all should not be ... but not vodka. The wine can be white, but red is better suited. It just goes where you want. Champagne, only good, not sour. Vermouth is also nothing. In no case, not beer! It was not for these cases.But more on that later ....So, a woman ....The same women in the world. Each of these identities. Bright or not. And God forbid you not to doubt out loud!Tall, slender, plump, broad-shouldered, with wide hips or not - they are beautiful! Despite the appearance, by a strange coincidence, we identify with ease, beautiful woman or not. And, remarkably, even not very attractive lady has a mysterious property - to flourish.Moreover, I will tell you a secret that should make the faceless individual is the weaker sex to see a woman and to feel in this role, the changes would be disastrous! It is worth it to enter into the role, and it is in their blood, it will shine a bright light. However, it is instantly fly off a bunch of crows and you risk being left out of work.How do I do? Yes, just to convince her to buy a dress that she would never have put them. What matters is that there are hidden flaws of her figure. And the process goes!What's the point? And that's what. I brought myself to a formula of feminine beauty. It is universal. It has four components:MindAppearanceCharmSexuality.And for many is enough, only two components - the third will be their results.For example:Appearance + sexy = mind (+ / - charm)Charm + = looks sexyMoreover, the charm, as such, in my opinion, depends on the mind. Not from the intellect!Do not confuse these two concepts. There are intelligent fools and fools. Fool - is diagnosed, partially excludes the presence of mind.So, out of all this, concluded that female beauty - this is a golden mean between these qualities.In order to try a real woman, you need to find it, select one of the many. It could be anyone. But the quality will be given to her guts. It will be visible spot in your mind against the backdrop of fancy pacifiers.Watch out bitches! They are for this purpose are not appropriate.Need attentive, to the extent sociable woman of 25 - 30. Bored, modestly but tastefully dressed, with a calm, confident look, from which emanates warmth. Often this is a divorced woman, and she has a child. Do not let that scare.Be honest, polite and considerate, and she will understand you perfectly.Suggest it straight, but slightly veiled to meet with you privately. Humor in this case is to be welcomed.Of course, she refused, but leave your suggestion in force.She thinks of him. And when she wants warmth, she thinks of you.Well, if you know a long time, even superficially.If not - you can begin to shake and a pair of triple bandy phrases at each meeting. If you're nice to her, she will appreciate and remember you.Sympathy is crucial.You can not imagine how even the coldest bitch sometimes is not enough heat.Attention and understanding, at least for a while. To take a woman, she needed something to give.Sincere interest and desire to understand it - is very important. We must learn to listen and at least a little compassion. She will appreciate it and will certainly reward you. Maybe she will use you as a vest, cry on. This is normal, even good. You something from it neither cold nor hot, and she immediately becomes easier. Maybe she just sees in you an outlet for themselves. She knows what works and from this it is all around his head. Do not bother her, let her seduce you. She is like your shyness and timidity. She does everything herself. Relax and enjoy the ride.Left alone, the best in her house when no one was there. At home she feels comfortable and confident. Of course, it will hesitate and doubt. Bring fruit and wine. Can champagne and chocolates, but he remains on the teeth, and champagne may ache head. Weak, such as the Kuban wine will be more appropriate.Do not throw it!You've come to talk and learn! So keep in touch! A glass of red wine in a cozy atmosphere to quickly unleash casual conversation. Do not talk about problems! Talk about anything. A better listen to her. Wine quickly find its way to be.It relaxes her, makes light of thought. She will feel the warmth of the lower abdomen and languid desire between her legs. Wine disperse through the body very gently, and without consequences. No need to get drunk vdrysk. A pair of wine glasses is enough.She goes to the interest of its subject. Want to know your plans for your account.Be honest! Do not lie and do not look contrived answers.After all, you've come to spend time with a beautiful woman, is not it? Give her a couple of some pleasant moments .... So tell her about it openly.She's intelligent adult woman, she knows what you expect and want it myself. What else do you think it is inviting you to her?Yes, it will be very useful if it is older than you for a couple - three years. For you and for her communication will be much more interesting. And do not be afraid to be embarrassed, while remaining confident! It's so touching women ....Oh, and do not forget about your health! A man should be clean and fresh, like a kiss baby! Do not worry, she began to prepare for your visit, even for a day. She gave herself to the perfect order and washed its all their charms again just before your visit. Moreover, away for a couple of minutes, it will certainly do it again, unbeknownst to you. She is ready and waiting for a long time only the moment. Favorable location, the right words, hint .... Do not disappoint her! Know that even if she avoids the subject side, she is waiting for this! It can be wildly shy, unsure of himself. In this case, take the first step! Tact and not intrusive. Assure her prove that she is attractive especially for you. What others think does not count.She considers herself a plump? Do not fear! This gives it a smooth forms.He thinks that high? So what?! Next to a woman feel like a king!Wide hips? Yes, but the waist is more elegant!And it's true! You do not lie to her saying that. And she will be pleased to hear it and it is up to you.Not so important how you see yourself, it's important how you see it. And she sees in you that wants to see.Do not paw her! So what if it became available and gave you a kiss!?Be considerate. The soft touch of fingers, as if by accident. Do not climb it at once between his legs and grab the chest! Do it gradually! And in general, read the "Kama Sutra". The part, which describes the prelude. It is to know and be able at least in theory - should be!Hug her tightly, but gently, breathe deeply the scent of her perfume, her hair, clothes ....Feel the warmth of her! It is a living body heat exhausted people waiting. She is ready to give it to you. She also feels you. But it is much stronger. Enjoy this moment.Now you can begin ....Caress her. Now you can almost everything. Pierce under her dress, or skirt, or whatever her dressed. Massage her breasts, thighs caress, kiss her neck. If she does not like something, she tells herself. Watch for her breath, to see how she reacts to you. Closes a pleasure to the eye, or squirms in your lap .... Make it good. Make it nice!She is ready to copulate. She wants you right now! Its nature craves the flesh!Ask her ear as she wants to do it. What is it nice. Maybe she has one treasured, secret desire, which she hesitates to say?In any case, do not delay! She is all wet underwear at the bottom! She is breathing unevenly, and is lost in desires.Undress her. Or let her do it herself. Caress her naked body, cover with kisses, stroke it! Thighs, abdomen, pubis, shoulders. Kiss her fingers, like a gentleman.Get down below, and if she will, cuddle her hidden lips. Do this as gently as you can. Do not hesitate! This is natural. And then, the observed health!She's waiting for you! Taste this delicate fruit with gusto, and see what will happen!If done correctly, after some five - ten minutes, it will shake with desire. She can finish a few times while you caress her. It will be moaning, kicking and screaming out loud maybe. Sometimes a obscenities, but it turns out not arbitrary, and therefore excusable. Keep it tight, because she does not realize at that moment that makes and breaks unconsciously, from the overflowing of her feelings.When she will experience one or more full of orgasms, it is likely she will repel you. Any touching of her body will shiver and involuntary twitching. It will shake like a cold.Hold it gently.Now the best part. If you managed to overcome their complexes, and bring a woman to such a state, it is possible to begin the second act. As in direct and figurative sense. She is in a state of euphoria, excited and sensitive to the limit.It is available as a helpless than ever.You can undress quickly and quietly. Be protected or not - you decide. And best to specify in advance. She does not think about it now. Basically, if you are healthy, it will not particularly mind. Most of the men and women ignore condoms are aware of this and have in mind. Put a spiral tablet or drink .... In any case, when you cum in her - she feels. And it will likely enjoy it. Not because it is often this happens.And so it is before you. You can let her catch her breath for five minutes, but it is better to get down to business until it has cooled. Lasky will be relevant as ever, but casual! Do not waste your time. Do not go at once, enjoy it, feel the head as she is hot! Log into it slowly, steadily to the end. At the end of the push to hard and Freeze it for long. Maybe she'd finished. Enter into her in delight, feel the moment! Wine blunt your sensitivity. And you can not stop longer. Alternate slow sweeping motions with fast and short, directed into the interior. Like throwing wood into the oven, keep it hot. Because if it is now cool, it was nothing and you want to go into the bath to remove stress hands.Drag the end, as long as possible, freeze for a few seconds, if necessary, and then continue. Most likely, it will end a few times. This is shown by her breathing and body shudder. Flash is not very strong, but deep strikes will contribute to this member. If you caught the moment, freeze, letting her feel the term in itself. From that, she finished strong.Now the best part. It is your entirety. Your excitement to the limit. Turn it any way you want, take her in his arms, if enough force, bend down, turn on your stomach or side pristroytes to her hot body glistening with sweat. Take it as you please. She will not mind .... Do not hold back more. Copulate with her like an animal, just for fun. Within reasonable limits, of course. Forget for a moment about her feelings and focus on their own. Most likely, she will moan and squirm, go to a meeting, grabbed his hands in a sheet .... Do it and not think about anything. Focus on feelings, on what is in your hands is real, a woman wholly in the juice, and how much she wants you. It's up to you she is so wet and hot and that's you make her cry and lose touch with reality. Embed it in the most do not want to take out her uterus, and finish up! Finish as anyone, and never in full growth is abundant and powerful, not holding back, and without fear.Pour out of it, all without a trace ....This will be the most powerful orgasms of your life, and perhaps the most vivid impression.Do not hurry to leave her womb. Take a break in it. Roll about both. You have no place in a hurry.A better sleep blissful sleep a couple of hours ....And then, when you kiss her goodbye, looking tired, peaceful eyes, you'll walk away so forth. And she will accompany you to a long, languid eyes, still feeling it's nice to podnyvaet her womb after your term. How to ache a little is still excited nipples. She will long walk in blissful oblivion, bumping into furniture, and blushing with pleasant thoughts. She will remember you fondly. She will thank you for the small moments of simple happiness of women.Of course, this nice woman you will meet more than once. Maybe it will grow into something bigger, or will the friendship.But, so partake of a woman, it is possible only once.You started to eat it from the moment they saw.You feel it in its entirety of its charm, beauty and sexuality.You know a woman in all her charms.It was tempting, and far away, and then a ghostly touch, and, finally, sweet and hot.You drank the juice from the source, you breathe in its fragrance, its flesh is eaten elastic hidden fruit.And the heady taste of it will remain on your lips for a lifetime.

The Legend of Happiness

Jun 3rd @ 1:34am EDT

In a small country in a small provincial town where everyone knows each other and there is no mystery where the general joy and misery, divided at all, no longer seem to be misery, born in ancient times immemorial one boy, who proved that no place makes the man, and that, conversely, there are people who can not only decorate any place and time, they can be remembered forever. That turned out to be, and this ordinary boy.Unusual it was only then that he learned very early not only see and hear. He was able to absorb all heard and seen, he was able to understand everything and fearlessly seek answers to the missing, and strange to him. In a curious little boy hiding a tireless seeker of Truth. He wanted to know more, more, more ... Everything! Hearing one thing, he immediately rushed to find a new, more interesting and obscure.When the boy is one year old in the house of his parents gathered villagers to congratulate the boy on his first birthday. Everyone gave him a holograph image with one single wish. All the boy wanted to Happiness, and was accompanied by his desire to own the image of Happiness. And all these images differ from each other, and they turned out just as much as it was in the city residents.The boy grew up and never parted with his collection of ideas about happiness. He could not understand what it is \"Happiness\", why he wanted it, but represented in different ways.When he grew up, then left his native town and spent all his free time conversations with people and ask them all the same question:- What is happiness?People laughed at, or as sad, describing the happiness, or lack of it, and just as in the drawings, each person had their own happiness. But it can never coincide, even for two people, regardless of whether they were strangers, or the closest. All describe the happiness in his own way. For the men - it was a job, profession, friends, money, cars, boats, travel. For boys and girls - love, fun, fun. For women - a family home,husband, wealth, clothes, jewelry, beauty. But the overall picture did not work. He tried to collect it from the individual parts, like a mosaic, but no - this was not the whole picture. It looked like a patchwork quilt, devoid of life.The boy became a young man, then man, and devoted his whole life searching for happiness. Sometimes he thought he had reached it, but the cost to make one awkward movement or prevent a wrong idea, and his picture of happiness once again shatters into a thousand fragments, immersing it in sorrow. It seemed that he would never get an answer to the question of his life.He survived all that we could survive. He loved and was loved, he gave them a decent education, he worked and traveled extensively, but always honestly and diligently searching for the answer to your question ... In vain!And one day he prayed to God:- O Lord! I am pleased with everything I have, I did not ask you, but tell me, what is \"Happiness\"? I wish him all the residents of my hometown when I was one year old. So if I owned it ever? Was it me?He did not notice, but by prayer, went to deep sleep, and sank into oblivion ... And there, in the depths of nothingness, he heard:- Become the master himself carved happiness, then you will know what it is.He became a master, he carved Happiness and went to check it against the people, to hear them tell it. But again, did not occur consent. How many people there were so many opinions. And the Master went on to improve his beautiful, ethereal beauty of a vase, but still there were people who suggested that any new additions, new items, and completion did not occur.Master of old, his time has come to end his earthly life, and the answer was still no. But at the last moment, his eyes once again stayed at the perfection he created, and a ray of sunlight, reflected on the ideal surface, as a sudden insight revealed to him the secret of happiness.No prescription or pictures of happiness for all. Every Man - The Great Master, capable of creating its crystal, gold, or any other, wonderful happiness, giving it a shape hidden in his own soul, and her relevant. Your Happiness - a mirror image of your soul.Death is not a happy smile wiped off the face of the Master. He got it!Yes, he carved a magic vase of Happiness. But it is bottomless. Everyone should fill it myself depending on the size of his soul.

Unreal reality

Jun 2nd @ 4:47am EDT

She covered her face with her hands and whispered with his lips what her soul cried out:-Oh, my God, why are you sending me these tests? I pray thee, teach me to get rid of this obsession. Help me find the strength to forget. Do not think. Do not dream of. Do not daydream about it. Teach a sinner is not much to it. Give me the strength to overcome this passion, and not to succumb to the sweet vision. Oh, please.Staring into the sky, she whispered and whispered his prayer, not kativshihsya wiping tears from the eyes of major depression, selflessly abandoning prayer and inspiration, not noticing anything around but slowly drifting clouds. She believed that God is near - these clouds, and hears it.-Help me to forget it. Help me to forget. Help ....But the sight of God of whom asked to forget, hard look at her out of nowhere, glaring into her soul. Always the same opinion - a shrill and sad, even mournful. Asking. Look, the man she desperately loved so many years. She knew that only time will erase this view, only the memory of powder is a lot of small changes in life and drown out this sharp pain desire to see, hear, feel, breathe in its smell, feel the touch of his hands, lips, and most enjoy a sensual touch to it. Understood and waited patiently enduring this torment. Sometimes giving in to temptation and find themselves invisible next to him, she hugged him invisible hands pressed to his chest and whispered, as she longs for the love of it. She held her fingers over his lips, and he froze for a moment at the touch of her imagination, looking distractedly into the distance in the same eyes as he stares at her from the brink of reality. Sometimes it was to him at night. Lay down beside him and pressed his body, gently stroking his cheek, and barely touched his lips her. She felt his smell. She could hear his breathing. She saw his face. Slowly she held his hand over his hand and felt faint, holding his hand in his. Her nerves strained to the limit, but she clung to him more, not realizing the unreality of the situation. And then it happened to be on hand in its most intimate nature, where the fire poured desire. She slowly approached the lust, clutching his arm. And at the peak of bliss, she exhaled a hot kiss his name ....He woke up and looked through it, blinked in surprise, frowning, trying things to see and understand, turned over and fell asleep again. And she, after such visits it outside of reality for a long time could not get over his feelings overwhelmed her. She loved him and resigned herself to that love, replacing reality in the world of dreams. But dreams right? Or is it actually happened, she did not know. She knew only one thing that he is the only one who lives in her heart. The only one she pushes and wants. The only one who could make her suffer so much. The only one who pursues her with his sad eyes, from which she tries to escape, run away, but that catches up with her everywhere. And it tears then turns to God, asking him about oblivion.Unreality of the real, the reality of the unreal - all mixed up, but without it she was not destined to know the main thing - the life of each is a world of illusions, in which strong feelings and actions, inspired by these feelings, can work wonders. And with tears of gratitude, she fell asleep under the eyes of loved ones eyes looking at it from oblivion. She knew what he remembers about her, despite the fact that the fate of their ways parted. So this is not in vain. So how it should be ....

Four candles

Jun 1st @ 12:50am EDT

Four candles were burning quietly and slowly melting away ... It was so quiet that could be heard as they speak. The first said: "I CALM. Unfortunately, people do not know how I was saved. I guess I did not leave any other things like go out! " And the light of the candles went out. The second said: "I have FAITH. Unfortunately, I am useless. People do not want to hear anything about me, so it makes no sense to me to burn on. " As soon as it is uttered, the breeze blew, and put out the candle. Very sad, and the third candle said: "I LOVE. I have more energy to burn on. People do not appreciate me, and do not understand. They hate those who love them most - their families. " Without waiting for a long time, and this candle is extinguished. Suddenly a child entered the room and saw the three candles extinguished. Terrified, he cried: "What are you doing?! You must burn - I'm afraid of the dark!" Having said this, he wept. Excited fourth candle said: "Do not be afraid and do not cry while I burn, you can always light a candle and the other three: I - HOPE. "

Secret sexual fantasy of the fair sex

May 31st @ 2:11am EDT

All women have sexual fantasies, but few are able to admit it. They conceal their erotic dreams, for fear that their husbands and lovers find them loose and immoral. It is this fear of open and fully surrender to an intimate relationship makes sex life incomplete - most women are unlikely to have 50% of possible pleasures.Ashamed of their fantasies do not, no matter how violent they are. It's a way to identify what excites you in private life. If you let your thoughts wander freely imagined sexual situations, then, to my surprise, can learn many interesting things about yourself!Fantasy number 1. SEX WITH SEVERAL MEN AT THE SAME TIMEPsychological meaning: This dream of a woman with narcissistic mind, secure in their sexuality and attractiveness, and inclined to show his body. Temptation of the fantasy that a woman feels an object of adoration on the part of several individuals of the male, all parts of her body are involved in the process of sexual pleasure and experience together.Your actions: Group sex - is one of those fantasies, which can hardly tell her husband or regular partner, especially if he is very jealous and is not a supporter of "free love". Most likely he will be angry to hear that you are dreaming about having sex with three muscled Blacks on the ocean. Imagine what he wants to seduce five young blondes in the back seat, "Cadillac" and you will realize that he will feel after your revelations.However, even in this situation, there is a way out. Ask your partner to engage your eyes and let him do to you what he has long wanted to do with you, let him fondle you wherever he wants. Thus, you lose orientation in space and feel the focus of a set of imaginary partners simultaneously. In addition, you will be surprised to find that beloved, tying your eyes, will behave much more relaxed and eager than ever during your intimate encounters.Fantasy number 2. SEX WITH ELEMENTS SadomasochismPsychological meaning: you excite the handcuffs, bondage, feeling that you are at the mercy of men? Chances are you're dreaming about sex to feel completely passive, the power transferred to its partner. You seem to say to him: "Well, I obey. Do with me whatever you want, I have nothing to do with it. " So you take all responsibility for the entry to the forbidden territory. Many women are peculiar erotic fantasies in which they beat, bound and humiliated in various ways at all. And it is quite common - even for women with a strong-willed, independent and possess a fine.If you excite the imagination, in the spirit of masochism, it does not mean that you're really masochistic. You just gets a feeling of helplessness during sex. And believe me, you are in this are no different from millions of others of the fairer sex.Your actions: These games can not afford to just the person to whom you trust completely. Otherwise, it is dangerous. Too much of a difference between the fictional and real sexual stimuli. Flagellation, the binding and binding, as well as Spike nipple - is erotic, but only if this dream. If all this is really prodelyvat will be hurt. It is best to limit toys from a sex shop: pink fluffy handcuffs, leather underwear, velvet headbands for the eyes.You will get great pleasure from the realization of this fantasy in a gentle manner, allowing you to tie your partner's eyes, tied to the bed, spanked on the ass, gently and passionately caress. However, avoid the cords in the neck and unfamiliar partners! Keep in mind that these games can be played only by being completely sober. Before the game, agree on the conditional signal, on which partner is obliged to release you.Fantasy number 3. Sex with another womanThe psychological significance: This picture appears in the head of those ladies who do not have enough pre-oral and manual caresses. Their partners too quickly to a "cause." Imagining a female partner, the "fact" you just think less likely, the final point of preferring a long history of tenderness. So the lady is looking for herself, his own double - the only creature on earth who knows "all of her cracks" and is able to give her subtle pleasures that are not capable man.Your actions: If you are dreaming about sex with a woman, being a wholly naturalku, chances are you got rude or selfish partner. As a result, you have decided that men are not capable of subtle and gentle caresses, but it is not. Tell your partner about your fantasies and make sure that it is very inspired by this idea, as most men dream about having sex with two women at the same time excited at the thought of that beautiful creature caressing each other's presence. Tell him how gentle and sensual woman can caress the other, and ask them to explore your erogenous zones. In the end, it will entice this erotic game and give you both a lot of pleasure.Fantasia number 4. Sex in public placesThe psychological significance: Many women in their sexual fantasies appear naked before an audience - just posing, masturbating or making love ... This conclusively proves that the majority of women in psychology there is an element of exhibitionism - their extremely exciting idea to show sex in public.Your actions: you can share your dreams with your partner without fear of it seem dirty and dissolved: this fantasy possessed 90% of men! Of course, it is not necessary to realize their hidden desires in Red Square, or in sight of the valiant police, but you can indulge in the passion of the park, where you can see the passers-by, in a train compartment, which may suddenly enter the conductor, in a public toilet or a cinema club. Even in the city center can be found nooks made for sex! For romantic persons suitable options such as Sex in the mountains, the beach at night, into the sea during the day, etc.Fantasy number 5. Sex with a strangerMeaning: You chase dreams about sex for one night with a mysterious stranger, who, seeing you at the bar, being transferred to you a couple of witty phrases, said a few compliments, and then drags him into the hotel room, where you have a long and beautiful having sex, not asking each other names? Chances are you're dreaming of romance without consequences, as in the movie. Mysterious Stranger - is someone with whom we can completely relax and not think decently if we behave in bed. This allows you to just get the pure pleasure without remorse the next morning.Your actions:'ll play with your husband or steady partner like scene. Arrange to be at the same time, same place, such as near the hotel where he has to book in advance for one night. Behave as though you see each other for the first time. Flirt, laugh, tease each other. Let him buy you a martini. Then stand in silence and head to the hotel and left alone, imagine that you spend together the first and the last night of your life, and then never see each other is not - it's you unleash your sexual desires. Allow yourself to something that has never hesitated to let, be uninhibited and frank with each other. In the morning wake up before his partner unbeknownst to him, and leave the room, leaving the memory of her scarf, and the smell of French perfume.Fantasy № 6. Role-playingStripperValue: Beautifully undress during the dance - the secret fantasy of almost every woman, because the ability to throw off the seductive clothing enhances sex appeal. In addition, a very exciting idea to be naked in front of many heated from the desire of men. Many strippers admit that, even after working for several months, still excited, dancing naked in front of the customer: it gives a sense of sexual power, but at the same time feel and submissive slave.Your actions: Indeed, the extremely nice woman feel like a whore at the same time, and the Queen - is a completely healthy and normal sexual combination of power and sexual submission. This fantasy is easily voplotima in life and can bring a fresh approach to your intimate life - and it does not threaten you either emotionally or physically. You can learn how to professionally dance striptease at school dances, and then demonstrate your talent partner, dressed in a sexy lace underwear, stockings and high heels - he will love it!The Girlfriend ExperienceValue: Are you tired of romance and just want sex for sex. Traditionally, women are programmed to the fact that sex should be based on feelings, but you desire to surrender to sex entirely, focusing on physical sensations. Are you sure in your partner and are ready to explore their sensual side, which until now has been in the background. Moreover, you are curious to experience the thrill, because if you stand in front of a partner in such a way, it can open up to you with a completely new way!Your actions: If you indulge in this dream, you are ready to act in a new way to explore new territory. Most men would react enthusiastically to your erotic fantasies, and your partner is likely no exception, unless it is too religious. Offer your partner to see a porn film with a representative of the oldest profession, and then proceed with him in the same bed as the main heroine of the film. Do not forget about the appropriate "outfit" and did not seem to be afraid of calling or vulgar, because you appear in such a form in front of your partner, not in the public eye.Sexy secretaryPsychological value: Traditionally, the office - a place where we have set to work. A strict dress code and schedule from 9 to 18 suggest the gravity and the absence of any frivolity, which is why many women often fantasize about sex with a male staff or supervisor. In this case, sexual fantasies are the "safety valve" that protects against excessive moral or social pressure. Imagine that you have sex in the middle of a meeting, reception or superiors at work - sort of a way to "show the fig" oppressive social conventions upon us.Your actions: Sure, you can have an affair with a colleague or boss, but it can adversely affect your professional reputation, result in gossip in the workplace and ultimately hurt you. Such imagination is to exercise only if you're going to leave this place of work and looking for a new - if you really have nothing to lose.There is nothing abnormal or unhealthy in so-called "dirty thoughts" about sex. Their appearance is just an indication that you are - a healthy, temperamental woman with normal sexual needs and the natural curiosity in the erotic sphere. Sexual fantasies - not a sign of your depravity, but only a harmless way to experience all the erotic pleasures of perverse sexual acts without the physical or mental injury that they could be followed in reality.

My fantasies. To love

May 30th @ 12:39am EDT

The cold foggy night. I sat in a cold car and started the engine.I was not able to sleep today. When he hugged me satisfied with one hand and whispered that he loves and peacefully breathed heavily, I did not want to sleep. He wanted us to arrange a romance, and the room lit some candles. With them the November night and did not seem so bleak.I stared at the ceiling, feeling his hand on his chest - and the thought of another man entirely. Half of the fourth-morning. Of course, this is madness. But it is precisely for such folly, I fell in love with you, and when-to.Mashina rapidly warmed. -I looked in the mirror. Well, a little tired. But damn good. Well, I managed to take a shower.Do you - your bar, you're very often standing behind the counter. Clients that happens, sat up nights - this is just like you. Long coarse hair combed back, a black T-shirt, strong hands .. How I love to feel them in your hair, love it when you hold me, hold his hand on the back, you put it on my lower back ..I was going to see you and remember how we met: I was 17, your 26, you danced with me in the fun while Hard Rock Cafe, and then, hugging me, a little drunk, drove to look at the house of Margaret in one of the Arbat lanes, I took shoes and went barefoot, and you're squeezing my flexible slender body, long talked about the country .. June nights are short and light, and here we are on a deserted boulevard, you sit on the bench, I'm a fun climb on you, sit down to your lap top .. You're holding tight my waist, I laugh, I want to kiss you .. But do not you let me do this, touch a finger to my lips, stroking the face, neck, and I feel like it all - the silhouettes of the trees, the black night sky, the singing of nightingales, your hand on my waist, a light chill on the shoulder - all frozen, and there is no yesterday and tomorrow, there is only one eternal and beautiful moment - and it's called "love."We kissed long and passionately, I held you by the neck and shoulders, patted on the back, enjoying the touch of yours .. We caught the car, come to your house, getting tangled in the garb of undressed each other, and for some reason stopped. I looked at your sturdy body, stroking his chest, his neck .. I kissed you and said softly in his ear: "I want you to be first." I well remember the details. I remember when you undress me, as surely and slowly unbuttons her bra hooks as admiring my frail shoulders ..I remember when you kiss my nipples and I'm a little unsure of what all this - indeed, I stroke your hair and throws her head back .. I remember when I was curled up in your body, this stranger, this beauty. As choking with passion and excitement - and how confident you kiss me just above her panties and go down them on my hips. How I longed to be quickly and sharply - but you're not in a hurry, catching my every breath, every movement of the body .. I remember that when you parted my lips with your fingers and slowly ran his tongue between them .. I remember my first orgasm at a time when you cherry sucking my clit .. As I gripped the sheets, but you smartly parted my legs a little wider, lay on top of me, held back by the waist .. It was not painful - but scary, and how the next moment you kissed me ..How nice to be a woman, I thought. As is well loved.I remember you scratched on the back, as a wound under you, as I liked to feel you inside .. I remember when I was moaning loudly as the buckle, as my whole body shook from the most powerful orgasm - and I remember your cum in her thigh and abdomen.We fell asleep in an embrace, I quietly whispered your name - and you sleep tight pressed me to her.I do not know whether there was even one girl is so happy in my first night.But the charm of the first meetings held, as the taste of young wine gives a crack - by the autumn, when I went to university, our love affair ended. I'm not crying for you lila - I cried for a bygone age. But fate would not let us away from each other. I met you at the concerts of our favorite bands, the two times we crossed at the airport .. Moscow - a surprisingly small town. Then it's time to facebook, and if you want to watch each other from afar would be very convenient .. If one did not you call me and did not call on the boulevard to hear the nightingales. I was 22, 31 you, we told each other all my life, laughing at my neudalymi lovers, secretaries discussed the manner of your (you then have worked in a rich company), I tried on your glasses, you amuse me with some crazy stories ..We kissed on the boulevard, kissing in a taxi, I took off your shirt in the elevator ..You have a house, I snapped you on the bed, pulled off her clothes and quickly climbed on top. I used to not let the initiative of its well-kept little hands - and skillful movements undid your jeans, lowered it, got your cock. Caressed his pen, licked the head, sucked it into her mouth .. Sure sucked deeper, more rhythmically .. She felt, as a member hardens, it becomes more in my mouth. With every movement of his lips I'm more excited, I liked how you put a hand on my head, like your sudden movements toward my mouth, I tried to take a member of the deeper, I wanted so much to your good .. I have heard your cries, you wanker, licking balls, gently sucking them ..Then he would sit on the penis, but you turned me sharply on the back, shoulders pinned to the bed - and again I felt like a little insecure girl. I was the first time in many years, did not want to prove anything, I just allowed myself to be myself, to enjoy thy caresses, to feel you inside - and entirely given to pleasure. You are strongly pulled off my panties and went quickly, perhaps even rude - but it was perfect! I squirmed in your hands, the whole world has shrunk into a grain of sand around the bottom of my stomach - that then explode into millions of sparks. I do not know if I ever try out again, such a strong orgasm. Then you turned my stomach, put a pillow under the thighs .. I remember when you are pressed to the bed, my hands, I remember your hot breath .. Yeah, you know that I love.And the next morning, lying in your bed, I felt that here it is, happiness - I was happy with you, and do not want to go anywhere. But this time we were not destined to be together - your pregnant girlfriend, my successful interview at the company's steep, your young business, my ambitious plans to conquer the heart of giving high official under the strife .. All this was quickly passing, a friend had an abortion, I soon realized that I could not work in this ant hill, you sold the partners share in the company, an official with Rublevki sensed something was wrong and flew to London .. We are with you through time congratulating each other on holidays, and every time I hear something in your voice and favorite native - and each time she wanted and could not tell you, perhaps, was the best man in my life.Four o'clock in the morning. I brake the car at the door of the bar: it seems I was lucky, the light is not lit, but the door is not locked. I went inside, ringing the bell on the door. You come out of the store room, a black shirt, long coarse hair combed back .. You can not change. You look at me, I hastily put on a raincoat, a slightly disheveled hair, his eyes full of hope.Love does not need words. We slowly approached each other, you ran his hands over my body from the hips to the chest, threw a light raincoat on the floor .. I hugged you, stood up on tiptoe to kiss your lips .. We pulled like a magnet to each other. We passionately, passionately kissing, you knocked me back on the table, I pulled off your shirt, scratched on the back, you pulled my skirt, stroking the thigh stockings, squeezing my breasts through the thin fabric ..You undid his pants, I am helping you, pushed her panties aside and spread her legs even wider .. You came at me fast and a little rough, I screamed, arched .. You're standing in front of me and fucked me fast, I twine your torso down, you supported me by the hips .. We could easily see through the glass window of the bar, but we are not interested. Thou hast set my feet on his shoulders, while continuing to drive the deep in me a member .. I felt like you to spank me on the buttocks, writhing in your hands ..You pulled my jacket to look at the beat of your kolyshaschiesya movements of the chest, I moved her hips to meet you, trying as far as possible to take your cock into their fold .. A few more self-assured, quick movements - and I struggled in the throes of orgasm, sweet, I knew you'd love to look at me when I finish .. You took the cock out of me and almost threw me off the table onto the floor - I quickly got on her knees, grabbed your cock handle, wet and sucked the hot head, deeper .. You have finished a long time, stroking my hair, not pulling a member from her mouth, not letting lose a drop of sperm.We will not go to sleep - and our whole life would be happier in the morning. This time I will not let anything stop us.

He and she

May 29th @ 4:31am EDT

She:- I am not free to you, as true love should be free!He (sighing): - Give me that rope over there. - Take it up, unwinds a ball and tie one end to his leg, and the second to her. Pulls the node. - Let's play a little game, you do not mind?It (the wrinkling forehead):- Come on!- Here is the rope - our love. Imagine that I give you the freedom and let go - go.She leaves for a couple of meters, but then the rope ends:- I can not continue - (triumphant) - I do not let your love!He gently corrects:- Our love is! Now, did you try. Pulled strongly.She tries, but the rope cut the leg:- It hurts!He pulls out a piece of foam is suitable for her, untied the rope on the foot, leg wraps and then bandaging foam rope. Moves back.- Try again. Stronger!She tries again. He winces in pain - now cut his leg rope to him.- Now I'm not sick - she says - but anyway, I can not get away from you, the rope will not let me!He said. Now try to cook dinner. She is taken to be the case, but the rope does not give her free peremeschatsya.- It prevents (she complains.)- Well, - he says, suits and gently kisses her. She melts into his strong and tender hands. - Come Together. Together they cook dinner, and he helps her, and does not depart far from it.- Well, - he said, when they sit down at a table - you have not forgotten that we are bound by a rope?- Oh! - She says - forgotten.He unties the rope and they dine. After dinner:- Do you understand anything? - He asks.- And what I was supposed to understand?He sighs again:- You Are My Miracle, let's go to bed!And only at night, lying awake and staring at the ceiling he thought would continue its dialogue with her:- You should understand that if you try to disengage from me, in joy or sorrow, you immediately feel the lack of freedom contracting rope will prevent you love. But if we are together, then you forget that the rope is that something you limits.- Why do we tied it with rope legs? - She asks- Because in real life, the rope is tied to our hearts - he says- Why do you then tied my leg with foam, but did not fasten her? - She asks.- Without the foam, you could feel the pain. Foam - it's your hardened feelings. But if you do not feel pain, it does not mean that it does not hurt me. And you do not forget that in real life, we have linked the heart and not his feet?She would say nothing, and he continues to myself that question can be solved very simply, if the hand is a knife or scissors, and he can not do anything. But he did not tell her about it ever, because I do not want to lose it because he was ready to endure any pain, that she was there. Because he loves her ..

Love - Dislike ..

May 28th @ 1:10am EDT

I look into your honey\'s eyes ... they were once filled with love, affection and kindness, and now I see in them only the bitterness of love and despair. With these eyes I once reveled in, and could watch them for hours, but now, after meeting with you eyes, immediately otvozhu them. Because it is a shame. Because I am afraid that you read everything that\'s going on inside me. You take my hand and clutching sweaty palm. I\'m nervous, I have not stayed with you one on one, you do still stir and excite. Your eyes mesmerize, hypnotize to watch them. You are approaching a person to me, are you waiting for action from me, but I\'m just stuck in my throat swallowing a ball and look into your eyes. You do not stop your lips are already a millimeter away from my lips, but I move away.- Kiss me - barely a whisper whisper to you.- Do not ... - just a whisper I say.Then you do not wait for my consent, being captured my lips and tongue are trying to uncover them. Finally, I succumbed to temptation and give up. I totally give myself to you, your desires, your love. Can you feel it and hold me tightly, hugging her. I feel your cold fingers on his back. In all your actions feel boundless love, and I\'m drowning in them. Delicate fingers like snakes crawled down and dived over the edge of shorts. I\'m trying to pull away, but you hold me tight in my arms. I want you, but I can not, I do not love you and I, having gone after, I\'ll hurt you. You are on the second separated from me and burn eyes. Cursory run about on the neck, down to the hollow. Your arms wrapped around my waist and kiss you again dig into my mouth, but with more passion and lust. Pressed me against the wall, his arms frantically rushing through my body. I put my hands on your ass and gently squeezed her hand raised above and hold nails in a velvety skin of the back. I feel like I ran back to your horde of ants on my touch. You\'re stronger than me, pressed against the wall and lifts my leg, stroking the inside of the thighs, light touch goes through the perineum. I softly zastanyvayu but your lips cover mine and drown out a moan kiss. You lifts me and my legs wrapped around your waist, you are more passionate kiss me, and your hands make their way under my shirt. I dig your fingers in your hair, you pull me from the wall and carry on the bed. Gently put on the bed, as the most precious thing on earth you lie down on me. I can feel your body, your hot breath on my neck, your hands are wandering around my body.The abdomen is going to a big, hot ball of desire. Your hands have stopped on my chest, and gently squeeze it, I hog, pressing your chest in her hands. Through my body runs low voltage electric current, causing me to moan muffled. And you still go on torturing me your hot wet lips on my neck, you\'re doing way first to the earlobe, and then through his chin to his lips. You start kissing me with such passion that I never saw you last, you\'re almost tearing at my shirt, I feel like you want me. You have to take off my upper garments, under it there is nothing, it\'s you madly happy, you eagerly press oneself to my nipple with his right hand clutching the adjacent papilla, and left severely squeezing my crotch. Not for long, lingering on my chest, you can easily go down to the navel kiss and fondle him while tightening your fingers caressing my shorts, at the same time taking with him the white panties. I will help you to release me from these useless things. When the remnants of my clothes were lying next to a small T-shirt with you, sitting near my feet start kissing his way from the toes up the inside of the thigh.At this point, you slow down the rhythm, and I feel your breath to become one with the kiss hotter and hotter. Finally, your tongue touch my pussy juices flowing. My body bends the arc so that you have to hold my hips with his hands. My pussy is not wet, it flows from the waterfall, I\'m very excited. Missing a couple of playful movement of your tongue on my wet pussy, my body seizes pleasant spasm, and the mind falls into the abyss of heavenly delights. My body is still small shakes, but not as much as 10 minutes ago. I\'m in your big strong arms, his face buried in his shoulder, and your gentle hands stroke my hair. But you know I love you and do not let go of me looking sad the last time in my eyes ...


May 27th @ 1:40am EDT

I was 18 years old. Having problems with the spine and joints, had to go every year to the hospital and undergo a course of massage. Always before come across a female masseuse. But not this time. As usual, fell on a day hospital.After visiting the doctor and his recommendations come into the office. There's two therapists. One takes men with neck band, and the second-curtain behind the screen doing massage for women. I sat at the table with the documentation. She can hear the woman behind the screen, laughing, her therapist, talking. The session ended after a while comes blushing, smiling and happy woman, and her and the therapist. Well, I tell you, and a man. Looked about 35, tall, thin, but wiry. Looks like a Roman boy from the pictures. The eyes are so beautiful, gray, intelligent eyes, and very good. Just seen this approach to know the women are not handsome, but attractive, a womanizer in a word. I decided to keep their distance, not to let it close.Invited me behind the screen. I came in, undressed and lay on the couch. I look forward to. I think "I wonder, will stick?" ...I lay there in shorts, on his stomach. His hands are strong, good massages. No pretensions there. I relaxed and calmed down. It's time to roll over on his back. I wanted to cover the breasts with a towel, but no such luck. He pushed my hand, smiled and just said, you just "do not, you're beautiful," and I have the body of a wave of excitement has passed. My cheeks flushed. It makes me a massage, and he says that tomorrow I'm wearing thongs, and even uncomfortable in the pants to do massage. And in my mind only one thought - "my panties are already wet with excitement, only to be noticed."Massage came to an end, I still lay down a bit, then got up and dressed. And while I was dressing, he stood and watched as I was trembling with excitement his hands trying to fasten buttons. He looks and smiles with his eyes. When I was ready to get out from behind the screen, he gently kissed me on the cheek and goes first. The rest of the day, I was impressed by my visit and was looking forward to tomorrow. And fell asleep with a smile on his lips.The next day I wore a black thong panties, and went into the office. Then, on arrival in the office doing the same thing as yesterday. I lay there, waiting. Sasha came in, threw a careful look at me and praised for her panties. Now, they say, would be more convenient. And starts to massage the buttocks. His hands were so pleased to crush them, that I began to once again excited. He then gently, gently parted my legs. I bit her hand, eyes closed, but my head is just a thought ... "Touch skolzni below ... there ... just touch her fingers to the hole ..." On my return the land merry voice of Sasha, it's time to roll.Can you imagine what state I was turned onto his back. And he stood, smiling, looking at me. I lay down on his back. He started off his feet. And so much began to massage them, that involuntarily clutched in his hand. It felt as if straight from a warm bed in the ice hole. He loosened his hands and looked at my crotch.Then pushed her panties aside and reached for my girl language. Very gently touched the lips, and then more insistently, just one language, and parted them to come into my pussy ... He did it slowly, as if I was trying to relish the taste .. .. I'm totally relaxed, my legs parted wider than themselves, eyes closed, but my head was pounding the thought - "here at any moment might look." But what he did with me, my fear of being eclipsed overtaken. He gently caressed the clitoris, the vagina was part of the tongue, then back out of it and, without looking up, climbed to the clitoris. I was on the verge. I was not up to anyone ..He watched me, occasionally glancing at my face. I firmly took him by the hair and not let go until until the end.Not a lot of his breath, I sat on the couch. Alex came up to me so that his cock was at my face. Pants have a very bulging. He was very excited. He undid his pants and I saw his handsome all excited ... as I move away from the force ... he takes my head and pulls her to his groin.

The perfect vessel

May 26th @ 3:10am EDT

The master did not sleep all night. This was not the first sleepless night wizard. He had not slept for many nights, he had not slept for many nights for many years. The Master was possessed. Obsessed with the idea, which is fed, raised, zhivila, raised the wizard. The idea of ​​sleeping with him, woke up, lived, grew up in the air, but I could not get into the hands of the master. The master wanted to create the perfect vessel. The vessel is unique, beautiful, refined, so that people looking at this vessel could not tear off eyes, and said, "Yes, this vessel has created a true master of his craft, great creator."In it, he wanted to use all the softness and pliability of clay, give it a special beauty, expressiveness, elegance of line, he wanted to achieve absolute perfection, volume, weight, lightness, density, and he longed to reach equilibrium and create a vessel that would have gone through it and stayed people forever.He sculpted a vessel for the vessel, destroying it and making more and more. In one, he did not seem to have enough ease in the other did not have the correct proportions, the next was very good, but the master felt that there was no need for him flying, the vessel was perfect, skillful, but not happy with the wizard. It was, seemingly, everything, but there was no state of mind which the master would definitely invest in it.And here again, the master did not sleep the whole night, he sculpted and created a vessel, and he created the vessel, which was good, great, brilliant, but the vessel again, he did not like, and the master was about to destroy the creature's hands, but changed his mind, have time tomorrow, he decided, and went to get some rest. He lay on a low couch in the shade of plane trees high. Hot midday sun was hot. Master wanted to quench your thirst with cool spring water.- Honey, bring the water - he asked his wife.- Where can I get a pitcher of water, dear? - She asked.- Take a jar in my studio, I did just finish, it must maintain a good coolness and freshness of spring water."If you could not create what I wanted, then maybe it amiss if only for the water," - thought to himself the master.Wife took the jug and went to the spring, which was located near the mountains. She soon returned, carrying a jug on her shoulder. She went to the master, gave him pialushku, and began to fill it from a pitcher of cold spring water. The master looked at the jar, gently perspiring from the cold water, looked at his wife and could not tear my eyes."This is it, here it is perfect!" - Thought the master. The Master looked at her as if seen for the first time in the light of its rapid pace, turning on her proud shoulders, the head held high, her body graceful, attractive, as in the days of youth, and despite the years, become more more desirable for soft warm breasts-guess a light chintz platishkom, beckoning her burning eyes. In the wizard, increased sense of peace, as if it was a refreshing talk as if it emits invisible, but such an attractive light.- So what is the meaning of life? What is the essence and perfection? I wanted to create the perfect vessel. I have spent many years in labor and deprivation, I created, I created and nurtured the image of a single slave, he felt his hands, was in his mind, filling the senses. And what I see? I see perfection. The perfection of the lines, the perfection of the image, the perfection of life. So what happens? I've seen the shell of the vessel without filling it. I wanted to create a kind of ideal of my love. And this woman in an instant filled it with refreshing water, she filled my bottle. And the vessel was perfect. So my life without my beloved does not make sense. In it I see my ideal, full of goodness, my ideal, full of love. Such a love that tears poured from my eyes, without ceasing. Tears of joy and gratitude for God's gift. Love is the perfection of my life. Love created me the perfect vessel.

Yes, i love it

May 25th @ 1:14am EDT

do not care what people think about me. I do not care about the opinion of others. I live as I want and do just what I want. Yes, I love men who love them in large quantities, large and small, thick and slender, though certainly more slender, mature and still very young. I do not care who he is, a CEO or sales manager, I was only interested in quality sex. And I almost always absolutely true defining ability of a man at first sight. I do not know how I get it, it\'s probably subconscious. And not every man who wants to appear macho and doing everything possible for this may be a hundred percent to satisfy a woman in bed. At least I miss the passing of one. Rather, I come to the quiet humble guy who sometimes hesitate to talk to a girl, not to mention the rest. Such individuals are at the first opportunity show such signs of sex, which does not even dreamed of so-called macho. The main thing to find the right approach to them, Yes, I love the terms thick and thin, large and small, flat and curved. All of them are worthy of attention, and each has its advantages. I love the feeling in his hand the excited throbbing cock - the device of my satisfaction, I love to fuck, I love when a man owns me, I love when he has a big and thick, I like to feel the inside of a man ... I love when I enter from behind, pressed to the wall and holding my hand so tightly that I could not move. I am very excited biting shoulders, neck, back. More than anything, it\'s my ears react in those few seconds I\'m ready to do anything, pleasure has no limits.Yes, I love all of his men, so I want to please them. If a man has a small penis, it does not mean that it is immediately inferior on all counts \"sexual giants.\" These lovers are more sensitive, with a peculiar thrill relate to everything going on, know all the sensitive places, and that these men were more likely will be engaged in oral sex with me ... By the way, a little member is very convenient for a blow job and is almost entirely placed in the mouth. Some nasty take someone\'s cock in her mouth, and I\'m very pleased, eerie tune. During the blowjob, I feel a certain power over man, I know what it\'s all mine and that I can do with it whatever I want. I love to take a member of the cheek and hold him to the teeth and gums, to feel it, to drive there - here ...Yes, I love oral sex, and not only do, but also to receive. There were many men who made me scream with pleasure during cunnilingus. I have a very sensitive clit ... Every touch of the language makes me tremble like a leaf in the autumn wind. I\'m going crazy with this ... The greatest pleasure I get from light bites clitoris. Of course it\'s not hard to do and methodically, like when a variety of affection: the language of a walk from the top down, to find the clitoris, not for a long time to focus their attention on it, then stick tight tongue into her vagina, and then upward to lick lips and go back to the clitoris. .. Such deep orgasms, multiple and prolonged. Men who know how to do cunnilingus, will always meet their partners.Yes, I like to have sex in unexpected places. I have had sex in a public toilet, in the elevator (when we went to the first floor of the last 20 minutes), in the hallway, the doctor\'s office (right in the dental chair ... And it was gynecological) and even on the plane ... All and all, and can not remember. It excites me is not the standard conditions for sex and the risk of being seen. The best orgasms with a furious adrenaline into the blood.I do not care what people think about me. I do not care about the opinion of others. I love a good sex in large quantities. Yes, I love you.

How to work

May 24th @ 9:27am EDT

This instruction, by the way, hung in the Kremlin office, VI Lenin.nnTry, however, read it by tuning in to the pre-erotic way ...nn***nnAre we working for the office desk, sawing is a file in a locksmith's shop, or, finally, plow the land - everywhere need to create a working shutter and gradually make it a habit.nnHere are the first basic rule for any labornnA. Before we take up the job, it should all think about, to think so in my head fully formed model of the finished work and the whole order of labor practices. If all you can not think until the end, we consider the major milestones, and the first part of the work to think thoroughly.nnTwo. Do not undertake work until it is cooked all the working tools and accessories for all the work.nnThree. In the workplace (machine, work bench, table, floor, land) should not be anything extra, but in vain to knock, no fuss, and not to seek the right of unnecessary.nn4. All tools and equipment must be laid out in a certain, possibly once and for all the established order, so you can find it all at random.nnFive. For the work should never be taken cool, just do not break away, and enter the work gradually. The head and body and then disperse themselves, and earn, and if taken immediately, then soon, and myself, as they say, and work zarezhesh "zaporesh." After a steep initial rush soon employee passes: and he will feel tired, and the work will spoil.nn6. As you work, sometimes you have to lean heavily, either to overpower anything out of the ordinary, or to take something in common, artel. In such cases, do not just lean, but first adapt itself, should the whole body and the mind set, we must, so to speak, to be charged, should be a little more to try, find the strength and needs after that lean.nn7. We have to work as evenly as possible to avoid high tide and low tide: the work of a temper, bouts of spoils and the person and work.nnEight. Landing body at work should be such that, and it was convenient to work and at the same time not spent would be totally unnecessary force on the content of the body on the feet. If possible, we have to work while seated. If you can not sit, feet should be kept apart, exposed to forward or to the side leg is not frustrated with the place, you must arrange to be strengthened.nn9. During operation, must necessarily rest. In a heavy work should be more opportunities to relax and sit in an easy holiday work are rare, but uniform.nn10. During the work itself does not need to eat, drink tea, drink it, in extreme cases, to quench your thirst, do not smoke and have better working smoke breaks than during the work itself.nn11. If the job does not suit, you do not get excited, and it is better to take a break, think again and take over again, slowly, deliberately slow down even to sustain themselves.nn12. During the work, especially when it does not suit, you must stop work, put in order the work place, carefully put the tool and material, to sweep away dirt and then set to work again, and gradually but smoothly.nn13. No need to break away in the other case, except in the necessary work itself.nn14. There is a very bad habit: after a successful run of her show now, here necessarily have to "suffer", so to speak, accustomed to success, to crush his satisfaction, to make it inside, and then at other times in case of failure will "poison" will and work oprotiveet.nn15. In the event of total failure should be easy to look at it and not get frustrated, start work again, as if for the first time, and behave as described in the 11th rule.nn16. At the end of everything must be put in order: the work and tools, and the workplace, and all put in a certain place to, beginning to back to work, you can find everything, and that most work is not disgusted.

Introduction to pornochate

May 23rd @ 1:42am EDT

They met in porn chat. Everything was as usual in such situations: I have a leggy blonde with blue eyes, and he - tall brown-eyed athlete. After a couple of evenings of communication decided to meet. Both sensed a trap, but very much wanted. Both have a very long time did not have sex: she had half a year, and it ... more than ever.The meeting was scheduled for Friday evening in a cafe close to her house. She decided to advance all that will not delay and immediately dragged him to bed. So, to cheer, coming immediately ordered a vodka. I drank and sat at a table waiting. Knight was late - indecent for a first date, and even by men.As he entered, she had not even noticed, or rather did not pay attention, even for a moment entertain the thought that it was he. Of medium height, thin, however, is quite cute ... teenager. The cafe was empty, and so he went straight toward her. Casually glanced at the magazine, under the arrangement which lies on the edge of the table, and handed her a bouquet of roses.- You\'re ... a little ... - taken aback, she whispered.- But you are not leggy model - he retorted.- I was referring to the young - she corrected herself and then almost cried - Waiter, more vodka!Hops are somehow too quickly struck her in the head and the thoughts flowed in a direction completely depraved, \"Boy, though a young mind you, but cute! He does not know how old I am ... He does not know that I am good enough to be his mother. Vaughn sits chirping as I liked it ... How do you want to fuck! Want to fuck hard! Can experiment? I have not had ... \"- Come on, come on.- Where? - Widened his eyes.- To me. You wanted to meet?- Nuuu ... I certainly hope ...- Then let\'s go.\"Remembering the youth - both to the full! Now Blast off! \"- She decided, and entrance is in front of the folded toward the back door.Back door for a long time nobody used, but to the surprise of him has not got wind of the homeless. It was warm and quiet. Just a little dusty. It is not a bit embarrassed. With the words: \"Come on, the gentleman, let\'s start!\" - She took off his coat and threw it on the floor, threw her over and began to undress him. We kid was not athletic, but very slender beautiful young body. He was very embarrassed to stand naked in front of clothed women, who now looked much older than him, and tried to cover up its own standing member of the palms, when she examined him from head to toe.\"It\'s even nothing!\" - She thought, and sank to her knees, spreading her hand in the hand covering the member. A member was waiting for her. She leeched on to him like a hungry leech sexy. The boy tried to sit down with surprise. \"If only I did not finish soon\" - she thought, and at the same time her mouth broke into a pulsating jet. He drank every drop. She stood up.- What? First time?He sheepishly nodded in response. She sat on the edge of the windowsill and lit. Yeah-ah-ah-ah, everything worked like a bad porn stories.- No. Do not get dressed. Sit down with me since. - She stopped him. The guy dutifully sat down beside him.She curiously examined the body of young men, whose sperm she had just swallowed, \"I wonder how much he? 17-18 years? A young ... the first time ... So, maybe now and get up for a second time? \"Finished his cigarette, she began stroking his cock. A member responded quickly: \"Well! Just a couple of minutes of blowjob and he\'s ready to fight again! \"This time she decided not to delay a blow job and a couple of times licking cock, got on all fours. The guy immediately pulled off her panties and with one blow came in her wet pussy. This is the moment of overexcited body waiting for a long time. The boy did not have to try - just a few minutes it shook the strongest orgasm.- Yes! Yes! Well done, boy! - She cried so much that the entrance doors slammed.\"Just like in his youth!\" - She thought, running out the door, - \"I wonder what the guy says, when he was completely naked tenants get caught?\"

Spring Park

May 22nd @ 2:55am EDT

It happened last spring. We met through the Internet. First, we corresponded for about a week, then finally agreed to meet. Weather was already warm. He came to sipping beer from a bottle. Apparently, he wanted to look "cool." Or maybe just really liked the beer - who knows. Anyway, I do not like beer, but I do not understand why those who "drags" on the drink.We sat on the bench and quite unabashedly discussed our desires. I can not believe that this actually happens, not in a dream ...So was our acquaintance. Another week went by about the correspondence. We tried to find a place where our fantasies osuschestvyatsya. And now, for want of a better option, he suggested simply to get away to the city park. At first I was somewhat shocked by this suggestion, but the desire to finally realize what I dreamed for years, it was stronger.So, it was the Sabbath. Finding any excuse to run away from home, and quietly capturing dozens of erotic photos of my beloved wife (excited correspondence, I had to promise to show him these pictures), I went to the appointed place.We walked along the avenue of the park. Gradually narrowed alley, then turned into a footpath. We really have got very far. Again I have the feeling of unreality. Finally he said:-Let's turn back here.We turned and plunged into the wild bush.- What do you think this clearing? - Followed by a question.I nodded. We went down to the ground. Pulse pounding wildly simple.- You promised to bring pictures.I quietly reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a promise. He began to consider them. I saw his breath quickens. As soon as he leafed through photographs, it seemed that he strips my wife. Here she is in a light sarafan ... In the shorts ... But - again in the same Sarafan, but without panties ... I purposely picked photos to their modesty evaporated as the viewer. And finally he got to the picture, which is my little wife was captured with a huge faloimmitator inside ... His eyes widened as he stared hungrily them in this picture. But the real surprise was waiting for him to sledueschey photo. It is the same toy was already inside my ass. I must tell you that I have long loved to entertain his ass in this way. At the same time, I imagined myself whore that fucks guy. By playing these games alone, I dreamed that someday in my mouth and my ass gets real hot and hard on the willingness of member. However, until now such a case I was not.My new acquaintance, who are pretty excited by what he saw in the pictures, said:- Can I caressed your mouth "friend"?Here it is ... Started things for which I was here ... During a web site available to the correspondence, we both realized that we wanted to about the same - each one of us wanted to go on both sides of gay sex. Everyone wanted to be fucked in her mouth and ass, and while most wanted to fuck partner. However, we had a bargain - for the first time I was supposed to be "an asset". I myself have insisted on it, fearing a trick on his part. In our distant plans were also to introduce our wives with the members of each other, to be able to engage in various sex threesome (two men and a woman) and four of them.So, I undid his belt, and behind it and the buttons on pants and lay on the grass. My friend got on his knees and began to pull down my pants. Deciding that enough already, he bent over my cock and began to caress his mouth. I still do not believe that this is not a dream. But here's my penis started to swell and gain momentum. It was nice. I felt excited. And then there was in my head, "Now or never!" I sat up on his elbow and ordered him- Took out his "friend"!He was surprised, but did not object. One jerk, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them up to their knees. His big cock was just before my face. He was not very hard, but it was in the half-excitation state. His head is so wet and begged me in the mouth. And I fell for it. I enjoyed it incorporates into itself, his fingers lightly, led him to hand up and down, not letting go, but the mouth of his cherished head. I'm just terribly excited touching my lips to the present, and the trembling man's hardening cock. My friend closed his eyes and excited jets. He obviously liked what I was doing with his cock.Being raised more and more, I realized it was time to introduce a good luck with my ass. Pulling from his pocket a precaution captured with a condom, I let a member of his mouth and began to pull the rubber band on it. In the eyes of my friend flashed "We did not agree because this is you had to fuck me!" However, it was too late. Prezik was already there, where he was supposed to be, and I was cancer, and carefully guided his penis into itself. Apparently, my "rear view" has decided to question my friend. He took my hands on the hips pulled her to him, both leaning forward, his pelvis.I felt like I was in the first part of the long-awaited men's flesh. Condoms, of course, somewhat spoiled the experience, but the buzz is still throbbing inside me. It was much better than faloimmitator.My friend started to move very vigorously. I tried to imagine how it looks from the outside. I seemed to see himself with his pants down and put his shirt, standing in front of his partner with cancer. His head was worn, "I fucked like a whore the latest". And to me, oddly enough, at the moment feel like a whore.My friend, apparently wanting to aggravate the feeling of owning your own male ass, stretched out his hand and began gently massaging my cock. That was a mistake for my ebyrya as was the last straw in a sea of ​​excitement. I felt a couple of jerks in the back and finished. My cum spurted a fountain on the grass. When he finished, I realized that I no longer want it. I said to him:- Enough!and began to remove him from her hand. He evidently puzzled and did not want to end. It looks like he just got a taste, and continued to fuck me. I was disgusted. I said to him:- I do not want to!And aggressively pushed him away. Freed, I immediately got up, put on his pants and buttoned them, went away. For my friend it was a shock. It is not opravivschis from the past excitation, he jumped up, quickly buttoned and followed me.- What happened? - He wondered - I've done something wrong? Maybe try again? Fuck me you are! My ass wants you!But I was adamant. Feelings that I otimel like a whore, does not seem exciting, enjoyable. I was disgusted by this experience. I mentally cursed himself for his weakness, and was horrified at the thought that a moment ago, gave me so much pleasure ...When we came out of the park, the guy who raped me recently and asked:- Maybe even try a second time?- No, - I said - I do not want to try. I will never want!But I was wrong. Within a few months, I began to think again about having sex with a man. I still think of him ... It is possible, whether at the time around the other situation, I would have reacted so violently ... Maybe it was a partner in the ... Maybe it was that I was not finished in time ... Whatever it was, now, everything that has happened do not seem to me so much awful. From the guy we are no longer met. I do not want to try it again with him. I'm afraid it will interfere with the memories. Now I am again looking for a partner. Sometimes I ask myself - who am I? Gay, bisexual, or indeed all of us in one degree or another bisexual? Whatever it was, I still everything is fine with women, but sometimes I dream such dreams, after which you want to just go out and offer yourself to the first comer.I tried to talk about it with my wife. Of course, she did not understand. Even tried to tell her about the case. With it, almost went into hysterics. I had to tell a lie, that all this - just a dream, very realistic, but a dream. But in fact it never was ... She calmed down. Yes, and I sometimes start to believe it was just a dream.

The yacht, the sun, you and I.

May 21st @ 1:11am EDT

Let's imagine that we ride with you on the yacht .... bright scorching sun warms our bodies, lying on the deck ... I sunbathe in the seductive swimsuit - bikini swimsuit .... are you ... lie baldeem .... You handed me his hand and stroked my tummy ... I ask my rub sunscreen ... you sit there and take a handful of cool cream is applied on my tummy ....droplets of salty sea sometimes fall on us ... but take it for happiness .... I expand on his tummy .... do you untie the top of my bikini .... which does not cover my body, but only serve as a conditioned clothes, throws zavyazochki and fingers held in the back, I moaned ... I love sweet caress the back .... do you spend your finger along the spine, gently pressing through each vertebra ....You bend over and kiss my back, I shudder in surprise and intuitive parted slightly in strontium legs ... I lift my ass to pleasure me as a wonderfully nice to feel your touch, lick your lips and enjoy your massage, I noticed on the horizon appears as a white sail ..... my eyes are on him ... I was distracted on the fly past by making a din and a cup of tea ... close my eyes and just drowning in the sensations ....Covers .... You light me a towel and hide behind ... you go down into the cabin ..... I fell into poludremu ... hear how you came up .... I can not open my eyes .. you're down there and you put a tray with glasses of orange juice and fruit, I lick the bowl to see your favorite strawberry ... you turns me on the back and finger dial up the cream coat my nipples and breasts .... I'm shaking from cool cream ... you bastard are very gentle very tip of his tongue collecting the cream off my nipples, you feel as they begin to harden on your touch .. Do you like my taste, you take my lips, nipples and start to gently suck ....I'm all wriggle under you, I am happy to feel your lips on his nipples hungry, froze .... are you licking your whole chest .... gently pulling the tongue nipples, circling around the areolok .... you take fingers strawberry and fed me .... allowing me to lick your fingers away from the delicious strawberry juice strawberry ... you drive on the lips, teasing and giving a certain distance ... kiss his neck .... I melt in his arms catching her lips strawberries .... it flows over me pink streaks you have the entire plant .... light breeze disturbs us ... but then he added to it lightweight soft and warm south .... I sit down next to you ... look in your eyes .... and you dare to tease and strawberry .... I take two fingers and drive a little squeezing my lips ... you lick strawberry tongue touching my fingers ... I moaned ... and threw his head back ....lips caress me .... licking my neck and chest ... not putting one single site, without attention to my skin .... softly stroking the head, twisting her fingers in her hair .... and again weaving their disbanding ... . I curled up close to you, you're licking my face, kiss, I embrace your neck .... Seeking to bury nose .... and utykayus into your strong shoulder .... I feel your strong masculine scent climb .... lips on the back of the neck, translate your tongue to your chin, gently vytselovyvaya his tongue around .... obvozhu gubbb ... without touching the lips ....You silently watching my actions .. I know what you want ... what are you waiting for ... you and me lozhish unfold on your stomach, snuggling close to my stomach, I feel the desire grew as a solid lump through a hot melt my panties and rests on me .... you compress me into the arms of not letting me move ...... fingers stroking my buttocks, then squeezing it spreading to the sides .... I enjoy your hot kiss ... demanding language that it gets into my mouth then disappears behind your smile .... I'm trying to get into your hot mouth ....... After several attempts I managed to dive ... I feel how hard you have squeezed my tongue and absorbed in myself ... I like that feeling .... I could hardly released from the captivity of thy charming .... roll on her tummy and freeze in a number of pen lifts .... you are my crotch .... fingers rapidly and gently pulls the final piece of my outfit - pants ... and you put me on my knees .... I am happy to answer your excitedly raised popochkoy get up to full height, and take off their trunks .. I do not see you, but guess what ..... you're busy painting a seductive circles his buttocks ... you no longer can bear ... down on my knees, admiring my beautiful ... barely restrained so as not to take me with the force and just barely break the entire ... tuhnesh from their wild desires .... my skin glistens in the sun shimmering on the little droplets of water do you spend on the buttocks with his hand ..... spend the halves along the edge of his hand ...I bent back, but it gets you more ... you try not to rush ... as our ottyagivayae merging into one .... fingers stroking the girl excited .... bends, giving amazing kiss kiss .... all of it. helping itself ... fingers ... enjoy the elasticity buttocks .... tongue spend on the line between buttocks, moving the tongue .... I quietly sigh ... you're finger presses down on my hole - tight elastic ring compressed .... sravaetsya groan from his lips .... I feel like my legs are warming ... as heat diverges in the legs and lower abdomen .... you know that now I have lower abdomen warm and compressed gently pushes his hand .... waist to rose more ... ass wet finger and spend them on the lips ... disturbing ..... kliterokI'm trying to get away from you on the inside vzorvavshiimsya hormones .... you tease me pleasure, make warm ... my growing desire sizzling .... my juices running down the inside of the thighs .... do you cling greedily, licking tongue, and breathing in an unusual flavor .... I feel like you on my knees came up to me as close as possible, and spent his welcome to my agitated .... teasing and leading his side to you I will move gradually penetrates into the depths of my ..... as you walk in hot oil ... chuvstvesh pulsating rhythmic tremor and muscle contraction .... come out ... can not restrain themselves from such a hot reception .. cooled down a little attempt to committing a number 2You walk fast ..... and freezes the carcass barely fill their desire me all .... after a few seconds, you begin to make shallow thrusts .... affectionate ... slip along the wall of my cave, then crept deeper, almost going out .. .. I feel like you're almost going out committing a deeper push ... pulsating ... both of you are stroking my back to soothe and to continue .... I could barely carcass of the approaching wave .... I know that the next will be stronger and more powerful. ...You lozhish his hands on my shoulders and just pushing poured into me hard and deep ... I feel like your head hits the neck of the utricle and the pleasant feeling of hog carcass just blow yours, but you are not a new sovereshaesh less strong, with smoother by squeezing and releasing my butt a little .... you special pleasure for me to consider from the back, enjoy while I drive I will move from side to his head, as back as the spring bends, taking its original position ..... you goes through the pads of fingers it is easy to back them, and keep on drumming offensive movement ..On a yacht ... except we do not have one, and a lot of kilometers around, too ... I know this .... but squeezed tight lips ... biting them on the incredible excitement .... your tremors are beginning to resemble a light swing rotating movements ... I feel that within the orgasm sneaks up like a cat ... ... inside is nice and light waves from the inside and start pouring out reach temples ...I feel like one or two seconds of me singing and shaking all .... you slow down the pace, giving me the opportunity to fully experience the orgasm .... I feel like a wave upon wave takes me into captivity ...... I feel like a stream of the flow, like a shiver shiver ... as a mini relaxation, followed by the full voltage to pass a general weakness ..... you know that I care horoshooo as you continue to love me, I feel like an orgasm is about to come .... . compress the halves together, and my buttocks vigorously and loudly cums on my ass .... spilling hot cum on me ....disturbing a finger and watching the jet stream of poured out of you ..... finger smears on the back of their moisture .... feel your smell wonderful ... and all .... I shudder to turn .. You lie down exhausted all .... fall down to your beautiful lips, drinking the last drop ... I feel like the skin on the buttocks and pulled her back ... but it is even pleasant .... lick your golovochku, giving you excitement, woven with a nice relaxing ..... . you're grateful to stroke my head .... I know that you need quite a bit of time to recover and continue our dance in a sea of ​​snow-white on the boat, which floats in spite of the water column and the scorching sun ......

How to play hide and seek in the sense of

May 20th @ 2:43am EDT

They say that once gathered in one corner of the earth with all the human senses and qualities. When BOREDOM yawned for the third time, INSANITY offered:-Let's play hide and seek!?INTRIGUE raised an eyebrow:- Hide and Seek? What is this game?Madness and explained that one of them, such as it is, leads - Close your eyes and count to a million, while the others hide. Whoever will be found the last, will drive the next time and so on.ENTHUSIASM danced with euphoria, so jump JOY that persuaded DOUBT, that's just apathy that nothing ever wondered refused to participate in the game. TRUTH has chosen not to hide, because in the end it is always found to be proud to say that it is absolutely stupid game (it is nothing but itself does not care), cowardice did not want to risk it.- One, two, three, ... - Start by MADNESS.First hide laziness, she hid behind a rock near the road, Faith rose to heaven, and ENVY hid in the shadow of a victory which in-house managed to climb to the top of the highest tree. GENEROSITY for a long time could not hide, because every place that it found seemed ideal for his friends: Crystal clear lake - for beauty. Cleft of the tree - so it is to fear. Butterfly wing - for sensuality. Breeze - it's for FREEDOM! So, it is masked in the ray of sunshine. Selfishness, on the contrary, he found only a warm and cozy place. LIE hid in the depths of the ocean (in fact, she hid in a rainbow), and the PASSION and DESIRE hid in the crater of the volcano. Forgetfulness, can not even remember where she hid, but it does not matter.When the count up to 999 999 INSANITY, LOVE is still looking for where to hide it, but it was already occupied. But suddenly she saw a wonderful rose-bush and decided to take refuge among his flowers.- Million - MADNESS counted, and began to look for.The first is, of course, found laziness. Then he heard as the BELIEF argues with God, and of the Passions and Desires, it has learned on how to trembling volcano, then MADNESS saw Envy and guessed where it hides TRIUMPH. Selfishness and search was not necessary, because the place where he was hiding was a hive of bees that decided to expel the intruder. In Search of Madness came to the brook to drink, and saw a BEAUTY. DOUBT was sitting by the fence, deciding how to hide his hand.So, all were found: TALENT - in a fresh and juicy grass, SADNESS - in a dark cave, FALSE - the rainbow (to be honest, it was hidden at the bottom of the ocean).Here are just not able to find LOVE.Madness was looking behind every tree, every brook, on top of each hill, and finally it was decided to look in the pink bushes, and when parted the branches, heard a scream. Sharp thorns of roses hurt the eyes of LOVE. Madness did not know what to do, began to apologize, wept, prayed, asked for forgiveness and atonement of guilt promised LOVE to be her guide.And since the first time on the ground playing hide and seek ... Love is blind and Madness leads her by the hand ...

Two halves of one whole

May 19th @ 2:50am EDT

The philosopher threw an apple in the palm, turned, looking from different angles, and thoughtfully said,-People believe that their souls are like apples. - In what sense? - Zainteresfovalsya his pupil. - More precisely, the halves - corrected philosopher. - That's about. He carefully cut the apple into two pieces and put on the table. -They have such a belief, as if each person there is a perfect match.It seems that God, before sending the soul in the world, cuts them in half, into male and female halves. Like an apple. That roam these halves seek each other. And they find? How do you imagine it? What is the probability of such a meeting? You know how many people in the world? -A lot.-That's it.And besides ... well, they find each other, so what's next? Do you think it will make a whole apple, and will heal in peace and harmony? Well, yes. And is not it? - The student was surprised. - No, not so. The teacher picked up for half an apple, and raised them to his face. - Here are two fresh catch of the soul descend into the world. And as the world comes from the human souls? A philosopher with a crunch took a bite from one half. - The world - he went with his mouth - is not static. And cruel. He grinds by itself. One way or another. Cuts off a piece, or bites, or even grind to puree baby. He took a bite from the other half, and for some time silent, chewing. The student stared at the two stubs and swallowed nervously. -And then - triumphantly proclaimed philosopher - they are there! Bitten ... he joined the halves. - And that they are suited to each other? ...... NO!!!- And now look here - interrupted the teacher, and took a few more apples. - Cut each in half, add up the two halves at random from different apples - and what we see? - They do not fit - The student nodded.- Look farther. Adding the two different halves together, he snapped the one from the other side, and demonstrated results. Well, what we see? Now they form a pair? -Yeah - The student nodded thoughtfully. - Now they fit together perfectly. -Because the world is not biting them individually, but together!People who love each other become one: enjoy life together, and together take the blows of fate, learn to understand each other perfectly, support each other and to encourage them to achieve success. And over time, some couples adopt each other's habits even become like the characters and complement each other ... That is the second halves are not born, but they become. And it is - hard work.

How much do we stand?

May 18th @ 12:46am EDT

One day, two seamen went to a journey through the world to find his destiny. They sailed to the island where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. Elder - Beauty and the youngest - not very. One of the sailors said to a friend: - Everything I've found my happiness, I remain here and married the daughter of the leader. - Yes, you're right, the eldest daughter of the leader of beautiful, clever. You made the right choice - marry. - You do not understand, my friend! I'm going to marry the younger daughter of the leader. - Are you crazy? She's so ... not really. - It's my decision and I will do it. A friend sailed on in search of happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that the tribe had taken a ransom for the bride to give the cows. Nice bride was worth ten cows. He drove ten cows and went to the leader. - Chief, I want to take your daughter to marry and give ten cows for her! - This is a good choice. My eldest daughter, beautiful, clever, and it is worth ten cows. I agree. - No, the leader, you do not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter. - Are you kidding me? Do not see it as such ... not really. - I want to marry it to her. - Okay, but as an honest man, I can not take ten cows, it's not worth it. I'll take it for three cows, no more. - No, I want to pay it ten cows. They were married. It took several years and traveling to one already in his ship, he decided to visit the remaining friend and see how he lives. Sailed, going to the beach, and met a woman of unearthly beauty. He asked her how to find his friend. It showed. Comes in and sees that his friend is sitting around the kids running around. - How are you? - I am happy. Here is the very beautiful woman. - Here, meet. This is my wife. - How? Are you married again? - No, it's still the same woman. - But as it happened, that she has changed? - Did you ask her yourself. He came up to each woman and asks: - Sorry for the lack of tact, but I remember what you were ... not very. What happened that you had become so beautiful? - Just once, I realized that I was standing ten cows

Businessman and Fisherman

May 17th @ 1:36am EDT

Once a businessman standing on a pier in a small village and watched a fisherman sitting in a frail boat, as he caught a huge tuna. Businessman congratulated fisherman with good luck and asked how long it takes to catch a fish.- A couple of hours, no more, - replied the fisherman.- Why did not you stay at sea longer and caught several more fish? - Surprised businessman.- One fish is enough to my family lived next day, - he answered.- But what are you doing the rest of the day? - Do not let up businessman.- I sleep till noon, then go for a couple hours of fishing, then I go to the village for a walk, drink wine in the evening and play with their friends on the guitar. You see - I enjoy life, - explained the fisherman.- I - a Harvard graduate - said a businessman - I will help you, you\\\'re doing wrong. You have to fish all day and then buy a bigger boat.- And then what? - Asked the fisherman.- Then you will catch more fish and be able to buy several boats, even ships, and one day you\\\'ll have an entire fleet.- And then?- Then, instead of selling fish, the mediator, will you bring the fish right on the factory, and increasing profits, you open your own factory.- And then?- After you leave this god forsaken village and move in a big city, and maybe one day you\\\'ll be able to open a huge office and the director to be there.- And how it all take?- 15-20 years.- And what then?- And then - laughed a businessman - and then comes the most enjoyable. You will be able to sell his company for millions and become very rich.- And then?- Then you will be able to stop working, you move to a small village on the coast, you\\\'ll sleep till noon, a little fishing, organize a siesta with my wife, stroll through the village, drinking wine in the evening and play with their friends on the guitar ...

A dream come true. Part 2

May 16th @ 3:48am EDT

One was part of me, the other to get up in front of me, and I sucked his dick. I was lying on his back, I stood on all fours - one member was in my vagina, and the other in the mouth. This picture is incredibly excited all three. I'm more of a member of the other, although Dan was a member of the thicker and slightly longer. Doing a blowjob, I tried to bring the guys as much fun, and both once finished in my mouth and I swallowed the semen. We have Dan correspondence agreed that I would not mind.After a short break, our Entertainment acquired a somewhat different character. Now, was involved and my anus. I sat astride one and the other aligned to me from behind and thrust a member in my ass, before taking advantage of an intimate gel lubricant. The boys were full of vigor and energy, and fucked me at a furious pace. Sometimes it seemed as if they compete, who abruptly.Steeper and was active in Dan. Sometimes it is tagged onto me, so that a friend had no choice but to stand and watch the scene and wait for their turn. But imagine what a thrill - not just a porn film to watch, and be able to join at any time! From time to time I threw a glance at the other - his cock was excited. Sometimes he masturbated, looking at how Dan has me. Dan could fuck me, laying on his stomach - so my mouth turned out to be at the level of the bed. But the one I liked more, and I experienced more pleasure during sex with him.Several times we went to the shower. A friend - one, and I - with Dan. Dan was absolutely insatiable. He needed only a short respite, and he was again ready to enter into me. His cock was not only in those moments when we were sitting in the kitchen. He fucked me in the shower, after I leaned forward and erotic put her hands on the tiled wall.In the last hour of each watch TV in the living room, and a tireless Dan amused me in the bedroom. He never ceased to thrust into me with his thick dick, even when looked tired and perspiring. Alas ... the time has come to an end, had to leave. We got dressed, packed up and went to the car. A friend of Dan's first landed at the nearest station and then drove me to my station.It is unlikely I will ever forget this unique, full of stoned day.

A dream come true. Part 1

May 16th @ 3:47am EDT

With one of them (Dan) I met on the internet. First, he offered to meet with him, and if you like, go to the hotel. I agreed. But the letters continued, and he asked me if I wanted to try a threesome - it has a nice one. I confessed that the thought of having sex with two guys stuck in my head three years ago and I still have not realized their secret desire. And it must be strangers, who know almost nothing about me, with whom we have mutual friends. He gave me a link to a page of his friend, looked at photos. Liked it. Moderately inflated body, attractive face.We agreed to meet three days later at the apartment, which shall be as the hotel rooms - by the hour. Those days are stretched incredibly long. I have two weeks there was no sex, and I look forward with trepidation waiting for a meeting with two sports hunks.Finally the day has come. The guys came after me in the car. A friend was sitting inside, and Dan went out to meet me. It turned out to be cunning, wicked eyes, that was not visible in the photo. I sat in the back seat of the car and off we went. In the mirror of the driver's eyes reflected each other - huge, expressive and very beautiful.When we arrived at a place, a friend went to get the keys and left us with Dan. Dan turned to me. We talked and then he kissed me. For doing this, and we caught one - we have not noticed, as he approached.We went to the apartment. It was all that was needed: a large bathroom with shower, kitchen, living room and bedroom with impressive size. The boys opened a bottle of red wine, including a music channel on TV. First, we were in the living room and talked and drank wine. When the wine was over, Dan took me to the bedroom, sat on the bed and started undressing. He deftly and quickly forgave me everything, down to her panties. I went to bed, bent legs, naked, hot and desirable. At this point one has come. Both guys took off all my clothes and ... began.

A beautiful story

May 14th @ 1:26am EDT

I once met on the internet with odinm man, it was right on May 9. We do not have a long correspondence and decided to meet him at the time was 45 years old, call it ... let's say, Pasha. Judging from the photos the person he seemed to be quite honest.So, the meeting was held. Pleasant was struck, he was really quite adequate man presented flowers. Let's go ride aimlessly. And second our eyes lead us far beyond the city, somewhere in Balashikha, as much in the woods.What is most surprising, I did not feel any threat, not to worry and that priez into the woods only to pleased. We got out and went to a little thicket of bushes and trees, came into the clearing and were stunned ...Such beauty around you! Sunny, no clouds in the sky, around the greens, the birds are singing ... the romance! The sin was not to take advantage of this opportunity. Pasha did not spend the time, approached me at the front and kissed her lips and hugged.I do not even dizzy, it was superbly! But soon realized that the men hand gently squeezed my ass. Nice to ...All around the birds ...The dress was unbuttoned, and launched on the waist. Hands and lips gently caressed his chest ... I am thrilled, legs slightly buckled. And Pasha dress and pulled her panties opus.I felt his fingers on her pussy, clit, they just like to know how I like to penetrate. Bliss ... and all this against the background of such beauty.Again, we kiss, I caress, stroking my lover, hand sinks lower and falls on the fly, there is everything in readiness., Caressed it, please.He unbuttoned his jeans and lowered them. I sat down and gazed with pleasure excited member, took it in hand, but in no hurry to act concretely. Instead, I gently rubbed her cheeks for him, like a kitten. Conducted along the tongue, kiss, start slowly caressing the head of sponges, play language, but in no hurry to take in her mouth ...Pasha thrilled, patting me on the head ...After playing their hearts' content, I firmly and gently took his cock very deep, which Pasha did not expect, but he liked it. He stopped stroking me and pressed his head. I began to suck ... replacing the depth and intensity, sometimes Interrupted out to caress the head of the tongue and testicles.But now it's time for the most important thing. Pasha lifted me up and took to a tree, I knew immediately bent over, leaning on that very tree.And then he felt the Pasha took me. And so I was all mokrenkaya so languishing with desire, a member of a pussy made me shudder. That sex was the most exciting and romantic nature of funky, with a decent fine man.-I'll finish it, - he hissed and walked out.I had already come to that moment, hovering in the clouds themselves, but something worked quickly, and I knelt down and opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue a little. The jet of sperm hit directly on the tongue, then the second, third ...Mmm ... delicious, sweetie! Even here, lucky!We have come a half hour after that, we walked the trails, listening to birds singing, hugging, kissing ... The world was beautiful. And then we went to a restaurant, very much like to fill the reserve forces and to eat.This story is real. Since this man is still perkrasnye friendships.


May 13th @ 2:37am EDT

We met her when I\'m desperate, and was ready to surrender to the first comer. I went to a sex shop and stared at the giant vibrators, thinking how it felt in his \"it\". She just went. It was so good ... I suddenly wanted it immediately. To touch it at least. She was a beautiful woman\'s beauty is that which ought to be. She was feminine, dark, and reminded me of Monica Bellucci. When she came to me and whispered, nodding at vibrators giant-like?. Oh yes, I whispered, swallowing nervously. She smiled, Kate held out her hand to me. I shook his hand and introduced herself, very surprised, like this beauty can be a simple name. She said, let\'s go. And I took her hand went. Do not hesitate for a second did not. I just wanted to be by her side. We sat in her car and set off.You have a ring you\'re married?Yes.For a long time?Five years.Happy?Yes, probably-I was embarrassed by her gaze.You like it?, She smiledVery much so. I love my husband. -I said firmly, looking into her eyes. She stopped abruptly, and leaned toward me and kissed. She was so assertive that I immediately opened her mouth to her. She bit my lips, licking them, biting my tongue, sucked. I had a feeling that we make love with me, flowed in streams, I wanted it, they want a man. Wanted it entered into me, I wanted to feel her body. Tearing himself away from me. It is intermittent breathing, she said, to me?Although it is not a question meant the answer, because it has already moved on. I whispered, \'Yes.The rest of the way we were silent. I thought that now make love to a woman. What\'s going to kiss her and let her what she wants. It is thought terribly excited and frightened. Since this was a betrayal. But I calmed myself. What is a woman, then cheating is not complete.We stopped near a small cottage. We left. And taking my hand she led me into the house. It was cool and dark. She whispered, Do you want to stay?Yes, yes, yes, whispered in reply. I myself pulled her and started kissing. I kissed her as if it was myself. Gently, gradually becoming more insistent. She whispered, go to the top. We almost ran ran up the stairs. In the bedroom, where she was just a huge bed. In my unspoken question, she laughed, was made to order.I first pulled off her shirt. then flew shorts. She sat on the bed and stared at me. I walked over to her and sat down on the floor. She started kissing me again, pulling me into bed. She turned me and turned back on top. She kissed my neck, shoulders, back, stroking my buttocks. I felt her fingers on her crotch. It was so wet that her hand is easily caressed and fingered my hole. I moaned. It was incredible, she caressed my clitoris. I felt that now finished. Hard to breathe, I spread her legs, she slid down. It was so weird. I lay on my stomach, but she pushes my buttocks, while stroking my clitoris. With my pussy flowed a stream. She lifted my ass. I felt it. as she enters her fingers in my vagina. It was amazing. I felt her fingers envelop my body. How do they touch each corner of my vagina. Suddenly it became painful. I moaned. Relax, she whispered. She started kissing my thighs. I spread her legs wider and lifted her ass. Almost standing on all fours. I felt that it enters the hand. She squeezed her hand in a boat and nearly all came. I understood from what has been hurt.For a moment I squeezed the muscles, but at the same moment opened her hand and slipped inside. It was incredible. When I was a brush of her hand. I felt as she stroked the inside of my stenochki. I felt that I\'m going to explode. My whole body throbbed. She launched straight inside. And at this very moment, I cried-ending. I squeezed his legs. Feeling like my muscles are trying to crush it in his hand. She firmly pressed me to her and began to cover my back with kisses. I relaxed and she was finally able to pull out a hand. I turned over. And kissed her lips. She was smiling, I love you, my lips were whispering. I began to cover the whole of her face with kisses. Stroked her breasts. She felt that she wanted to rudeness. I bit her nipples and roughly spread her legs. Her eyes were dark and she moaned. I saw how swollen her pussy, she was so beautiful, like everything else in this beautiful girl. You\'re so beautiful, I gasped. And pressed her mouth. to the clitoris. I sucked him, biting. Grated so that he was trembling in my fingers. I felt, as she opened the hips, urging me to myself. I slipped off the bed and pulled the vibrator from her purse. I took her legs and lifted them up. Spitting on the vibrator. I held it to the anus. And pressed. She breathed heavily and began to moan louder. The fact that it pushed me, I realized that she wanted to continue. I strongly pressed the vibrator and slipped it into her ass. She cried. And I strongly inserted his fingers into her vagina. By clicking on a vibrator on the slow mode. I was greatly moved with his fingers. She was screaming, moaning, begging to stop. I clenched fingers in a boat attempted to push their, as she did. I abruptly pulled out a vibrator. Realizing that it prevents me. She pulled away after the priest vibrator. I tried to stick a finger into the anus.Spitting into the palm and the anus.I began to shove his hand. And here I am already inside. There\'s so hot. I go out. once again spit on his hand and stick back. With her pussy flowing stream. I\'m pushing the vibrator in and turn on to maximum speed. At the same time moving his hand in her ass. I\'m trying to get on. And now I feel like my wrist is. I understand that you need to stop. She screams, squirms, but more is placed on the arm. And now, 10 centimeters from the wrist passed. I stop. I see. something that can hurt. I pull the other hand vibrator. Her pussy is disclosed as a bud. I see a drop of liquid and lick them. They are sour-bitter. I squeezed her hand and stuck in the vagina. The hand is easy. Oh. she cried, her eyes closed, she rushes to the unconscious. I feel the approach of his own orgasm. I\'m moving faster than his hands. And she shudders and cums. I feel like it compresses your muscles. As for my hands begins to flow. As in her face tears flowing. I slowly pull your hands. I kiss her lips and eyes. I stroke her crotch, her quivering clitoris. She slowly came to himself. Opened her eyes and whispered \'I love you.I smiled. And hugging her lay quietly side by side, thinking, as now we part.

All thoughts about it.

May 12th @ 2:21am EDT

On the last one I have at home! This idea has helped me more than ever to quickly and smartly to wake up. I got up, washed, taken from the refrigerator yogurt, they breakfasted.-I think today will be a long day, need more energy since I woke up so early, I thought.In search of additions to breakfast I found a banana, then, it is quite nutritious, then fine. I got to the chair and turned his televizor.Kakaya nice shape, which bananchik mmm ... He is not only a good way to eat, but also a great way to meet a ... On the food does not think more like in front of me was a lovely way to spend time.-To hell with this crap on TV, I thought spryatany inserting the disc with the porn that I have not looked.There have been two movies, I turned on first. I began to enjoy watching. Cute blondes kissing each other, and for too long, I'm sick and I have to rewind to a few minutes.Then as I became more and more like it, they undressed and started to bite first pussy second. How could I have dreamed about it now is! I undressed and started to pull their clitoris. The girl on the screen is already full fucking girlfriend fingers, there were probably four fingers, dripping with her scary, she screamed aloud that I was highly delighted. I put in a couple of fingers, representing that runs between my legs is the blonde, I've had flowed down the legs, I was breathing loudly, not realizing what is happening on the screen.But curiosity got up and I slowed down and looked like a little girl, the second member of the Suva great similarity, I do not think that he actually put there, but her friend could not stop. He got a couple of centimeters. The girl screamed, but it seems the pain and fear, begging him to stop, but the second did not notice and continued the case. Then I remembered the banana. I never used anything other than there not introduced fingers, and not hurt the two, and then prepared to take 15 inches.At first he was fine, but then began to go bad and I started to force it to push. It was painful, but I do not stop something kept me. Soon I began to scream like a girl from the tv were in tune with our cries. It looks like one or the other, and it's fun. My pain has calmed down and quietly move the fruit, but the girl from the tv seems to only suffer from it. Finally her friend pulled this instrument of torture.It was not so narrow as before. With her friend's dripping all her feet were wet, I wanted to be in her place, though she is already wet through the chair. I moved the banana faster, and smacked pussy was flowing with every movement, suddenly I was seized with a feeling of pleasure of orgasm just unreal, I remained sitting reclining with fruit in the crotch. And the girls continued to kiss each other pussies ...

Tale for Two

May 11th @ 1:27am EDT

There were two - He and She. They found each other somewhere, and now lived a life, somewhere fun, somewhere in salt, in general, the most common of the two most common life happy.They were happy because they were together, but it is much better than being one.He carried her in his arms, light a star in the sky at night, built the house that she had a place to live. And everybody said: "You bet, as it is not love, because it is ideal! With this easy to be happy!" And they all listened and smiled and talked to anyone that has made him an ideal She: He could not be different, as was with her. It was their little secret.She waited for him, met and accompanied, their house is warmed to him, there was a warm and cozy. And everybody said: "I should think, how it is not worn on the hands, because it was created for the family. No wonder that he is happy!" And they just laughed and did not speak to anyone that it is designed for families with Him, and only he may be well into her house. It was their little secret.He walked, stumbled, fell, disappointed and tired. And everyone said, "Why he told her, so battered and exhausted, because there are so many strong and confident." But no one knew that he is not stronger than anyone in the world, because they were together, and, hence, the strongest of all. It was her secret.And she bandaged his wounds, could not sleep at night, sad and crying. And everyone said, 'What did he see in her, because she has wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. After all, that he should choose a young and beautiful? "But nobody knew that she was the most beautiful in the world. How can anyone compare in beauty with the one love? But it was his secret.They all lived, loved and were happy. And all wondered: "How can you not get bored with each other for such a time? Do not you want something new? "And they still did not say anything. Simply, there were only two, and all had a lot, but they were all one, because otherwise nothing would have asked. It was not their secret, it was something that can not be explained, and is not necessary.

About love

May 10th @ 4:15am EDT

Once on an island inhabited different feelings: Happiness, Sadness, ability. Love was among them. Once all announced that they will soon flood the island, and they must be willing to leave it on the ships.All left. Only love remains. Love wanted to stay until the last second. When the island have had to go under, Love decided to call to his aid. Wealth came to love on a beautiful ship. Love it said:- Wealth, if you can I take away?- No, because a lot of money and gold on my boat. I do not have a place for you. Love decided to ask if pride that drove by on a magnificent ship:- Pride, help me, I beg you!- I can not help you, Love. You're all wet, and you can hurt my ship.Love asked for Sadness:- Sadness, let me go with you.- Ooo ... Love, I am so sad that I need solitude!Happiness sailed past the island, but it was so happy that it is not heard, even as His love calls. Suddenly a voice says, "Come Love, I'll take with me." It was an old man, who spoke with her. Love felt so grateful and full of joy, even forgot to ask the name of the old man.When they arrived on the ground, the old man was gone. Love decided to ask the Knowledge:- Who helped me?- It was time.- Time? - Love said, - But why Time helped me?Knowledge smiled wisely, and replied:- That's because only time can understand how love is important in life

The world and man

May 8th @ 10:52pm EDT

A student asked the Sage:n- Teacher, a hostile world? Or he is a man good?n- I'll tell you a parable about how the world relates to the person - the teacher said.n"A long time - long live the great Shah. He ordered to build a beautiful palace. There have been many miraculous. Among the curiosities in the palace was a room where all the walls, ceilings, doors and even the floor was mirrored. Mirrors were unusually clear, and the visitor does not immediately realize that the mirror in front of him - so accurately reflect the items. In addition, the walls of the rooms have been arranged so as to create an echo. You ask: "Who are you?" - And hear back from all sides: "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? "nOnce in this room and the dog ran in amazement froze in the middle - a whole pack of dogs, surrounded on all sides, top and bottom. The dog just in case, bared teeth, and all reflect the same answer to it. Not a little frightened, she barked fiercely. Echo repeated the barking.nThe dog barked louder. Echo is not lagging behind. Dogs and tossed to and fro, biting air, and its reflection is also worn around snapping. In the morning the servants found the poor dog, surrounded by millions of breathless reflection izdohshih dogs. In the hall there was no one who could cause her to at least some damage. The dog was killed, fighting with their own reflections. "n- Now you see - ended Sage - other people do not bring neither good nor evil in themselves. Everything that is happening around us - just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires and actions. World - a large mirror.nAs reflected in the water reflects a face, so the heart of another person reflects your heart.

Love your body

May 8th @ 1:08am EDT

Today was a terrible day ... Rain, dampness .. Yes, and these stupid at work. Wow ... How am I tired. So you want to relax to the fullest, have fun and forget about everything, at least temporarily ... I went into the entrance, call the elevator, go up to the apartment, turn the key in the lock ... I take off shoes, outdoor clothing, take off my jacket, skirt, fishnet stockings, bra, panties .. I Have That I'm standing in a pile of things obsalyutno naked in front of a mirror in the hallway. I look at his young tanned body, touch the nipples ... One hand squeezes swollen full breasts, the other falls below .. below the belly button to my already burning Piseev ... She carefully shaved ... Fingers relate clitoris .. It is hard and hot ... Hmmm .. I mus sex lips, Tereblya them ... Few straddle the side .. And my fingers penetrate deep into the fiery pussy, there is very humid inside the muscles contract, they want more .. I remove my hand from the pussy and sucking each finger - my juices are extremely tasty, fragrant, sweet ... The body was trembling with desire, I can see that the legs are already flowing grease ... I went to my treasured box in the locker .. Ohhh ... How many here only! Look at the pink faloimmitator falls ... He is a member of a replica of my ex ... This is slightly curved, with a swollen head and bloated wreaths .. I spend at the base of tongue, mouth take the crown, scroll through a couple of times, and swallowed up the middle ... One, two .. And now he was in my throat ... The hand at this time is completely immersed in the vagina ... We see only the wrist ... Change hand on the rubber cock ... It comes without effort, even to the end fails with artificial testicles ... There - here, deeper .. I clearly need something more ... Again, open box, choose a long time ... Maybe this? I gave him a sister. Huge, thick, probably as a stallion. Approximately 50cm in length and a diameter of about 7 cm ... I already know how this saddle a horse! Removed from the rubber pussy another - it's all in my juices .. it has been postponed ... I picked up a jar of cream, just in case smear lips, the clitoris, inside the vagina smear .. I turned to the mirror ... Mmmm ... I look at his black stallion, rather than on what looks like his cock, lick it ... Keeping two hands I present the crown to the lips .. I drive, the labor there - here ... Straddle, and without removing the dildo, sit down on his haunches ... Member of the base rests on the floor, I hold it and stick to it, inch by inch ... I go up and sit down .. Grease flows down the trunk of a black ... Mmmm ... - "How nice!" - Is already half in me, and the head rests against the wall. - "More, more, more! Ooooh, as well" - I almost cry, but I continue to jump, lift up the ass, almost thrusting the head of "horse" of the vagina and then skewer themselves on it. It was like real sex with a horse, only it was me and not him! I kept jumping and moaning, just growled with pleasure! With his free hand, I rubbed his chest, pinched nipples, put off him, then lowered his hand down and massaged ring anus, penetrating a little finger there ... I felt the approach of detente and jumped even harder! There was pain and pleasure at the same time, I did not finish it to last forever! But in the eyes is scattered bright lightning ... And the deeper I stabs a member of this, the stronger the flare ignited ... It amazes me violent orgasms ... It spreads throughout the body, paralyzing every part! O Gods, I'm already on the floor, lying on his back, I continue to insert into the vagina, "horse" ... With a loud champing it easily plunges in and out. Grease is dripping on the floor ... My legs are compressed and lowered ... Here it is ... Relaxation ... I sleep soundly ...


May 7th @ 1:55am EDT

O. ... this blowjob! How do I love it! Hmmm ... Pat tongue and throat man love body ... look at his face ... pribaldevshee Hmmm, how happy and excited when I do these things ... I have always enjoyed a sense of someone else's flesh in his mouth. I love when this coveted treasure in my mouth.I began to move cautiously and slowly. Carefully peel move it to the bottom, walk to bridle the tongue, and hands at this time continue to pull at his scrotum. I enjoy every millimetrikom his flesh. I'm like a virgin, wanting not to miss a single moment. I work for a language like a propeller inside a beautiful hand crumple bag of seed glands, and his lips are moving lower and lower.I Swallow member of more than half, and begin to reverse. I take out the penis from the mouth to admire him. Still, it is beautiful! I have a sharp tongue Tereblya small hole of his penis. With one hand, continuing to stroke his balls, the other - a little podrachivayu. A man moans and breathing sweet. I am looking for some of it and lose my head. I myself start to moan. I get a thrill when my man is good.I kiss his lower and passionate. Do not let loose his hand. Beloved, I'll do everything, and it will bring us both a lot more fun ....... He realized the futility of their attempts, and is, almost without moving. Only his hands are confused my hair and stroked his back. He completely gave me. His cock almost tore the skin, so excited. I kiss your neck, chest, abdomen, stroking his hands over his stomach.He loves it when I stroked it. He just breathes heavily and closed his eyes. He feels that I will soon touch its treasures. I caress it in the navel. He was a member of the shudders of desire and anticipation. But I am applying sudden sharp downward stroke .... and kiss his thighs, the whole hot. I was so wound itself limit.Inside me off, but I like this feeling of anticipation. I am ready to renew it. I kiss a man, he spreads his legs wider, and his breathing is even heavier. His cock is already stretched to the limit. How did he suffer? I stroked his scrotum, entire at the base. It is in anticipation of involuntarily holds his breath, his cock is already dripping from his little grease ... I breathe it. He feels my breath. Penis slightly trembling with desire, but I am applying again sharply up and start again, kissing his face.He publishes disappointed hnychuschy sound. Yes, I'm torturing you, darling. But this sweet torture. I lean against his body his overexcited pussy. He begins to move, wanting to get inside. But I do all that he has not got. This is also part of my game. His cock feels the moisture that comes out of my legs. It excites him even more. I continue to stroke him, he hugs me and kisses her passionately. I myself have all the shaking and could barely restrain, not to impose on his beautiful cock.I tear myself away from him and once again a whole anywhere. He's already frankly groans. Poor! But this sweet flour. I kiss his neck and come down sharply. I was very close. I kiss the inner thighs and take over his balls. I stroke them, kiss, rising higher and higher. For I lick the base member. I do not miss a single millimeter. I want to lick it all. Such a sweet, he had so long been waiting for this. And finally comes the turn of the head. Head all the glitters of the discharge. I gently, as if she can break from a sharp movement, taking it in her mouth. He stroked my hair and yells. I, too hard to breathe. I'm just crazy about his penis! I'm trying to cover his entire affection.But most importantly - his sweet body! I gently lick it a little rough Swallow, and he placed in my mouth completely. Obviously, this I have to hold their breath and pass it into my throat, but I like this feeling. I continue this frenzied dance. Kiss, lick, Swallow, Tereblya his scrotum, stroking the trunk and base. We are both from that of the seventh heaven. I smacked his lips, when a member breaks out of his mouth, I'm not holding back moans of pleasure. I'm teetering on the brink of orgasm and it's a pleasant feeling. I still continue and I have a feeling that I can do this indefinitely.But his cries are getting heavier, the scrotum is a solid and eggs clamped up. So he was on the verge of orgasm. I do not want so fast! I weaken their movement to slightly extend the fun. But it's impossible to stop. I have broken off his kicks, and thus themselves.He publishes a groan, then buzz the moment delayed. That's what I wanted ..... Then again, I begin to caress her with triple fervor. With one hand podrachivayu his dick, the other - mnu scrotum and can not stop sucking his dick. I'm creating a vacuum in the mouth and he was almost screaming with pleasure.Yes, I know this is very nice. I see. Past arousal returns quickly. He moans again, begins to rush to the bed and her hands to knead the sheets. So it is good. And me, too. Suddenly, his moans subside for a moment, and at the same moment for me in the mouth shoots tangy liquid. I swallow.I always swallow. I like the taste of his semen. I never spit it. I suck and lick all up to the end. He breathes heavily and beckons me with his hands, to hug. I lie down side by side. He tells me sweet words and kisses me. I'm happy. I know that he is now a little otdyshitsya and lead me to orgasm. In addition, I was so exciting blowjob that long to try it will not have ......

Lover man

May 6th @ 2:26am EDT

It was not like all beautiful, intelligent, courteous. For the first time I met a guy the first time experienced the desire. He was my boss, over 10 years. I knew he was married, and not too accessible for me. I'm sexy dress, paint and waited for a miracle ...nnOne day he asked me to stay on the computer do the work. I gladly accepted, sitting at the Dive Computers I felt his hands. He stroked my shoulders, descending lower and lower, I'm excited pussy moist.nnHe undressed completely, I saw his big penis risen. The first time I saw a male member, he took off my dress. I trembled with pleasure as he kissed my breasts. He put me on the table, spread my legs, tongue, got inside.nn-You are virgin? he asked in surprise.nnI nodded, he continued to kiss me. I was exhausted from desire, take this with me! I moaned. He sent me a dildo in the pussy, and with force entered. I moaned in pain, he continued to move, I soon experienced the first orgasm.nnThen he helped me get dressed and drove home. The next day, on a table waiting for me an envelope with a love letter. We meet in secret until now, and loved each other!n


May 5th @ 1:07am EDT

So she did not want to wake up from sleep, so it was wonderful. She lay with her eyes closed, trying to memorize every line on his face, to feel every cell in his body strong, keep it in your mind heady smell, once again, the last glimpse of the blue the blue of his eyes.- God, - she thought - who invented alarm clocks. Who came up with what I have to go somewhere, hurry up, to live like this, no reason ...Alarm clock stopped. And she still did not open his eyes. It was the most wonderful dream in her life. And she would have traded everything in it to just stay there. And how it all started very normally. He just walked up and said, "I'll take you." Natural sarcastic smile appeared on her face. Yet no man in the world is not received it. And he knew it. He just sat in front and cast a slight glance in her direction.It's like she knew something looked away. Sunset. And yet something was attracted to him - turned. The sun sparkled on his black lashes, and when he picked them up ... She remembers the look on life. I did not see it is infinite and tender of this view. Strength, confidence, and love - this moment decided everything.Yes, they wanted each other so as no one had not wanted to. The passion took possession of their bodies and minds. Two strong intelligent beings, opposed to other life, and succumbed to the feeling. Now she lay and thought that if this really happened, we would have never allowed myself to this.Their bodies are strained to the limit. Kissing, flew from his lips, was burned, but the body had no burns. Wet the body, irregular breathing ... With her wet lips flew unearthly kisses - He was drowning in love. In each other's arms, they found themselves. They fell on krovat.On quickly began to pull off her skirt and slowly while tselovat.Ona howled in his hand, pulled off her spine.On koftu.Nezhno touched the tip of the tongue, it soared up the chest.Gently ran his hand along her kiski.Ona trepetala.No he seems to be playing with ney.Solnyshko he said you just do not boysya.Ona neboyalas it terribly and wanted the most out of the corner ego.On slowly pulled off her fingers trusiki.I leaned against the tongue to pussy . Several times spent on it rukoy.I now he was hung over ney.Ya love you he whispered and quickly became a nee.Ey was very painful, it could have calmed plakala.On.kak ee.Govoril that all is well, kiss but not ostanavlivalsya.I here in a few minutes the pain was replaced by what is indescribable priyatnym.Oni kissing. How I love you she said emu.Oni could make love forever.It seemed that he had forgiven all their sins and mistakes, so childishly happy they were. "I love you" - he said, stroking her long hair white. So scary to believe, she closed her eyes and mentally pronounced the same but did not say aloud. Gently reached out and hugged him in agreement.Why, why all the so-wonderful ending! - She thought with her eyes closed. It has long been late for work. Who needs it now! Still need to open your eyes, feed your favorite cat ...She lifted her heavy eyelids and ...Thank you, thank you, Lord, you heard me, and gave it to me! He was lying beside him. She kissed his still warm lips and went to make coffee.

Black king

May 4th @ 1:21am EDT

Black King, symbolizing the great schism of the human spirit, sitting motionless on a high hill and looked down. He looked long and his eyes were sad. Mountain towered above the lake and it was as if his center. Reflected in the water, she bizarrely changed the color of the water from the deep-blue to mercury.The dark waters of the lake were completely littered with white lilies, emitting pungent aroma, such as tossing the excited bees.There was something disturbing in this mix colors - black and white, or whether something more should have been dominated by a lily-covered with these dark waters a carpet or a modestly decorated with a small bouquet somewhere near the coast.Despite the intense heat, the mountains around like crazy, rushed animals, and so quickly that it was impossible to discern what breed they belong to.Tormented by the hot rays of the sun, the Black King came down from the mountain with a clear intention to tear lilies, every one, when suddenly he changed his mind and snapped his fingers long, well-cared. Before him, like a leaf before the grass is literally out of thin air appeared a little black man in a long, dark hat. He humbly bowed his head and paused for a few moments.Black King looked at his subject. His pupils splashing water, he beheld the whole day.-Well, - he said almost impatiently.Yes, yes, - hurried black man in a high hat, and stood at full height - certainly find ... Yes, the potential is quite large, so to speak ... Prunus poetic gift, love.-Talent - Black King interrupted him more impatient and added:High-Egregor interested?Yes, yes, yes, of course, of course, we understand, is not it ... Of course, we picked up was a man whose gift of supreme interest to Egregor. It happened yesterday. Joined the channel of communication, and our people do not miss this meeting. It was a bright flash of light energy! I am very pleased. He was prepared for a long time - five years, although the boy was fairly clean heart, grew up in the village, but it seems to hedge. You understand that such meetings occur once every thousand years. I am sure that this time we do not let go of our production, the meeting was only one, and it is not yet fully grown in spirit - we milked as it should. The talent is immense. Catch as usual?-Do not rush. Let the stronger. Yes, yes. Of course, the glory. Slavoj we filled up, fill in the very top, thank God, it is in our mandate.I am sure that he did not survive?-No. That\'s right. Just do not happen. My mother was hurt severe. I am convinced that you can kiss the baby only when he sleeps. Weak-willed. Our client is a kind word will give everything, and ecstatic roar of the crowd, he will not survive.And then I bleed his heart, my King, I will gather all fours to spark the fire of his soul - will only have a machine with the insatiable desire of the mind to the eternal self-affirmation. This scheme is well tested on Pushkin, Lermontov ...-I would hope so. Such a bore. I eat like mosquitoes, no choice, but drug addicts drunks.-My King, soon, very soon will come other times. For this boy will rank others. The envoys from other planets, the earth, they are fragile as glass. No notice of the boundaries of existence, after which come into the country of illusion. Do not miss any. We charge on a thousand years. Improve their business and got out of debt. Yes, do not forget, my lord, to-morrow - your show. You are thoroughly up their strength.Black people reverently bowed and vanished, disappeared over the lake with a black cloud.The conversation is extremely tired. Yes, the show is good, dammit. The king sat on his haunches and looked into the lake. Slowly ran his hand over his face, as if erasing it.From the depths of black water on it looked ugly man with sharp brown eyes, bald, with gray hair. As a huge forehead furrowed wrinkles. An avid shorty. The genius of world art. O-Oh, fresh female blood as he brought his master! Never, in whom the Black King is not felt so full and so selflessly. The gypsy, wondering Spanish boy, he foretold the usual fate. And what fate might have been at this voluptuous mediocrity - if he had not intervened, the Great King!One summer day as he sat in his favorite spot - on the shore of the pond in the Spanish town of Malaga. He loved this place for a special silence and mist. Nowhere, except for rare winter days in Russia, the water does not emit such waves dairy fancy doing all the space around the unreal, fantastic. Only in the morning mist abated, as if a hand slowly pulling slippery-white veil, revealing a bright green with a pungent smell of damp earth ...At this time, right before his astonished eyes revealed a charming female leg, he loved this breed - a thin ankle and firm dark eggs, covered with golden hairs. Then ... a couple of men\'s feet with long fingers, rhythmically loose earth, sweet boy butt. The girl was a miracle how good (and then he heard her name Carmen). These black long hair, half-closed eyes ... Apparently, this young man just a few quick minutes ago proporol fragile shell of her virginity-all of her perfectly tailored dark body was strained to the limit, plump lip of a child zakushena. A great miracle in his life-Black King witnessed many such scenes, but now it is something very intriguing ... From teenagers were such a wave of passionate sensuality that galvanized and excited all the space around them. Its movements are fascinated, he acted like an experienced lover with an insatiable passion kiss, lick and bite full of swarthy chest with pale pink breasts, nervously clutching submissive hips, occasionally picking up his hands round his knees, he was keenly enjoyed these hot and humid, mild and dry parts of her body, tart and sweet, spicy fragrance of her youth. He was insatiable, this young demon, he drank to the bottom of his inexperienced girlfriend, and when the King saw that he had reached the point of no return (her face suffused with waxy pallor), then very quietly cleared his throat ...

Women's orgasms. Few scientific facts.

May 3rd @ 3:54am EDT

In the mid-60s men finally began to pay attention to the female orgasm and treat it as the main validation of their sexual viability. But a recent survey of the female population of Russia has shown that in the country among the vast majority of men are selfish so-called sex. Heroine of the movie "Envy of the Gods" had to wait forty years, what would exclaim: "What was that?", And cried after surrendered to a visiting Frenchman. And this was the same female orgasm, resorting to medical terminology, this is an intense contraction of the muscles of genital organs, which occurs during the peak time of intercourse, due to the outflow of blood.Sexologists say three types of orgasms: vaginal, clitoral and non-genital.Clitoral orgasm can be achieved by stimulating the partner language or Bobkova part of the body, also a great way to cause clitoral orgasm - masturbation.What would you want to achieve vaginal orgasm vaginal stimulation phallus, fingers or a vibrator. An interesting fact is that the more intense and more frequent stimulation occurs, the shorter the vaginal orgasm. However, when it reached less intense movements, in the opinion of most women, it is brighter and longer.Non-genital orgasms may occur when kissing, passionate embraces and caresses, without sexual intercourse. But only one out of ten women capable of such an orgasm.The average female orgasm lasts between 13 -25 seconds, sometimes up to one minute. There is a definition of a multiple orgasm. This state of ecstasy lasts for almost ten minutes, when the "waves of pleasure" rolls with virtually no stop, introducing a woman in an indescribable state.Almost every man reaches the point vyshey pleasure during sexual intercourse. While the experience the pleasure of intimacy can only one in four women. In the remaining women, everything is about as follows: approximately 50% of orgasm often enough, about 30% - is rare and about 17% - never.

10 dreams of sexual lady.. Tenth dream

May 2nd @ 1:24am EDT

In the tenth dream I first had sex in the subway.Dream was chaotic, but bright and beautiful, just like the previous ones all my dreams. My friend got stuck in traffic on the Leningradka and throwing the car at a shop, rode on the subway, hoping not to be late for important meetings.The car was a real crowd, I huddled in the corner, and my companion tried his best to shield me from human wave. My coat was unbuttoned, and the hand of a friend accidentally slipped a few times between my legs (I suppose, that it was not so accidentally). Once again we find ourselves at a distance from each other, and that distance, it is difficult to call it, as if I playfully ran her hand on his crotch and to his surprise found that there is going on under the pants something unimaginable ...I slowly undid his zipper, and my hand touched his panties, beneath which grew a red-hot "rock" (as his cock was hard.)- Oh, God ... - whispered my companion, I'm finished.His cry has prompted me to get on, and after a few seconds, my hand stroking the wet head. Hiding behind from prying eyes hollow coat, I slowly continued to caress his advantage, bringing the very moment when my hand is full of warm moisture male nectar.Lifting her skirt and slightly to the side strip my panties, my fingers were caressing each other tenderly my wet bud. Several times I brought a defender of his hand to his mouth and greedily licking your fingers back to my feverish "girlfriend." For a while we forget that the people around us, and suddenly I felt like my hand is plunged into a hot spring. My friend groaned, biting her lips, and I was flooded with bliss ...When we came to their senses a little bit, I saw standing next to a woman who looked strangely at us. It seemed to me that she, too frequent breathing.In the dynamics of the driver's voice that is our next stop and we are able to quickly put themselves in order, and hurried to the door ....

10 dreams of sexual lady.. Ninth Dream

May 1st @ 1:11am EDT

The night of 22 to 23 December was the longest in this millennium ...nnSuch magnificent and brilliant dreams I have not seen. I had a New Year's Eve.nnI had a New Age. I dreamed the new millennium.nnI was preparing for his birthday, when suddenly the door opened and there stood an old friend of mine came with a huge bouquet of red roses:nn- Sorry, lovely creature,nnWith the newly broke your rest.nnAnd, forgetting all the promises,nnBurst into the light to your mind ...nnAnd he promised never to disturb me. He, you see, is not anxious to do by my virginity. With these parting boyfriend I have no regrets. But also generously forgive when they recognize their mistake. At this time the young man came to me with his girlfriend and had almost wife. He somehow convinced her that we can sometimes deal with sexual games together, ie three, I used him and offered.nnHis companion was a remarkably pretty, fragile, delicate and beautiful girl.nnDeny myself the pleasure to pet a charm, I just could not. We went into my bedroom and I took off her robe on the floor. The girl fell to her knees in front of me and touched my lips to the outbreak of an incredible desire the most devoted "girlfriend." I have long noticed that the most amazing orgasm feel when sexual play begins spontaneously and without any preliminaries.nnHowever, the prelude is always lurking in my mind ...nnWhen I opened her eyes for a moment, I saw that my visitor his "hero" caress the beloved person. It seemed that she was suffering from what can not be simultaneously immersed in his mouth, and a phallus, and my pink bud. I lay on the bed, the girl, not looking up from my nectar, lifted to meet his friend a snow-white ass and spread her buttocks, arms. A few seconds later I felt that the "hero" is already in it. Her moans resembled a song ...nnLater, after we parted, I knew in advance that they have thought through the script, because when my guest reached a peak of pleasure, he took his faithful friend and filled with sperm Inflamed both my stomach and the face of his companion. She greedily licked droplets of divine drink, which slowly rolled down to my mound.nnThen she plunged into her mouth damp fruit of his companion, and the happiness of her cheeksnnTears rolled down ...nnI slowly woke up, but somewhere outside the music played and heard the voice of Lil Wayne:nn"... A tear, like a boat on the river ..."

10 dreams of sexual lady.. Eighth dream

Apr 30th @ 1:24am EDT

In the eighth dream I was an attendant in the NE-truck.Writhing on the elastic corners like a long snake, the train sped from the Khabarovsk to Moscow. Dimensional sound of the wheels gently reminded of the approach to his hometown. Passengers, I had only 14 people, and then two left our company in Novosibirsk.In the third compartment was riding a guy, a tall brunette with big, but it seemed to me very sad eyes. And Moscow has remained one night.When all of my guests had gone to bed in my compartment there was a knock. Job - a job, I opened the door and saw a "sad" passenger. By the time we all got acquainted, and therefore, turning to him by name, I asked:- What happened?- Came to pass, Annette, - said a trembling voice my nocturnal visitor. - It happened as soon as I entered the car and saw you.- But why are you silent all this time? - I tried to joke, but suddenly noticed his eyes with tears.- It's hard to talk about it and maybe I would never have anyone in that is not admitted. Only the fact that we are now seeing each other for the last time in his life, gave me this courage and suppressed my shyness and shame. Only, for God's sake, I beg you, dear Annette, do not judge me. If I did not confess to you and not talk about his innermost desire, perhaps, I could live my life without ever having experienced it in reality. You do not condemn me?- If you do not do me no harm, how can I condemn you? - I replied.- Thank you, girl. You will not drive me, if my request seems too bold?- Speak, I listen to you.- Annette, I'm married, I have no problem with regard to women, but I can not do anything with them, and often masturbate, or looking at pornographic pictures in front of TV. For me it is like a journey into adolescence, when I had no opportunity to engage in regular sex with a woman. But my dream has always been there to do it in front of a beautiful girl, so she could see the whole process from beginning to end. Please do not expel me. Can I do this right now?His eyes darted, and the fear and horror. I realized one thing: if you drive them out of the compartment, theor more people who are not recognized in their desire. When I came to the door and locked it, my companion fell to his knees and kissed my feet.- Thank you, Annette. I am grateful for meeting you. Some sixth sense told me that you is you will understand me and not laugh in my face, do not call me a dirty word ...- You want me to undress? - I asked.- Of this I do not even dreamed of, my Goddess. - He got out of his pants and bared his cock head.I took off my skirt and jacket uniform, left in stockings, panties and a light blouse, through which shone the pink nipples of my breasts and the girl asked (knowing the answer):- And you will not mind if I stroked his girlfriend, too?- Did my dream come true? Can I do this now? - Whispered in my guest. He eagerly looked at my fingers, caressing the clitoris. Then, closer to my member of the mound, a powerful jet of hot sperm watered my stomach and legs ...When I woke up, the train was approaching Moscow, and I was one of the passengers ...

10 dreams of sexual lady..Seventh Dream

Apr 28th @ 12:51am EDT

In the seventh dream I was a teacher-Mistress ...To me were a potential slave and slave. They stood in front of me on her lap and listened to his lady. I said an icy voice:- From this moment on you vile creatures, to refer to me only, and you call me Your Majesty, Annette. You have no right to ask me questions as long as I myself do not wish to hear them unworthy of your mouths. You should always remember: I do not play in the Lady. This is Ms in my blood. I have your Mistress. You - my stuff, and I am mistress of my things. And if you bastards want to take a place in my wardrobe, you have to forget their names and remember those nicknames that I'll appropriation.If you decide to just play the slave, it is better to give up this scheme, until I have chained in irons. I feel the falseness of three miles, I do not need toys. I do not baraholschitsa and keep in your wardrobe useless things. If the thing has lost its value and I do not need it, I have no regrets throws it in the trash. That you have not suffered the same fate, you must comply all of my orders, all my desire, my every whim. Only utter submission and reckless devotion can give you the right to call my thing. All your thoughts must be directed only to have to please me.You may at any moment, should be ready for anything. When you realize that you fell into the hands of this Lady, will be too late. You will regret that they were born into the world, you'll be cursing that moment when you decided to become a volunteer in front of me on my knees and kiss my hands. No one ever in your past life you did not put down and mocked by you as I will do it, your Majesty, your mistress, your Lady. You will experience in their own skin, such torture, that the desire to be slaves of you will be gone forever, and you will be lying at my feet and beg me to let go of you bastards to freedom. But I have only myself and no one else can take you out of my wardrobe and give you the sweet life in the garbage ...But you, unworthy of the animals have to remember, and something else: I'm not one who makes flying a dog, all of my orders are feasible, they just might be demeaning to the extent that you can falter. I understand that you can even drive the horse, but you still were once people. I do not like to spoil your things, I'm their bank. I do not let anyone touch her things, because that is my and only my stuff. I even love their slaves, and sometimes encourage: instead of ten strokes can hit nine, instead of the toilet you can use as toilet paper, instead of the cosmetic table can assign bedside rug .... This is not a complete list of my awards. Now think brutes ....I give you one minute.Five seconds later my (still) the guests kissed my hand and whispered: - we - are your thing, Your Majesty ... AnnetteHaving uttered this phrase, they have ceased to be my guests.

10 dreams of sexual lady.. Sixth Dream

Apr 27th @ 1:09am EDT

In the sixth dream, my friend gave to man.It is also still a virgin, but enjoys anal sex with me. My fans will remember how we had fun in the second dream.Our friend asked for permission to be present at our games and watching the passionate caresses girls excited to such an extent that could not stand it and began to masturbate over the face of my beloved.Natasha first time in my life touched the tip of the tongue to the head of the hot excited penis. Our guest is groaned and nearly filled the face of my girlfriend of his sperm. But he restrained himself, and kissed my girlfriend. It was a pleasure to watch this new feature and I felt a rush of desire. I suddenly realized that something unusual was about to happen and quite new to both of us. My friend has always been against relations with men, she thought she was 100% lesbian, but there is something in it awakened the unknown and she whispered:- A man come into my ass ...Guest did not make for a long time to persuade myself, and after a few seconds his cock was gentle and soft to sink into my baby. Natalie moaned and just stick to the excited lump. She pushed the arms extensively buttocks and continued to whisper:- Come on Come in all, I want it all went. Pour me a complete ass, I want you to come to me.This scene brought me to orgasm, but I continued to masturbate watching a sweet couple. My friend raised his ass up so high that a member of the guest nearly breaks out ... Then Natasha, freeing up a member of the anus, turned to face him and eagerly plunged it into his mouth. A little sucking, she sat back down at him, and then there was a voluptuous moaning men. He could no longer restrain himself, and I saw a lunatic Natasha shook with orgasm. Apparently, the hot jet of sperm added to her new sensations ...When the "dignity" of our guests a little bit faded away, I noticed as well between the outstretched legs of the girls stepped out of my hole droplet male nectar. Then I have sex our guest in the ass, but Natalia still enjoy the taste of a new baby.My girlfriend turned into a bi ... Maybe it's for the better? ..

10 dreams of sexual lady.. Fifth dream

Apr 26th @ 6:04am EDT

The fifth dreamnnIn the fifth dream, I was a tyrannical Queen!nnWe went with him into the apartment and he began to take off his cloak, but I suddenly wanted to make him remark: Why do not you first took off my shoes? He resigned suddenly and fell to his knees, trembling hands began to take off with my feet shoes. His resignation has excited me and I am commanded to do it with his teeth. As soon as he touched his lips to my heels, I realized that it is not just a man - this is my slave!nnWhen my legs plunged into warm slippers, and I went into the room, he was still on his knees. I turned and threw him scornfully in the face of his makeup and arrogant chilling voice said:nn- Well, you whore, you stand? Crawl on me and kiss my tracks ...nnHe performed and the decree. I fell onto the couch, and my companion was sitting in front of me on his haunches and waited for new orders.nn- I want you to undress in front of me and was on all fours ...nnMy servant has fulfilled all my orders without a murmur. After a few minutes on his bare back was my coffee and lay a box of chocolates. I made him turn his back to me so that with the \"table\" nothing has fallen ... The slave did it very successfully.nn- You are my thing - I whispered, - you jerk, you\'re my dog.nn- Yes, yes, yes, my lady! - Agreed to my companion.nn- I will make of you now, the latest whore - I went on. - Spread the buttocks ...nnThe slave, doing my request, nearly knocked over a cup of coffee and immediately received a smack on the ass.nn- Are you letting a bastard? - Raising the tone, I asked. - I\'ll punish you for it.nn- Sorry, My Majesty, I am ready to redeem himself ...nnI inserted it into the anus big toe and sharply pressed. My servant groaned and I felt my pussy moist. I began to masturbate, and this insignificance ordered to suck my toes ...nnThen I remember the dream fragments, but there was everything: my office was in my litternnthe toilet, he replaced my toilet paper. When I was resting on the couch, I allowed him to masturbate a little. Then I poured over my exforced to lick the legs and feet ...nnSuch dreams I have not dreamed of, but I woke up cheerful and in a good mood. The only thing that disappointed me is the fact that in the morning I found out in my bed my faithful and obedient dog ...

10 dreams of sexual lady.. Fourth dream

Apr 25th @ 5:44am EDT

The fourth dream - a fairy tale. My friend asked me to visit the next timelingerie store "Wild Orchid" took it with him. When we entered the bright room, my companion a little embarrassed: shone around such an amazing women's panties, elegant bras, tights and stockings gentle ... I noticed how my friend's face was covered with a little blush, feeling that he is excited by such splendor.When I picked up the dazzling translucent white panties, a prominent part of his breath and he loosened his tie. Leaning towards me, he whispered:- Sweetheart, let's buy these lovely panties and you'll dress themright here in the dressing room, and I will be through a small crack watching you ...By paying in cash all our purchases, I went behind the screen, and there first shot coats, tights and then its no less beautiful panties. I put them in her purse and began to wear just bought. All this time my friend was watching me, and when I turned to him, he saw under the new things I strained hillock. The man could not stand such torture, and went into the fitting room was in front of me on my knees and greedily clung to the language of my pussy.- Lord, what are you doing? - I managed to whisper, and sank into the abyss of the unknown and yet an extraordinary pleasure. I knew that behind that curtain there are people that at any moment someone could look here and see us, but this only increased my desire. My companion and freed his friend stood in front of me, I felt through her panties as now happens is that here it will be difficult to hide. I took his penis in his hand and sent a jet of hot cum right in his pants. Warm moisture flowed down through the shuddering clit and down the legs ... I could not resist and cried from the surging waves of lust ...When I woke up and thought, and this is an idea ... This is something special and sweet.

0 dreams of sexual lady.. Third dream

Apr 24th @ 1:10am EDT

The third dream I dreamed in the morning. The street was so nasty the weather-rain, sleet and wind. I sat in a chair by the window in a cozy country house and read a book about the adventures of Emmanuelle. If you remember, there are many subjects on which quickens the breath and the hand she suddenly finds himself in shorts. When my fingers penetrated to the very pussy I found that it was quite humid and hot ... My hump trembled and I suddenly felt that I was hot. Easy and habitual movement, I slipped off her sweater, remained in shorts and stockings, and began to fondle her soft pussy. I do not remember how long it lasted, but I was distracted by a phone call ...In the tube there was a pleasant voice of my friend: how are you? What are you doing?At that point I could not lie (why?), And admitted frankly. It turned out that my friend was very close, and within 15 minutes we had together. By the time my white panties were lying on the couch next to me. My friend took it and held it to his lips, greedily inhaling the scent of my passions ... Standing in front of me on his knees, he was unable to withstand stress, unbuttoned his pants and got excited by wet cock. We began to masturbate together. A friend asked me to push my legs wider to watch my young pussy. After completing his request, I myself even more excited and opened his review of their rosettes, slightly parted her pink lips, between which trembled with pleasure solid hillock.My partner got up, took out a bag brought with leather pants fastened with an artificial phallus and appealingly asked me to put on a robe. When I was finished, he got his knees on a chair, turning her ass to me, and sent a phallus.For some time we have completely forgotten about the nasty weather, because there were quite a different country, whose name is the passion and pleasure! We were incredibly warm.We have reached a climax at the same time, and I woke up feeling sorry for only one thing - well, why dreams are so short.

10 dreams of sexual lady.. Second dream

Apr 23rd @ 1:40am EDT

The next dream was totally unexpected ... As usual, the weekend, a girlfriend came to me and we steam out to the Russian bath, started their own games. At first she enjoyed lick my pussy, and then lay on his stomach and legs outstretched, his hands spread her buttocks and gave way to a meeting to my mound. When my hair touched her delicate cave, she moaned and begged me to touch a toy to her ass ...I put on pants with an artificial phallus and gently pressed her head to the hole.My sweet little girl raised her ass even more, and I carefully went into it ... I felt as if her body is sweet trembling and realized that now my girlfriend will fall into the abyss of orgasm, and together with her for some time plunged into the abyss of lust, and unspeakable bliss ...When we were tired on a hot shelf, in the changing room door there was a knock.Later we learned that for our games through the blurred window more than once watched a neighbor to testify. This time, he could not restrain himself and asked that I did with him all the same thing, only done with his girlfriend ...He put on Natashkiny panties, stockings, and turned to our girl ...I vaguely remember how it all happened, but I've never seen such a rapid and stunning orgasm ...The day proved to be more sweet and pleasant, than all this before ...

10 dreams of sexual lady.. First dream

Apr 22nd @ 1:41am EDT

Sometimes I dream great dreams. Slightly reclined on the couch, I slowly caress her large breasts and then my hand down the belly down, gently at first for her panties, then gets under them and fingers lost in the hill under which wakes up a little bud and begins to pulsate ... Fleeting Touch to it causes it to rouse herself. It gets hot and a little hard. I feel like my sweet pussy filled with fragrant nectar of desire and sensuality. Hand movements become more insistent, the petals of my roses are covered with dew drops, fingers glide over the clitoris excited, I'm widely parted legs ...Suddenly, opening his eyes, I see a man watching me ... I'm not scared, but on the contrary, even more excited ... I motioned to him to invite him. He is in front of me on my knees and pulls his dignity. His cock strained, he begins to masturbate and inhale the sweet smell of my hot pussy. Then he slowly takes off her skirt with my brief, I'm staying in panties and stockings. Closing my eyes, I feel the touch of his lips to my dazzling translucent white panties just at the point where my clitoris is excited trying to break free, which stood out bracer ... Then we undress completely ...The man asked me to irrigate a little bit his lip and a member of the golden rain. First, I'm getting over it and pour the gold beads, and then my guest gets up at me, he masturbates, and from his excited member breaks a powerful jet of hot sperm.It falls to my furry mound, my legs, and I feel like some sort of mysterious force takes me into the ocean passions and fantastic pleasure ...We lay exhausted and spent.In parting, my guest said only one sentence: there is nothing more beautiful in the world, have an orgasm without touching the girl, I agreed with him ..

My fantasyes

Apr 21st @ 2:16am EDT

It would be interesting to connect you to me gently - not in order to overcome your resistance, but in order to enhance an orgasm ... and to teach instead that the very implementation of some fantasy ... After all, I can at the same time you zatselovat slowly zamasturbirovat, check or just a tease to orgasm, I think it would be for both of sverhpriyatno unbearable thrill, if you make a slow, skillful handling of handles ... tongue ... sponges ... member of the ... allow you to do some muscular effort, but remain completely helpless against the influence on the course of events in the rhythm and rate of stimulation ... to say so factor of uncertainty ... this will allow you to bring at least up to intolerable limits ... bring you into a frenzy, pulling the culmination of endless ... And then to see your happy eyes ... It is a pity that between us can not meet the real ... It is a pity that I can not please you singing your imagination and you are my ... For example like this: you greet me at the door of the bathroom ... you\'re wearing a halter top that barely covers your chest ... on your little panties and a pair of stockings to garters ... You step back and wait until I undress ... You held out your hand to me, your wrist against your wrist ... I brought a small soft rope ... I wrap it around your wrist ... You stared helplessly staring at me, you did not quite trust me ... I keep you in the shower ... turn on the shower, regulating the temperature of the water and beckon you ... you climb up to me ... I take and raise your hands tied on the arm for the soul ... you seem to hang. cascade of water and your hair is dark and shiny, your nipples harden and stick out from the wet-stamp ... your pussy lips stand out in the soaked panties, which now have nothing to hide ... I kiss you tenderly, and you willingly gives me a kiss ... I omit his hand down and touch the wet panties, through which I feel wet mound between your legs ... penetrating a finger in the folds of flesh, and I find your clitoris ... rub my it, until you start to twist and squirm, wanting to be free from invasion ... it makes you very excited ... I get on my knees, tighten your shorts, which now does not hide ... I throw them on the floor ... face buried in your crotch wet, trying to hustle the language ... You raise your leg and you put your foot on the edge of a small bathroom, wanting me to open more access ... but instead, I grab the scented soap and start lathering your pussy and ass, hand soap and moving back and forth ... You cave in and through the groans of asking me to let you go ... but I hereby order: - gently! playful, but quite slap you in the ass naked ... you obey and behave quietly ... Now I begin to lather your stomach, then smeared along the slippery soap around your breasts, nipples lather in a circular motion over and over again ... once you\'re asking me to let you go, but I say - no! instead, I clap your ass again, grab your shirt and pull for you, your lips are in front of my, my tongue enters your mouth and starts to play with your tongue ... Now I grab Topic shirt with both hands, tear, but so that the remnants of cloth hanging down on both sides of your breasts ... I was fascinated watching how flowing water washes the soap from the bodies and streams flowing down to the feet ... are you staring at me while I detach your hands on the arm ... do you think that I finally decided to release you, but it\'s not ... I turn you around, bend your wrist, and associate with the ankles ... I kneel behind you, staring at the water that flows down streams of pure, deep cut pussy ... Horny overlooking the buttocks, I moved forward and touched the tongue invitingly open hole, licked it, then tickled his finger around the anus, rotating and getting into a tiny, wrinkled hole ... I again began to caress the language of your lips until they reach the clitoris ... licked it, sucked on it until you feel that you are on the verge of ... I stopped and turned off the water ... you wait with hope, thinking that I untie you, finally ... but I do not do it ... instead, you feel the cool liquid around the anus and pussy ... a little more, after a short pause, you feel a hard phallus, which is included in the pussy at the same time, the phallus, smaller size, but more heavily and slowly begins to penetrate the anus ... you begin to moan, as I begin to move the double dildo back and forth ... I keep moving the phallus, first slowly, then faster and faster ... Suddenly, I pull out the two holes of the phallus, of thy mouth, pulled out a cry of regret, but I clap at your ass and order you to remain silent ... then I type in my wet cunt hard cock and move it back and forth ... a minute later, I insert a finger into your anus ... Now I\'m starting to move a finger along a member of ... I feel a hard cock, rubbing a finger across the thin wall ... I\'m moving in a uniform rhythm, until, finally, do not you begin to approach orgasm and this time I let you scream in ecstasy ... I also feel the approaching orgasm, and since you have already reached the ecstasy I pull a member from the vagina and plunging it into the anus, feeling the tight hole in the firm enters into the arms of a member of ... I move a member of the anus, which is gradually expanding. orgasm grabs my head and a member begins to pour out streams of hot sperm deep inside ... I did not pull out the term until he is reduced so much that slips out ... if I release your hands and ankles, you turn my face to him and hug, covering him with kisses ... we go out of the shower and begin to wipe each other ... Suddenly I feel your gentle fingers in his penis ... I grab your wrist ... I beg your pardon - I say with a smile - but I have not finished with you ... written on your face surprise, because I am once again giving up the cord around each of your wrists ... after that, I\'m naked in your bedroom ... Lie down on your stomach - I say ... You lie down on the bed and I bind them with one hand in one rack bed, the other arm to another counter ... I climb onto the bed and sit down on your butt ... I\'m massaging your shoulders, then move down, the spine to the waist, then his hands grope little ass, then I begin to massage the buttocks, feeling the elastic skin sensual ass ... I bend down and kiss you in the neck, caress the tongue up and down your spine, then continue down and across your tailbone ... biting his buttocks, tender them, pinching, and then kiss them, caressing language of cleavage between the buttocks ... You raise your hips slightly spreads her legs for me so I moved on, but I push them back ... still early, I whisper ... with caresses and kisses, I come down on one leg slowly, then another ... Then I reach the inside of the thighs, getting closer, licking his way to the perineum, spend a hollow tongue ... Now I sit down between your legs, lift them and put their shoulders to the hips ... Pussy is now close to my face and eyes wide open for ... I dive into the wet pussy lips, lick and caress the soft skin ... get to the clitoris, tongue penetrating deep into the hot moist depths, you fidget in bed, trying to free themselves from the cords, but nothing happens, and I continue to massage your clitoris tongue, moving it back and forth ... at the same time I begin to explore the finger skin around the anus, penetrate, then pull your finger back ... progressively deeper and deeper ... simultaneously with the movement of language, I accelerate the finger and thus pushes you to the long-awaited, blissful orgasm ... then I\'ll set you free from the shackles, you turn around and begin to eagerly suck my dick, sucking it to full length, caressing tongue around the head, moving up and down, causing a member hardens before your eyes ... Then you drop the person below, kissing and licking your testicles ... Get on your knees - you ask in a whisper ... languid, sultry voice makes you want to submit ... I get on my knees, and you lie down between my legs, so that I find myself as if sitting at your chest ... my dick hanging in front of your face and you, grab his right hand and begin stroking it evenly, sometimes alternating with compression ... finger of the other hand you find the way to my anus and pushed into the hole, as well as recently, I did this to you ... at the same time, continuing to masturbate member of ... You move the inserted finger with the same hand, drochuschey term ... I feel the approach of an orgasm ... I - finish, panting, I say ... you continue to masturbate cock fucking me with his other hand until I scream in ecstasy ... you open your mouth and barely have time to cover his eyes as the hot jets of semen, tight shot into your mouth, cheeks, the chin, then you quickly grab his mouth and sucks the last term, warm, white drops out of the penis ... I moan with delight, and I fall at your side ... It is a pity that I can not see how you\'re reading this ... fantaziruesh about it ... Slowly climb hand under her skirt and puts it between her magnificent thighs ... then your hand starts to move rhythmically ... watching you ... show is fantastic ... you go for a few seconds, then pulls off her panties, spreads her legs and in front of me is yours seductive pussy with a slightly moist half-open lips, between which one can see the red clit ... you continue to work hard on my pussy and clit ... I wish I could help you now his tongue ... It is a pity that it is impossible :) Not duysya for what I did today with you :))) I think and believe the diversity in the intimate lives of two loving people can take any form! And these games can only occur between people is really loving and understanding each other. If we believe, know, understand, feel - then all is possible! Anything that can bring a taste, pleasure, refinement in this area of ​​human life. No wonder they say love life - this is life, a rich, versatile, bright, great! And according to this very important that there was a lot of different experiences and really strong! This is not the domination and subjugation of one another ... The method of partial or complete restriction of mobility partner for the conveyance of all this sophisticated partner sexual pleasure. Here there is no suppression of one to achieve the satisfaction of another, which makes sucking or licking or hard violence ... Bound, helpless partner depends on your partner, he deserves more careful treatment. In your case it is probably the binding, not to suppress, and for relaxation or emancipation. Even if you want to become a victim of game ... You can also connect you and deliver, for example, an unforgettable oral sex, and then, for example, a good fuck without untying of course, for your complete pleasure ... A person with limited freedom of aggravated feelings and sensations, and he is more vulnerable in this position. Everyone else will depend on your partner ...

Have you seen ...

Apr 20th @ 4:27am EDT

I came into the chat and start waiting for you ...Your nickname was ...Come some other nickname ...She immediately climbed up to me in private, and the threshold stated that she had sex a hobby, and that she would tell me to strip ...Of course, I immediately refused, you know that I am an honest girl ...But she told me it was you ordered it for me to make me a pleasant surprise ...Your nickname was not ... could not ask for anyone ...She began to undress, sexy dancing ...First she took off her transparent blouse, lustfully licking her tasty red lips and slowly unbuttoning each pugovichku gesture, followed by gradual exposure of the perfect body ... Then a wave of his hand pulled the short skirt, almost killed me on the spot bare tanned thighs in black stockings and a flat tummy with a ring on the navel, which attracted and cling to him and never let go Never in my life ... ah ...Your nickname was ... have you seen ...Then she took off her bra and sexy ... shook her delightful breasts in front of my nickname ...I swallowed hard ...Your nickname was ... have you seen ...And finally ... she slowly started to take off lace panties ...All my attention was focused there ... ah ...Black, in a tone of stockings, panties slowly crept down ...I've been waiting for ...Your nickname was ... have you seen ....Finally panties slid ...And from there it fell out .... That's what I did not expect to see ...My hair stood on end and not just in my head ...Your nickname was ... have you seen ...Seeing my jaw fell to the floor, she said (or he?), In a word, asked what I was just wondering ...I picked up the jaw, said that in our subject is a rarity ...She was surprised: "You that Bob did not call?" ... I said no ... Then she decided to clarify the subject for a long time ... then apologized, saying that it is poor in Brazil, because reading is bad, that's messed up the topic ...It suddenly brought together their own, scattered throughout the chat, belongings and cleaned, leaving me in a state predinfarktnom ... I closed my private on 7 more locks and decided not to let anyone go, the second such shock I just can not bear ...

The summer is coming!

Apr 3rd @ 6:34am EDT

I'm looking forward to summer so much! It is spring now and the weather is no very good, that's why everybody work and don't think about holidays. But, summer monthes are really hot and great for having free happy days.Actually, I don't know where will spend my summer hollidays. But, I guess, wont make anything new, just will be myself )) And I really enjoy some kind of mixing activity and just having a sunburn somewhere on the bank of river, lake, sea or ocean. Doesn't matter, I just adore water and swimming and taking sunburn. Especially the last one, because when the sking is wet it get's such a sexy colour, and of course, it is pleasant, if not windy.But now, I have another one problem - to change my outfit for summer hot days, and esp bra and penties for beach. I want sexy-sexy one! And one very pleasant thin I noticed is that it is cheaper to buy such clothes earlier, when it is cold yet, not a season and shops try to get rid off last year collections for reduced prices.Well, on the nearest "weekends" I have plans to go shopping! Definitely! I'm looking forward to buying lot of sexy things soooo much! Short skirts, easy dresses and so on, oh yeah and new sun glasses. Smth modern adn really cool.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend it?

Mar 31st @ 5:51am EDT

I would definitely invest them into any profitable business. Cause I'm an accounter according to my high educatian. And I definitely know that money makes money and they shouldn't be hidden or wasted for smth what can't give you more.I have a lot plans in my head, but one I really would like to come true is my own shop of sex toys. Of unique sex toys, which will be available only in my shop.I already know where to get them and how to organize this business. But I don't have money aaaand maybe I'm not in a right place for this business. People around are so shy, religious and with some kind of USSR mentality. But, that's not a problem, because working here I got 1 very simple thing - almost each person has his or her secret sexual desire, and it is absolutely doesn't matter how they look like in real world and what do they say, and how react on smth extraordinary and so on.By the way, do you know, dear members, that each day of working here is also like winning the lottery? Absolutely no logic, nothing what can be predictable. And nobody. Even the members who visited you regularly for a long time just can dissapear one day and forever. So, one day you could earn a lot, another next 3 - nothing, absolutely nothing. But, you spent your time, and, must say, not few; you spent your mood, health and so on, but got nothing. And it is really difficult to understand what you do wrong or right. Just luck I guess, like in lottery! )My friends asked me why I'm not gonna to give some money in charity organization? The answer is easy - to begin any business you need money and some king of extra money to solve probab problems. But when my business will be stable, ok and profitable, of course, I'm not gonna to be a complete egoist and will share with smb who really needs.

new outfit )

Mar 30th @ 2:22am EDT

As any woman I really enjoy shopping ) And I decided to satisfy not only my desire, but yours, dear members, too. So, I bought new outfit )) Sexy black-red complect with really cute stockings. Actually, that was really very difficult to choose between numerous kinds of outfit, while I can't afford myself to buy everything I like. So, I had to make a choice, and, hope, didn't make a mistake. Well, at least, I like. While the most important thing is to love yourself and doesn't matter what people around you have on their mind.It doesn't matter that opinion of surrounding people means nothing to me. Just, I used to take into consideration, first of all, mine and only than - the others. By the way, I was purchasing with my friend. And she advised me to buy such a beauty in her opinion what I consider to be really ugly thing. Well, doesn't metter. Many men, many minds. And women's moreover. Tastes differ. And whatever I'm gonna to do it is impossible to please everybody.And I really don't understand people who try to do it. How can't they realize that all people are different? How can't they understand that we live only once and must be happy for ourselves and make happy people who are close to us (family, friends...), not each one at job, street and so on. Strange they are. But we are, who live for ourselves are strage for them too. It is ok I think. Harmony of the Universe and the Earth ))

Where are your hormons?

Mar 27th @ 3:46am EDT

I look into the window and see spring! I look into my flirt window and don't see the spring... Where are your hormons, guys??? The most strange thing is that members even don't communicate, don't answer my questions and so on. Just sitting and watching. No action and reaction from their side at all!Well, I understand, that it is the end of the month, so many members can just be out of extra money. But what is the problem with fingers and keyboards - I can't understand at all! Or it is the spring influence somehow like melting snow made all additional devices for PC not working?What's going on? The reaction comes only on my hot dances when in a Party. Only then I can see these short "wow, amazing, cool, more" and so on and so on. But no tips! No pvts. Oh, pvt - yes, when in fake... What's the reason?I guess, I will know it a bit later, when have more experience and understanding of at least some logics of what is going here and why, and when... )) I'll definitely understand one day. While now I have only questions, answers of which will get thanks to experience.And you know what I mantioned - the best recepie for success is very easy. It is such a mixture of patience and faith both in yourselve and rules of the Universe! Everything comes as it comes, and whatever you may say or think, whatever is going it is going for better. So, I guess, the only one thing I need now is patience. A looooooooot patience!

"Don't do anything, babe, just talk to me"

Mar 22nd @ 7:41am EDT

If to be honest, when I started this job, I was sure that it will be dul and not interesting in plan of captivating discussions and intellectual progress of myself as personality. Just such a kind of alive doll, who must satisfy men's sexual fantasies.But, it turned out to be a bit different in comparison with what I thougth at first. Cause more and more often in my room we discuss so different things: politics, historical periods, worldwide events and so on and so on. And sometimes some members even go pvt if wonna get rid off interrupters. Or even just come in pvt from nowhere (I mean that they didn't communicate at first in free chat), and ask just to talk with them. It confuses me so much...I understand that sometimes a person can feel him/herself very lonely and just wonna to talk, that's why go pvt for talking. I'm enough wellread and sympathetic to talk about whatever.I'm still not sure wрeather I'm doing right when hold such conversations in my room. Because I clearly understand that F4F is a site for sexual entartainment. I'm really confused, guys. That's why I'd rather create a topic in forum to discuss this questiong with other performers and, I hope, members will also drop a couple of lines.

Dancing the poems. Very senstitve and even sexy.

Mar 21st @ 3:25pm EDT

So, as you can see on my shedule I'm not here for 2 days per week (Wednesday and Thursday). I mean not broadcasting, but I am here in my profile, forum and blog. And I try to make these 2 days really full of different interesting content.nnToday I was not only on strip, but visit poetic evening too. I'm gonna to tell a couple ow words about the second. nnFirst of all, that was an evening of modern poetry - the presentation of new book, where the poems from the Internet's famous authors are puplished.nnSecondly, that was not just prezentation and reading, but very creative evening with lots of not standart 'ways'. nnThe one I really admired was - dancing the poem. There was one girl - ballet dancer. And she danced, while other authors were reading their poems. Not just dancing, but showing words by movements of her body. That was smth amazing, like sign language translation, very precise and sensititve at the same time.nnGosh, how great she was moving, how expressing the words and mean of poems. Those dances were full of soul, heart and erotism. Really exciting! Great actress! nnThat was an ideal example of emathy for me, how to feel others through your own body and show it to other. nnI think I spent this evening very useful! Such a lesson can't be in vain. And I'm sure that now I'm much closer to understanging of what and how to do in pvt, if the member askes for more or less interesting things which have not only sex in the base.

Strip dance! ;)

Mar 20th @ 4:08pm EDT

Aprox 2 weeks ago I was thinking about how to spend my free time usefully. I mean the use for working here more interesting and profitable, and, of course, more exciting for myself. And you know, I found an ideal decision for myself and now I visit very exciting courses of strip dancing. Gosh, that is so cool process! I have never thought that studying can be so great!nnThanks Godness, that is not the first experience I have in dancing, that's why my body knows how to move naturally )) and my muscle stretch and flexibility are really good. So studying professional strip is not so hard for me.nnI already began to use new skills in my pvt shows, so you can enjoy it with me! ;)nnThe only one thing I dislike a bit is permited music while broadcasting. I think those zip archives on the site are to little. But, I hope, in the nearest future the administration of the site will full fill it with smth new. nnBut, nevertheless, whatever music playing - if you feel it and your body, you'll do great! And I practise, practise and practise once more each day )) Experience is the best teacher, I think, esp when you have and opportunity to see yourself not only in the mirror, but in the monitor too.nnn

Sex is a problem. TV show.

Mar 16th @ 12:18pm EDT

Sex - is a problem. Problem because it is the reason of numerous illneces, assults and unphappy love stories with suicide. That's why we should change it with smth to stimulate our brain zones of satisfaction. That's why scientists make up different ways for satisfuction and unnatural ways of becoming pregnant.Today I saw a TV programm with such announcement. Don't know what about you, but I decide this arguments such a stupidness that wouldn't like to watch it till the end.To say that sex is a reason of illneces and assult, in my opinion, is the same if we say that the process of eating is the reason of food poisoning, which happenes million time per day, or that our transport needs are the reason of numerous accidents with deathes. Where is the logic???? What they show us? Do they think that we are so stupid? For me it is clear that problem is not in a process, whatever it can be - sex or eating, or smth else, but in people's attitude and ability to use brain and have some moral values.They will not solve the problem of assults or sexually transsmited deaseases or anything else by quiting sex... The problem itself is much deeper, how can't they understand it?They suggest to use special drugs and andro robots and so on... What do you think about all these?

I'm a good girl today )

Mar 14th @ 7:06pm EDT

You ask me why? The answer is easy - I fulfilled my shedule here finally! Yeah, I did it, however dull it seemed to me. I'm nasty and horny, you know dear members ;) but absolutely lazy in such things as organizing. But, I realized how comfortable for you it is to know when I'm here. And now you'll know it if see my shadule. It is true and 100% reliable )) Yeah, yeah, yeah, 5 days per week, 8 hours per day I'm here for you and for our lovely or durty games ;) I'd like to be online more often, but, unfortenatly can't. That's why I do my best during the time I have. And I'm sure we are going to enjoy this time together! ;)What's more I decided to organize my profile to make it more interesting. But, I don't know how to begin. But already decided that every day I'll:1. read and answer all your messages and letters, however many they going to be. Give u my honest word! ))2. write here, in my blog. So, you are welcome to read and comment ;) and maybe ask me some questions or give some interesting for you topics, about which I can fully write here.3. publish new photoes (though, this one point is not for every day, cause I don't have such quantity of pictures).4. think about smth new in my shows and attraction. And, of course, your wishes and ideas are welcome.5. Visit the forum, sometimes topics there are really interesting. 6. Take active participation in forum's live.aaaand, I think, enough for now.Of course, I'm going to do all these things in my free time in order not to offend you with my lack of time. Remember, 8 hours per day are wholy yours! ;)Alina


Mar 2nd @ 12:50am EST

Im new model. Welcome to my room and play with me

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